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Armenia: Minister Edward Nalbandian Met US State Secretary Condoleez

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  • Armenia: Minister Edward Nalbandian Met US State Secretary Condoleez


    Armenian Foreign Ministry
    July 16 2008

    On July 14 Minister Edward Nalbandian had a meeting with US State
    Secretary Condoleezza Rice.

    At the beginning of the meeting Minister Nalbandian stressed Armenia's
    determination to enhance and deepen relations with the US in all
    possible areas and pursue development and strengthening of friendly
    partnership and expansion of cooperation between the two countries.

    Armenian Foreign Minister and US State Secretary noted that the
    history and traditions of Armenian - US relations, the wide legal
    base and mutual political will provide an opportunity for developing
    bilateral ties in different areas.

    Minister Nalbandian highly appreciated US Government projects,
    aimed at development of different fields of Armenian economy and the
    US assistance of about 1.9 milliard US dollars since the Armenian

    The two discussed the recent developments of the Nagorno Karabakh
    peace process. In this context it was mentioned that the problem can
    be solved only by means of peaceful negotiations, which are being
    conducted within the frameworks of the OSCE Minsk Group. They highly
    appreciated the efforts of the Minsk Group Co-chairs and stressed
    the importance of continuation of talks on the base of the Madrid
    proposals of 2007, which creates possibility to register a progress
    in the peace process.

    Speaking on the perspectives of normalization of Armenian-Turkish
    relations, Minister Nalbandian reaffirmed Armenia's readiness to
    establish diplomatic relations and opening of Armenian-Turkish border
    without any preconditions. Edward Nalbandian also presented the steps
    undertaken by Armenia in this direction.

    The two also discussed the Senate confirmation process of the US
    Ambassador nominee to Armenia. In this context, Minister Nalbandian,
    expressed hope, that the candidature of the new Ambassador would soon
    be confirmed and her arrival in Armenia would have a positive impact
    for further development of bilateral relations.

    The ceremony of signing of "Joint Action Plan between the Government
    of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the United States of
    America on Combating Smuggling of Nuclear and Radioactive Materials"
    took place after the meeting,. The document was signed by Minister
    Nalbandian and State Secretary Rice.

    On the same day, Minister Nalbandian met Assistant to the US
    President, Deputy Adviser of the US President on National Security,
    Ambassador James Jeffrey. In the course of the meeting the sides
    focused on the Armenian-US partnership in the security area, the
    process of Armenia-NATO cooperation, as well as issues of regional
    security and stability. Minister Nalbandian and Ambassador Jeffrey
    exchanged ideas on the Nagorno-Karabagh peace-process, normalisation
    of Armenian-Turkish relations and number of issues of mutual interest.

    On July 14, in the afternoon Minister Nalbandian was received at
    the US Congress, where he met with Chairman of Foreign Relations
    Committee of the House of Representatives Howard Berman. Armenian
    Foreign Minister highly appreciated the role of the US Congress in
    the process of development of Armenian-US relations and years-long
    attention by the US Senate and the House of Representatives paid to
    the issues related to Armenia.

    On the request of Congressman Berman, Minister Nalbandian presented
    recent developments in the Nagorno Karabakh peace-process, perspectives
    of settlement of Armenian-Turkish relations, as well as Armenia's
    approaches on the regional and international issues. Howard Berman
    noted, that his Commission attaches importance to development of
    cooperation with Armenia and will continue to make efforts in this