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ANKARA: Long awaited day in Ergenekon case

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  • ANKARA: Long awaited day in Ergenekon case

    Zaman Online, Turkey July 14 2008

    Long awaited day in Ergenekon case

    The content of an indictment filed against suspects in a case deemed
    to be one of the most important in the history of the republic is
    being announced today, officially explaining the accusations behind
    dozens of detentions and arrests during a yearlong investigation.

    According to information already leaked to the media, the indictment
    was prepared by three prosecutors led by Zekeriya Ã-z on Ergenekon
    -- a crime network including journalists, academics, political party
    leaders, civil society figures, former and possibly current army
    officers, including generals, seeking to cause chaos in Turkey and
    lead to a coup -- is nearly 2,500 pages long. Eighty-five people are
    being indicted by the document, 48 of whom were jailed during the
    investigation, which started in the summer of 2007 as a probe into a
    house discovered in Ä°stanbul being used as an arms depot and
    which later turned out to be linked to the Ergenekon gang, designated
    a terrorist organization by the prosecutor.

    According to news reports yesterday, 20 witnesses whose testimonies
    are in the indictment are referred to not by their names, but by
    numbers assigned to each one due to concerns about their personal

    The details of the indictment will be announced today by
    Ä°stanbul Chief Prosecutor Aykut Cengiz Engin, who said on
    Saturday that he would not be sharing the entire content of the
    indictment with the media but only general information. The 2,455-page
    document was saved on three DVDs comprising 400 folders.

    The indictment includes failed coup attempts planned by some of the
    suspects while serving in the military as high-ranking
    generals. Documents seized in the suspects' offices and homes during
    the Ergenekon investigation revealed that some retired generals had
    attempted to stage three coup plans, codenamed Sarıkız,
    Ayı&#xC5 ;?ıÄ?ı and Eldiven, between the
    years 2002 and 2004 against the Justice and Development Party (AK
    Party) government. The indictment, according to yesterday's reports,
    also mentions a fourth coup plan devised in November of 2002 by a
    circle formed under the gendarmerie forces called the Republican Study
    Group, similar to the Western Study Group, formed in 1998 under the
    naval forces, which was key to an unarmed military intervention in
    February of that year.

    Retired Gen. Å?ener Eruygur, the chief of the Gendarmerie
    Command at the time the Republican Study Group was founded, and
    retired Col. Hasan Atilla UÄ?ur, the head of an intelligence
    unit department at the Gendarmerie Command at the time, are currently
    under arrest pending trial. Levent Ersöz, another senior former
    general who served as head of Gendarmerie Command Intelligence at the
    time, is currently wanted by the prosecution. He is believed to be
    hiding abroad. The indictment claims the group was established by
    Gen. Eruygur.

    The indictment also claims Ergenekon operations were behind the
    killing of a senior judge in a 2006 shooting at the Council of State
    and the assassination of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, who
    was shot dead by an ultranationalist teenager in January 2007. The
    prosecutors say the Dink assassination and the Council of State
    shooting were operations of the group as it planned to stage attacks
    and murders that would create "chaos in the country."

    In addition to retired generals Eruygur and UÄ?ur, retired
    Gen. Veli Küçük, who was the leader of an
    ultranationalist organization in his civilian life, and
    Gen. HurÅ?it Tolon, a former chief of the 1st Army, are also
    currently under arrest. However, they are not the only suspects with a
    military background. Eruygur also heads a seemingly civil society
    organization called the Atatürkist Thought Association (ADD),
    which organized massive rallies against the government in major cities
    last year. These rallies, the plans of which are detailed in coup plot
    documents, are now mostly seen as attempts to mobilize the masses to
    serve the purposes of the coup planners.

    Another public figure in the indictment is DoÄ?u
    Perinçek, head of the Workers' Party (İP), who too has
    also been under arrest for some time now. Each of the 85 suspect
    indicted is addressed in five chapters, on average, detailing the
    nature of the accusations, amounting to a total of 425 chapters on the
    accused alone. Some of the chapters on the key suspects are as long as
    150 pages. The indictment also details the Ergenekon terrorist
    organization's international links.

    The indictment claims that İP leader Perinçek, retired
    senior Gen. Küçük and Sedat Peker, an
    ultranationalist leader of the underworld who is serving 14 years on
    organized crime charges and who also has alleged links to the gang,
    frequently met in foreign countries to have secret meetings.

    News reports also say there will be a separate indictment for
    Ret. Gen. Eruygur and Ret. Gen. Tolon, who were first detained and
    then arrested by a court two weeks ago in the last wave of police
    raids in the Ergenekon investigation.

