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Russia May Declare South Ossetia And Abkhazia A Zone Of Its Vital In

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  • Russia May Declare South Ossetia And Abkhazia A Zone Of Its Vital In

    Marina Perevozkina

    July 16, 2008 Wednesday


    AND SOUTH OSSETIA?; Authors of a classified report drawn by secret
    services say peacekeepers should enforce the existing mandate with
    more vigor and resolution.

    Georgia recalled its ambassador in Moscow home "for
    consultations". Preparations for a meeting between President Dmitry
    Medvedev Enhanced Coverage LinkingDmitry Medvedev -Search using:
    Biographies Plus News News, Most Recent 60 Days and his Georgian
    counterpart, Mikhail Saakashvili, are suspended. Georgia insists
    on an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss the
    violation of its borders by Russian aircraft. The Russian-Georgian
    deteriorate against the background of Tbilisi's preparations for a
    military operation in South Ossetia and Russian army maneuvers near
    the Georgian border...

    Erosi Kistmarishvili, Georgian Ambassador to Russia, rushed to Tbilisi
    for consultations. It happened as soon as the Russian Foreign Ministry
    owned up to the aircraft that had flown over South Ossetia on July
    8. As far as the Russian Foreign Ministry is concerned, their flight
    prevented a nasty turn of events into a shooting war which Moscow
    estimated as "quite possible".

    Instant Response'2008 is taking place in Vaziani, 30 clicks from
    Tbilisi, meanwhile. Units of the US National Guard and personnel
    of regular armies of Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, and Azerbaijan are
    involved. The Russian Defense Ministry in its turn launched a major
    military exercise near the Russian-Georgian border on the territory of
    the Southern Federal Region. According to Caucasus Military District
    Commander, Sergei Makarov, the involved units practice action in
    a deteriorating situation in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Makarov
    completed his statement by assurances that his troops were ready to
    reinforce peacekeepers in South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

    "I've known that Georgia has prepared a military operation since May
    14," South Ossetian Interior Minister, Mikhail Mindzayev, said. "The
    Georgians moved troops to the border and built fortifications. On
    July 8, they set up command posts which betrayed their absolute
    readiness. Were it not for the Russian aircraft, the hostilities
    would have begun that day. Georgian peacekeepers take no more orders
    from the Collective Peacekeeping Forces command. Nobody knows their
    manpower or firepower anymore. They establish checkpoints hoisting
    peacekeepers' flags there but they are checkpoints of the Georgian
    Defense Ministry..."

    Dmitry Medoyev, Plenipotentiary Representative of South Ossetia
    in Moscow, suggested that peacekeepers might find antiaircraft
    complexes handy and called for reinforcement of Russian and Ossetian
    battalions in the conflict area. "The mandate permits 800 servicemen,"
    Medoyev said and recalled that each battalion included only 500 men
    now. According to Medoyev, the attack on Tskhinvali was scheduled to
    begin at 1800 hours on July 8. "Active preparations for the invasion
    have been under way since July 3 when the Georgians faked attempt
    on the life of Dmitry Sanakoyev and overrun the Sarabuk height under
    this pretext," Medoyev said. "That very evening they had heavy armored
    fighting vehicles on all roundabout roads and pillboxes and weapons
    emplacements along them. Servicemen there got their bearings during
    nocturnal strafings of Tskhinvali. Artillery pieces needed only the
    order to commence firing. Russian aircraft flew over their positions
    at a low altitude, showed their decals, made a turn, and feigned the
    intention to go in low and strafe them. The Georgians scattered. It
    was a banzai attack by aircraft loaded with ordnance."

    Russia in the meanwhile has some other aces up its sleeve, ones that
    may avert a negative turn of events in the region. This newspaper
    laid its hands on a classified report secret services had had their
    analysts draw to acquaint the Security Committee of the Duma at
    a closed meeting this spring. Analysis of the situation in the
    Georgian-Ossetian conflict area suggests that Russia is facing a
    dilemma. It may "seize the initiative" or "... passively wait for
    the situation to deteriorate and take a resolute action only when
    the shooting war is already under way."

    "Reacting to the adversary and its strategy... is always the
    worst option," authors of the report stated. Moreover, the report
    appraised low efficiency of peacekeepers as one of the worst
    problems. "Regrettably, the peacekeeping command turned out to be
    unable to rapidly respond to new threats and challenges generated by
    the new Georgian regime... This passiveness resulted in almost total
    withdrawal of peacekeeper checkpoints from the Georgian territory
    of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict area. Russian and Ossetian
    battalions are all but isolated in their quarters. Initiative in
    the Georgian-Ossetian conflict area is almost fully in the hands of
    the Georgian Defense Ministry and Interior Ministry. Functions of
    peacekeepers are reduced to passive monitoring."

    Authors of the report strongly recommend a higher security regime in
    some districts where peacekeepers will be the only law enforcers and
    "a radical revision of the strategy and tactic of the peacekeeping
    operations in South Ossetia and Abkhazia for a more resolute
    application of the existing mandate."

    Authors of the report recommend "a declaration of South Ossetia and
    Abkhazia as the zone of Russian vital interests and interests of its
    national security with all its implications."