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ANKARA: Perverted Sense Of Power

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  • ANKARA: Perverted Sense Of Power

    Zaman Online
    July 16 2008

    DOÄ~^U ERGÄ°L [email protected] Columnists

    One really wonders how in the world a bunch of people get together
    and decide that the country is going down the drain and that they have
    the moral authority to stop it by staging a coup and to start running
    the country contrary to popular will, the state of the economy and
    the international conjuncture.

    Are they bereft of intelligence or does their lust for power overwhelm
    their intelligence? Whatever the case may be, it is a pathological
    phenomenon and both military education and the Turkish political
    culture have to be rapidly cleansed of the need and right to stage
    coups whenever the system actually is or is perceived to be in entropy.

    The military cadets must be raised with a sense of professionalism
    just like the professionalism of other vocations. They must not be
    inculcated with the feeling of sacrifice and that they are doing a
    favor for their nation just by performing their duty. Lieutenants
    graduating from the war academy must not be conditioned to act as
    statesmen and "saviors," while being soldiers at the same time, as
    they are today. Additionally, the nation must not be conditioned to see
    the armed forces as the "triumphant cavalry" riding in to deliver the
    nation from bad politicians when the political system falters. The
    elite of this country must rapidly reach a consensus to rid the
    popular culture of extra-legal interventions during times of crisis
    and to stand up together against such assaults on the popular will.

    The intellectual and political elite of this country have neglected to
    perform a thorough analysis on what the reasons behind the entropy in
    the system are. That is why they could not develop viable solutions to
    problems that have lingered on for decades and become gangrenous. In
    fact they wanted to draw dividends from political polarization. Due
    to elite consensus on the principles of living together in peace
    (pluralist democracy) and economic progress by increasing the
    productive capacity of the workforce and efficient use of natural
    resources, Turkey missed the progress that many countries achieved
    in the 20th century and faces the danger of missing a part of the
    present one. That is a pity because the country has never fallen under
    the stultifying yoke of communism or theocracy. Thus there must be
    substantial flaws in its legal and administrative system as well as
    in the vision and deeds of its ruling elite, who uphold each other
    in a tutelary system.

    The Ergenekon case is a window on these flaws. A group of people whose
    value is measured by their own egos have amassed to run the country
    at will by relying on military power that they would provoke to bring
    order to the chaotic country they want to create by assassinations
    and mass murders. These are retired generals, academicians and
    businessmen who have befriended leaders of organized crime gangs like
    "nationalist mafia"! The ideology with which they try legitimize their
    illegal actions is Kemalism (named after Mustafa Kemal Ataturk). Any
    student of Turkish politics knows that Kemalism is a combination
    of nationalism, Westernism and authoritarian pragmatism. With the
    assassination of Catholic priest Andrea Santoro in Trabzon and
    prominent Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink in Ä°stanbul and
    other crimes directed against foreigners and non-Muslim minorities,
    the nationalism of this bunch has become a criminal affair rather
    than an effort of exalting their nation. Due to their hatred for the
    West, just because it stands for democracy and rule of law (their
    worldview's antithesis), they have dropped the Western orientation
    of their ideology, further deviating from Kemalism. In fact in their
    coded writings they have substituted the EU and the US for "coyote" and
    "scorpion," which expose how alien they have become to the realities
    they have been living in.

    What remains is not even an ideology; it is sheer hunger for power and
    lust for an authoritarian form of administration in khaki color. Their
    pragmatism has no correspondence with either the realities of the
    nation or of the contemporary world. In the absence of anything or
    any group that would support them in their quest to run the country
    in total disregard of its people, they fell into a schizoid state
    of mind in which being saviors and criminality to come to power have
    blended into each other.

    Now that their caper is exposed and they face litigation, we will
    observe whether the judiciary will judge them by their criminal actions
    rather than view the case as an offensive defense of the Justice and
    Development Party (AK Party) to prevent its closure. If the judiciary
    demonstrates the maturity to distinguish the two phenomena, a giant
    step will be taken toward establishing rule of law in this country.
