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ANCA: Ambassadorial Nominee Tries to Differentiate US Policy from...

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  • ANCA: Ambassadorial Nominee Tries to Differentiate US Policy from...

    1711 N Street NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
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    July 14, 2008
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
    Email: [email protected]


    -- Cites "President's Prerogative" to Set Policy on
    Historical Events

    WASHINGTON, DC -U.S. Ambassador Designate to Armenia, Marie
    Yovanovitch, in the last of her eights sets of written responses to
    questions from members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
    attempted to distance U.S. policy from Turkey's outright denial of
    the Armenian Genocide, reported the Armenian National Committee of
    America (ANCA).

    In response to a series of questions posed by panel member Russell
    Feingold (D-WI) regarding the difference between the U.S. and
    Turkish government's policies on recognizing the Armenian Genocide,
    the nominee stated that: "In contrast to the Turkish government's
    policy, the U.S. Government acknowledges and mourns as historical
    fact the mass killings, ethnic cleansing, and forced deportations
    that devastated over one and a half million Armenians at the end of
    the Ottoman Empire." The full text of the questions and responses
    are provided below.

    "We remain disappointed that Ambassador Designate Yovanovitch
    provided evasive answers and non-responses in reply to Senator
    Feingold's clearly articulated questions. We are troubled by her
    assertion that it is somehow an appropriate 'prerogative' of the
    President - in complete disregard of the facts and counter to our
    nation's common morality - to allow a foreign country to impose a
    gag rule on America's defense of human rights," said Aram
    Hamparian, Executive Director of the ANCA. "We do, at the same
    time, note that the nominee makes at least a token effort to
    distance U.S. policy on the Armenian Genocide -- as profoundly
    flawed as it is -- from the Turkish government's position of
    outright denial."

    Ambassador Yovanovitch appeared as a witness before the Committee
    on June 19th. During this appearance, she faced a series of
    pointed questions from Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) regarding the
    Bush Administration's policy to mischaracterize the Armenian
    Genocide. Afterwards eight Senators submitted a series of written
    inquiries to the nominee. Concerned that Senators had not been
    given enough time to review Ms. Yovanovitch's responses, with many
    submitted less than 24 hours before the impending Committee vote,
    Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) called for a delay in Senate
    consideration, until Senators had a clearer picture of the
    nominee's position. A Committee decision on this posting is
    expected in mid-July.

    President Bush nominated Amb. Marie L. Yovanovitch in March of this
    year to serve as America's next Ambassador to Armenia. The ANCA
    has spoken to Committee members about the value of carefully
    questioning Amb. Yovanovitch on the many issues she will face as
    the U.S. envoy in Yerevan, among them the recognition of the
    Armenian Genocide, Turkey and Azerbaijan's ongoing blockades of
    Armenia, and the need for a balanced U.S. role in helping forge a
    democratic and peaceful resolution to the Nagorno Karabagh

    President Bush's previous nominee as U.S. Ambassador to Armenia,
    Richard Hoagland, was subject to two legislative holds by Sen.
    Menendez and was ultimately withdrawn by the Administration,
    following the nominee's statements denying the Armenian Genocide.
    The ANCA led the Armenian American community campaign opposing
    Hoagland's nomination, stating that a genocide denier could not
    serve as a credible and effective U.S. spokesperson in Armenia.


    Questions for the Record Submitted to
    Ambassador-Designate Marie L. Yovanovitch by
    Senator Russell Feingold (#1)
    Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    June 19, 2008


    What conditions must be met for the Administration to finally
    recognize the slaughter of over 1.5 million Armenians during WWI by
    the Ottoman Empire as "genocide"? Specifically, if the Republic of
    Turkey recognized the genocide, would the United States then
    recognize it also? Additionally, how is the President's policy on
    recognizing the Armenian Genocide different from the Turkish
    government's policy?


    In contrast to the Turkish government's policy, the U.S. Government
    acknowledges and mourns as historical fact the mass killings,
    ethnic cleansing, and forced deportations that devastated over one
    and a half million Armenians at the end of the Ottoman Empire. The
    United States recognizes these events as one of the greatest
    tragedies of the 20th century, the "Medz Yeghern," or Great
    Calamity, as many Armenians refer to it. That is why every April
    the President honors the victims and expresses American solidarity
    with the Armenian people on Remembrance Day. It is the prerogative
    of the President to set the policy on how the Administration
    characterizes these historical events.

    We have strongly encouraged Turkey to come to terms with its past.
    That will not be easy, just as it has not been easy for the United
    States to come to terms with dark periods of our own past.

    Questions for the Record Submitted to
    Ambassador-Designate Marie L. Yovanovitch by
    Senator Russell Feingold (#2)
    Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    June 19, 2008


    Should you be confirmed, how will you work to promote Armenian-
    Turkish reconciliation in a direction that would lead to full
    recognition of the Armenian genocide by Turkey and the United
    States? Additionally, how would you support efforts to promote
    overall reconciliation and improved relations between Armenia and


    If confirmed, I will continue this Administration's efforts to
    promote Turkish-Armenian reconciliation and normalization of
    relations. Specifically, I will continue, working with our Embassy
    in Ankara, Administration efforts to encourage Turkey to open its
    land border, reinstitute transportation, communication, and utility
    links between the two countries, and re-establish diplomatic
    relations. Contact begins to build trust, and trust is the
    necessary first step to reconciliation, facilitating Turkey's
    ability and willingness to examine the dark spots in its own

    The Administration, through our Embassy in Ankara, also will be
    pressing for expanded freedom of expression in Turkey, helping to
    expand the public debate surrounding the events of 1915 that led to
    the amendment of Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code, under which
    individuals have been prosecuted for "insulting Turkishness." We
    welcome this progress, though clearly there is more to be done.
    The Administration will continue to encourage the Turkish
    authorities to end legal action against citizens for expressing
    their views.

    As a Minsk Group Co-Chair nation, we believe the single most
    important step toward bolstering peace and prosperity in Armenia as
    well as Azerbaijan would be a peaceful, just, and lasting
    settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. During the past two
    years, the parties have moved closer than ever to a framework
    agreement based on the Basic Principles that have been the subject
    of intensive negotiations, thanks in large part to the active
    mediation of the United States as a Co-Chair of the OSCE's Minsk
    Group. The Minsk Group Co-Chairs remain fully committed to helping
    Armenia and Azerbaijan finalize these Basic Principles, and hope to
    build momentum in the coming months after an introductory meeting
    between Presidents Sargsyan and Aliyev in St. Petersburg on June 6. If I
    am confirmed, I would uphold our commitment to support the efforts
    of the Minsk Group Co-Chairs to sustain the negotiations and narrow
    the differences between the sides to promote the soonest possible
    endorsement of the Basic Principles, so the parties can proceed on
    this basis with drafting a peace agreement.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress