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A Meeting in `Noravank' Foundation

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  • A Meeting in `Noravank' Foundation


    "Noravank" Foundation
    14 July 2008

    On July 4 of the current year the `Noravank' Foundation's experts
    hosted the RA Foreign Ministry head of the Committee for Diaspora
    Hranush Hakobyan. The subjects discussed at the meeting concerned to
    the urgent issues of organizing the Armenians people all over the
    world. Beginning from October 1 the above mentioned committee will be
    reestablished into a Ministry for Diaspora affairs, which will make a
    serious ground to realize the practical steps directed to solve these

    The director of `Noravank' Foundation, Gagik Harutyunyan, mentioned
    that it was already a year that in the framework of the Foundation had
    been working Armenological Systemizing- Information center which was
    engaged in organizing Armenological researches, establishing ties with
    Armenological centers, organizing and realizing researches and
    practical works in Armenian communities. He accentuated the
    significance of forming Pen-Armenian joint information field, exchange
    of current information by means of using all the advantages of network

    Representing the works carried out in the following direction G.
    Harutyunyan also mentioned that within the framework of its resources
    Foundation had also held an International Conference in Yerevan devoted
    to the problems of Armenian communities (June 2007) and organized field
    research works in the Armenian20communities. Both the above mentioned
    Conference and field researches to study the communities are the first
    events realized during the years of the RA independence.

    The head of Armenological coordination-information center of `Noravank'
    Foundation, Phd Harutyun Marutyan was brief while touching upon the
    works carried out in the framework of the center programs, especially
    accentuating the issues concerning the policy of Armenian memory. Some
    attempts have been made to outline practical ways of political usage of
    memory about genocide, to inform the people inhabited in Armenia about
    the attempts of foreigners (especially Jews) of putting forward and
    looking for ways of solution of the Armenian Question issues within a
    certain framework. And that attempts suggest that it is necessary to
    undertake the work of wording, motivating and representing claims
    raised to compensate material damages caused by the Genocide taking
    into consideration the fact that this process has been lasting for tens
    of years. The best way to give solution to this problem is founding a
    non-governmental organization which will not be constrained by the laws
    of the interested state. This body may also be a structure carrying out
    research-legal activity which is granted some competence by the state
    and works within this framework at the same time representing the
    interests of heirs of the Genocide victims spread all over the world.
    Such a body has officially20been founded: the `Organizing committee for
    preparations of the congress of representatives of those Armenians
    saved from the Great Armenian Genocide.' It makes steps to strengthen
    its organizational capacities. One of the latest initiatives of the
    organization is the scientific-practical conference `Claims of western
    Armenians in the context of the Armenian Question' held in Nikosia in
    April 2008.

    The next problem, which is included in the program of the foundation's
    activity, concerns studying the experience of other states (in
    particular Israel) in working with Diaspora communities and organizing
    repatriation. This experience has come to show that the ideology of
    repatriation means not only realization of certain steps to return them
    to their native land, but, first of all, to establish close ties with
    the Diaspora communities, with separate people and families, involving
    them into the common cause for the welfare of the native land, and in
    the practical aspect ` creation of mighty structures in the format of
    state and non-governmental organizations. The experience of other
    countries is quite multiform and edifying; it is improved all the time
    and needs to be studied periodically and carefully.

    The head of `Noravank' Foundation's Armenological program of `Security
    of the Armenian people: research of communities' PhD Tamara Vardanyan
    mentioned that it had already been established constant relations with
    a number of Armenian communities of the CIS countries and with people
    engaged in preserving the Armenian identity. According to her,
    continual exchange of information about problems and events in the
    communities is circulating. Much attention is devoted to the problems
    of the Armenian community in Tbilisi, and at present active work is
    carried out together with the local Armenian non-governmental
    organizations to work out and introduce mechanisms of preserving the
    Armenian language and culture with the help of national potential of
    public organizations. From this standpoint it is important that in the
    Foundation it is well known the problems connected with the condition
    of once powerful but at present day by day weakening Armenian

    It was mentioned that today it had not only been established
    motherland-community relations, but also direct intercommunal ties
    aiming at establishing mutual cooperation and furthering effective
    exchange of experience. T. Vardanyan also noticed that the process of
    the Armenians' assimilation on the post-Soviet plane was quicker than
    in the other regions, for example, in the Middle East, as up till now
    had been preserved the memory about our once being the citizen of a
    united powerful state. Besides, Russian culture and language are closer
    to us by nature, and these factors in their turn weaken mechanisms of
    self-protection (immunity) and vigilance in us and the ability to
    distinguish and appreciate real threats.