    The indictment will be presented today to a court which will then
    decide under the rules of Turkey's National Judicial Network project
    which higher criminal court will hear the case. Later, the higher
    criminal court assigned the case will have 15 days to either accept
    the indictment or return it to the prosecutor's office if there are
    errors or inadequacies in the indictment. Once the indictment is
    accepted, the case will start. The court will then hear witness
    testimonies once again and review the situation of those under
    arrest. If the court rejects the indictment, the investigation will
    continue and the prosecutor will have to go over any errors or
    inadequacies in the text before s/he resubmits the indictment.

    Ã-zkök in his time pressured to resign

    Meanwhile, former Chief of General Staff Gen. Hilmi Ã-zkök,
    who was in office during the time of the coup attempts of Ergenekon
    suspects and who made exclusive statements to Radikal daily's Murat
    Yetkin, said he was forced to resign from his position by the coup
    plotters. According to Yetkin's account, based on his interview with
    Ã-zkök, there was pressure on him to resign and pressure to
    block Gen. YaÅ?ar Büyükanıt, then Land
    Forces commander, from being promoted to chief of general
    staff. Yetkin wrote that former Gendarmerie Force Commander
    Gen. Eruygur attempted to be promoted to chief of general staff
    himself by excluding both Ã-zkök and

    A mong other Ergenekon suspects currently in jail pending trial are
    controversial ultranationalist lawyer Kemal Kerinçsiz, who has
    filed countless suits against Turkish writers and intellectuals at
    odds with Turkey's official policies; Fikret KaradaÄ?, a retired
    army colonel; and Sami HoÅ?tan, a key figure in the 1996
    Susurluk affair in which close links between a police chief, an
    internationally sought-after mafia boss and a Southeastern Kurdish
    tribal leader whose people are funded by the state to fight separatist
    terrorism had been exposed.

    ---------------------------------------- ------------------------

    Full list of Ergenekon suspects currently under arrest
    Ret. Brig. Gen. Veli Küçük, Workers' Party
    (Ä°P) leader DoÄ?u Perinçek, Ä°P
    Secretary-General Nusret Senem, Turkish Orthodox Patriarchate Press
    spokeswoman Sevgi Erenerol, lawyer Kemal Kerinçsiz, National
    Forces Association President retired Sr. Col. Mehmet Fikri
    KaradaÄ?, retired Maj. Fikret Emek, retired noncommissioned
    officer Oktay Yıldırım, retired Cpt. Muzaffer
    Tekin, former Cpt. Zekeriya Ã-ztürk, retired Cpt. Gazi
    Güder, retired noncommissioned officer Mahmut
    Ã-ztürk, retired noncommissioned officer Orhan Tunç,
    former Spc. Sgt. Muhammet Yüce, Bekir Ã-ztürk, Murat
    Ã?aÄ?lar, former police officer Aydın
    Yüksek, writer Ergün Poyraz, Susurluk affair convict
    Sami HoÅ?tan, academics Dean Ã`mit Sayın and Dean Emin
    Gürses, journalist Vedat Yenerer, Aydınlık
    magazine Editor-in-Chief Serhan Bolluk, National Channel board member
    Adnan Akfırat, National Channel Editor-in-Chief Ferit
    Ä°lsever, National Channel Ä°zmir Bureau Chief Hayati
    Ã-zcan and remaining suspects Hayrettin Ertekin, Mehmet
    DemirtaÅ?, Muzaffer Å?enocak, Ä°smail
    Yıldız, Mete Yalazangil, AyÅ?e Asuman Ã-zdemir,
    Hüseyin Gazi OÄ?uz, Kahraman Å?ahin, Erol
    Ã-lmez, Erkut Ersoy, Hüseyin Görüm,
    OÄ?uz Alpaslan Abdülkadir, Abdullah ArapoÄ?lu,
    Ã`mit OÄ?uztan, Vatan
    BölükbaÅ?oÄ? lu, Muammer Karabulut,
    Abdülmüttalip Tonçer, Selim Akkurt, Hikmet
    �içek, Ali Kutlu, Rasim Görüm and
    Behiç Gürcihan.

    İlhan Selçuk, chief columnist of the Cumhuriyet daily,
    and former Ä°stanbul University Rector Kemal AlemdaroÄ?lu
    were also detained in the operation but later released pending
    trial. The court ordered a ban on overseas travel for Selçuk
    and bi-weekly checks at the nearest police station for

    Close to 30 other suspects in addition to the individuals listed above
    are being charged with links to Ergenekon.

    14 July 2008, Monday