Trend News Agency
July 14 2008
Azerbaijan, Baku, 14 July /Trend News corr K.Zarbaliyeva/ Communication
stage on 500 appeals against Armenia sent by Azerbaijani IDPs to the
European Court has been completed.
"Both countries received questions in this connection and the answers
have been already provided," Azerbaijani judge at the European Court
on Human Rights Khanlar Hajiyev said in Baku on 14 July.
So far, Azerbaijan has sent over 1,600 appeals to the European Court.
European Court passed 13 verdicts for Azerbaijan, which regard the
right for just court proceedings, fulfilment of court verdicts,
ban on tortures and bad treatment.
Hajiyev said the Armenians being Azerbaijani citizens sent 500 appeals
against Azerbaijan. According to him, the quality of appeals which
Azerbaijan has sent to the European Court has improved in recent
years. Previously, the appeals did not conform to the requirements
of the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedom.
According to Hajiyev, about 1,000 letters are on agenda. Most of
the appeals are based on property disputes. About 40 appeals were
sent after recent parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan. Judge said
40 appeals have passed the first stage, i.e. communication stage,
but he did not specify when they would be considered.
Trend News Agency
July 14 2008
Azerbaijan, Baku, 14 July /Trend News corr K.Zarbaliyeva/ Communication
stage on 500 appeals against Armenia sent by Azerbaijani IDPs to the
European Court has been completed.
"Both countries received questions in this connection and the answers
have been already provided," Azerbaijani judge at the European Court
on Human Rights Khanlar Hajiyev said in Baku on 14 July.
So far, Azerbaijan has sent over 1,600 appeals to the European Court.
European Court passed 13 verdicts for Azerbaijan, which regard the
right for just court proceedings, fulfilment of court verdicts,
ban on tortures and bad treatment.
Hajiyev said the Armenians being Azerbaijani citizens sent 500 appeals
against Azerbaijan. According to him, the quality of appeals which
Azerbaijan has sent to the European Court has improved in recent
years. Previously, the appeals did not conform to the requirements
of the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedom.
According to Hajiyev, about 1,000 letters are on agenda. Most of
the appeals are based on property disputes. About 40 appeals were
sent after recent parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan. Judge said
40 appeals have passed the first stage, i.e. communication stage,
but he did not specify when they would be considered.