    It was also discussed the problems of teaching the Armenian language.
    It was mentioned that in the communities of the post-Soviet plane the
    Armenian children were foreign language speakers (especially Russian
    language speakers), accordingly, it was necessary to raise the interest
    to their native language and create additional stimulus for teaching,
    for example, organizing Armenian language and literature Olympiads and
    competitions, distance courses of studying, that's to say, doing
    everything possible to stimulate the Armenian youth to be introduced to
    the Armenian civilization and become the carriers of national values.

    The participants of the meeting were unanimous that to solve the above
    mentioned unhealthy and actual problems it was necessary consolidation
    of active and healthy powers of Armenia, NKR, Javakhk and Diaspora.

    The head of `Noravank' Foundation's Armenological center, PhD Ruben
    Melkonyan mentioned that the problem of Islamized Armenians of Turkey
    was very multilevel and was to be treated adequately. At present
    certain processes occur among Armenians which were forcedly Islamized,
    for example readopting Christianity. Some attempts are made to protect
    historical-cultural monuments, and interest is stimulated to the native
    language etc. It was especially mentioned that `Noravank' Foundation
    had organized field researches (scientific-research business trips) to
    the eastern districts of Turkey within the framework of the work
    carried out to study the `apostate' Armenians.

    One of the most important shades of the problem is the issue of
    perception of apostate Armenians by the other groups of Armenians. As
    an example of barrier among these groups were mentioned cold relations
    among the Islamized Armenians inhabited in Germany (Europe) and the
    local Armenian community, which is quite a serious problem. P.
    Melkonyan accentuated the importance of perception of the fact that as
    a result of different historical reasons it had been formed a stratum
    of Armenians and people of Armenian origin which differd from us by
    their religion, culture and way of life. The existence of this stratum
    is a fact which must be taken into consideration and it is necessary to
    work out ways and methods to reestablish relation with them.

    In his speech H Hakobyan mentioned that up-to-date information
    technologies had made a good ground to put forward the above mentioned
    problems. H Hakopian singled out four basic directions one should
    adhere to while carrying out the work: organizational, ideological,
    financial and legal. `Diaspora's attention is to be concentrated on
    Armenia,' she mentioned adding that the native land must be a magnet
    attracting to it.

    At the end of the meeting `Noravank' Foundation's director G.
    Harutyuntan added that the Foundation would continue

    scientific-research and scientific-Practical works in the above
    mentioned directions and was ready to cooperate with the new ministry.
    In her turn H. Hakopyan mentioned she was impressed by the meeting and
    hoped that the Foundation would make its contribution on working out
    the ministry's conception and the process of specification of its
    further plans and priorities.
    «21-st Century»
    "XXI Century" N 2, 2008

    In the second issue of `21st Century' of the current year are presented
    articles devoted to the RA information security and actuality of
    pen-Armenian plane formation (G.Harutyunyan), the necessity to
    introduce theories and principles of network-centric wars and military
    spheres of Armenia (H.Arzumanyan), stability of national broadcasting
    (G.Khumaryan). Here are also considered the problems of institutional
    system of ensuring the RA national security (S.Tadevosyan), regional
    developments etc. (S.Sarukhantyan, S.Harutyunyan, N.Lazarian).
    `21-st CENTURY' N 1, 2008
    (English language edition)

    In the first issue of the English language journal `21st SENTURY' of
    the current year are spoken about a variety of problems including:
    mutual influence of the new epoch imperatives and transformation of the
    Armenian state (T.Sargsyan) and army (H.Arzumanyan), the issues of the
    Republic of Armenia's information security (S. Martirosyan), principles
    and mechanisms of decision making in international organizations
    Movsisyan), the role of the oil factor of the power states'
    South-Caucasian policy. In the issue are also analyzed the problem of
    Islamized Armenians in Turkey...
    Bulletin of Noravank Scientific Educational Foundation
    N 21, 2008

    `Bulletin' ?-21 of `Noravank' Foundation includes articles devoteded to
    variety of problems concerning to economic developments and
    globalization. The issue also includes current world economic
    tendencies, perspectives and challanges.
    `Collection of interviews'

    This collection of interviews, the author and interviewer of which is
    the research worker of RA AS Institute of Oriental Studies H.
    Hmayakyan, is devoted to a number of branches of the Armenian art and
    culture (mythology, carpet making, ancient Armenian music and folk
    song, medieval miniature and architecture, contemporary Armenian
    literature, film and ceramics as well as the problems of preserving
    monuments). The interviews were held with different well known
    specialists in this or that field.