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ANKARA: My Suggestions For A More Perfect Democracy

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  • ANKARA: My Suggestions For A More Perfect Democracy


    Turkish Daily News
    July 16, 2008 Wednesday

    Numerous terms have been used to describe the sides of Turkey's
    Civil Cold War: Islamists vs. secularists; Turkey vs. Turkey;
    Muslim democrats vs. secular fascists; display (observant) Muslims
    vs. secular Muslims; liberal Muslims vs. illiberal seculars, and many
    more. Anyone has the liberty to choose his/her favorite branding.But
    reading the pieces of the fascinating propaganda war in favor of the
    Muslim democrats' one cannot help inventing a more realistic branding:
    Good guys vs. bad guys! Reading the daily propaganda material one
    recognizes how amazing it is to see that the AKP and its supporters
    do not come close to perfection, but they are in fact perfect, if not
    better than perfect! At the opposite end, the AKP's opponents are so
    evil that they can be held responsible for anything one could imagine:
    9/11, the 1999 earthquake, Iran's nuclear ambitions, Kim Jong Il's
    rule, famine in Africa, the 2003 tsunami, the massacre of Armenians
    in 1915-1920, HIV, SARS, the tick disease and WW II.

    Kemalist nuclear weapons?:

    Most recently, a staunchly pro-AKP newspaper, Taraf, claimed that
    the Ergenekon gang could have masterminded the activities of all
    big names in Turkey's list of terrorist organizations, including the
    Kurdish-Islamist Hizbollah and the PKK. More importantly, according
    to that newspaper, Taraf, the Kemalist members of Ergenekon could have
    had ambitions to develop nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. We
    better cut the nonsense and produce ideas to further perfect
    our almost-perfect democracy. Here are my suggestions:1. Mustafa
    Kemal Ataturk's pictures and other memorabilia should be removed
    from schools and public offices.2. Journalists critical of the
    government should be arrested on charges of terrorism3. A dozen
    million or so anti-government protestors who staged pro-secularism
    rallies last year should be identified and arrested as part of
    the Ergenekon investigation.4. Secularism should be abolished
    and declared illegal. 5. The Ulema should decide whether laws are
    constitutional. 6. Since the Sunnis are in majority the Alevis should
    be told where and how to practice religion. Preferably, the Alevis
    should be democratically' convinced to disband their faith and join
    the Sunnis.7. More observant businesses should be granted a 30 percent
    tax break. Less observant businesses should not be allowed to bid in
    public tenders.8.

    The Islamic turban should not be allowed on campus, but it must
    be made the compulsory headwear for female students. 9. Having a
    wife with the turban and avoidance of pork and alcohol and regular
    attendance to Friday prayers should be added to the public employees
    act as prerequisites for promotion.10. Bulent Arinc, former Parliament
    speaker and the AKP's number three, made a very good point last
    year when he suggested that the secularists were trying to block
    the presidency of a religious man. So, I owe the inspiration for
    this idea to Mr. Arinc: The Constitution should explicitly say
    that the president, the Parliament speaker, the prime minister,
    cabinet ministers and senior judges should be religious men. In case
    of doubt as to how religious a candidate is, the Ulema should use a
    holy Muslim-meter to gauge. 11. Political parties should be banned if
    they feature undemocratic doctrines like secularism and Kemalism. Any
    party that does not declare full commitment to the Koran should not
    be allowed to enter parliamentary elections.12. The Ulema should form
    an upper house, the Senate, and give their blessings when laws are
    enacted in the lower house.13. Politicians found guilty of corruption
    should not stand trial if they had committed this offense in the name
    of political Islam.14. Since the AKP won 47 percent of the national
    vote in 2007 in what everyone agrees was the most spectacular political
    victory for any political party in half a century, the next elections
    can be held in 15 years time. And since the CHP has proved to be an
    undemocratic party half of its seats should be scrapped and given
    to more democratic parties in Parliament, namely the AKP and the
    DTP. Better still, the CHP should be banned and its leaders should be
    sent to gaol. 15. Needless to say, alcohol and pork should be banned
    altogether. Liars, crooks, conmen, rapists, embezzlers, woman-beaters
    can be tolerated if they are good Muslims. 16. Islamist columnists,
    especially older than 80 years of age, should not be prosecuted if
    they sexually abused children. 17. The legal detention period for
    anti-government activists should be 12 years with or without an
    indictment. 18. The Ulema (the Senate) should also elect military
    leaders on the basis of their observance. In the unlikely event that
    generals are not pious enough the Ulema can appoint a lieutenant
    colonel as chief of General Staff. 19.

    The military headquarters and units should be stripped of access to
    tanks, ammunition, artillery and other weaponry. Access codes should
    be in the possession of the prime minister only.20. For a better
    functioning of democracy parliamentary immunities should be maintained
    except for opposition members of Parliament. 21. All Turkish families
    should be required to have at least three children. Those families
    with fewer children should be subject to 25 percent extra tax. Legal
    marriage age for girls should be reduced to eight.22. The Constitution
    should be amended so as to describe the country as the Muslim
    Democratic State of Turkey instead of the Republic of Turkey. That
    will give Turkey a more democratic flavor. 23. Opposition newspapers
    should be banned. Alternatively, any opposition to the government can
    be banned.24. The color of the Turkish flag should be changed from
    red to green. That unnecessary Star' can be scrapped. The Crescent'
    is good enough.

    25. Less pious citizens should not be allowed to vote. 26. Court
    rulings should not become effective before a seal of approval from
    the government.