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Armenian Solidarity Book Launch

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  • Armenian Solidarity Book Launch

    Armenia Solidarity
    Nor Serount Cultural Association
    Seyfo Centre

    Centre of Halabja against the Anfalisation and Genocide of Kurdish

    invite you to

    A Discussion of the central themes and findings of
    Desmond Fernandes' new book

    'The Armenian, Assyrian, Greek, Kurdish and Greek Cypriot Genocides and
    the Politics of Denialism'.

    [Apec Press, Stockholm - 978-91-86139-01-8]

    Featured speakers include:

    Desmond Fernandes

    Khatchatur Pilikian [Author of Refuting Terrorism - Seven Epistles
    >From Diaspora, The Spectre of Genocide as Collateral Damage is
    Haunting the World and UNESCO Laureates: Nazim Hikmet & Aram
    Khatchaturian - Garod Books of the Gomidas Institute].

    Nick Kounoupias [Co-Ordinator of the Lobby for Cyprus]
    Kasim Agpak
    Sponsor: David Drew, MP.
    Venue: The Grand Committee Room, The House of Commons, Westminster.
    Monday 21st July 2008
    Time: 6.00 pm
    Free Entry


    'Desmond Fernandes examines important and often ignored questions of
    genocide where clear evidence exists but is still denied. The
    difficulty in acknowledging genocide, not only in Turkey, but
    internationally, is also surveyed and the conclusion leaves one in no
    doubt that the international community continues to assist and support
    the Turkish government's campaign of denial. In contrast to the
    international order, Desmond uses the 'G-word' as a person who has
    read the history, and does not choose to avoid it like a politician,
    afraid of controversies' - Gurgîn Bakircioglu, Editor of and
    Vice-Chair of the Kurdish Student and Academic Association (KSAF).

    'Turkey is a lynch pin in the politics of the Middle East, Europe and
    the United States. The country's history of hyperactivity in terms of
    nationalism and secularism is clearly revealed in this scholarly
    study. The research documents genocidal actions towards religious,
    cultural and linguistic groups since the end of the Ottoman
    Empire. Woven through Desmond Fernandes' narrative is the
    contradiction inherent in the democratic governance of the present
    state and the level of extreme violence that can still be inflicted on
    ordinary Turkish people. Not only experts in Turkish affairs, but also
    activists will find in this volume invaluable information to enrich
    their understanding of Turkey's role in the so-called 'global war on
    terror'' - Julia Kathleen Davidson, Scotland Against Criminalising

    'This book shows, with the help of massive evidence and without any
    possible doubt, that the Turkish state (and its forerunner, the
    Ottoman Empire) has been committing genocide against the groups
    mentioned in the title of the book, at least since 1894, and continues
    to commit genocide even today, in 2008, within the meaning of each of
    the five types of genocidal act, today most brutally against the
    Kurds. Turkey is even today guilty of crimes against humanity - This
    is a reference book that cannot be surpassed easily (if at all). The
    book is filled with minute detail in its documentation and
    presentation and has an incredible number of up-to-date references.
    The comparative aspect, documenting and comparing several genocides,
    historically and today, is novel ...

    'An important part of the book gives an invaluable resource to
    concerned politicians, lawyers, conflict resolution analysts, peace
    campaigners, parliamentarians and academics, regardless of their
    ethnic background. This is a compact presentation of key positional
    statements and perspectives on the genocide by the leading Kurdish
    parties, and several key Turkish ones. These quotes, some quite
    difficult to get hold of, have hardly ever been mentioned or used in
    mainstream US-UK genocide debates [in English]. For these
    representative Kurdish groups genocide is a key issue that they have
    explicitly been raising for years ...

    'Issues around the continuing broken promises in relation to all human
    rights, be these civil and political or economic, social and cultural
    (e.g. the right to self-determination, a fair trial or the freedom of
    speech and association) and an analysis of the fact that other (mostly
    big western) countries have not only allowed the crimes against
    humanity but have also very often been and are today complicit in the
    genocides fill much of the book, again, with massive documentation ...

    'The painstakingly detailed, objective and accurate description in
    itself forms 'only' a background for other path-breaking aspects of
    this book. One reason for writing a book like this has been voiced by
    Halil Berktay, co-ordinator of the History Department at Sabanci
    University, Turkey. He is quoted by Desmond Fernandes as writing: 'The
    question of what happened in 1915-1916 is not a mystery, it's not like
    we know just 5 percent, so the question is not finding more
    evidence. The question is liberating scholarship from the nationalist
    taboos' (emphasis added). 'There may be differing interpretations of
    genocide - how and why the Armenian Genocide happened. To deny its
    factual and moral reality as genocide is not to engage in scholarship
    but in propaganda and efforts to absolve the perpetrator, blame the
    victims, and erase the ethical meaning of this history'...

    'Turkey's denial of documented facts, the Turkish government's threats
    towards and imprisonment of people who have raised the issue of the
    genocides, and the trouble Turkey is going into in order to prevent
    the issues around genocide from getting to high-level courts is as
    well known as it is difficult for outsiders to understand. This denial
    has to be analysed from a multidisciplinary point of view, and this is
    what Desmond Fernandes has also set out to do.

    'This book represents the cutting edge. Not only because of its
    amazing research and documentation, the sharp analyses, the absolute
    intellectual honesty. It is a necessary book. It is horrifying to
    read, and makes one feel ashamed and guilty of belonging to the same
    human race as those who have been and ARE today committing the
    atrocities described in the book. But this is also cutting edge in
    Del Valle's terms because it is a risky undertaking to publish this
    book ... Perpetrators are more often shooting the messenger than
    listening to the message. The least you as a reader can do is to start
    screaming, and to finally demand international action to stop these
    crimes against humanity' - Dr. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, University of
    Roskilde, Department of Languages and Culture, Denmark, and Abo
    Akademi University, Department of Education, Vasa, Finland [author of
    Linguistic Genocide in Education - or Worldwide Diversity and Human
    Rights? Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ & London, UK] -
    Excerpted from the Foreword to the book

    Desmond Fernandes is a policy analyst and former Senior Lecturer in
    Human Geography and Genocide Studies at De Montfort University. He has
    published widely in a number of journals and is author of The Kurdish
    and Armenian Genocides: From Censorship and Denial to Recognition?
    (2007, Apec, Stockholm) and co-author of Genozid an den Kurden in der
    Türkei? - Verfolgung, Krieg und Zerstörung der ethnischen Identität
    (2001, Medico International, Frankfurt). His most recent co-authored
    article appears in the current issue of Genocide Studies and
    Prevention, the journal of the International Association of Genocide

    All who are interested in participating in Genocide lobbying are most
    welcome for an informal discussion before the meeting eg at 3.45 in
    the cafe inside parliament (in central lobby)

    For further details, please contact Eilian Williams on: 07718982732
    and/or 07876561398, or alternatively: [email protected]. The
    book can shortly be purchased securely online at