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ANKARA: Turkey'S Steps Reciprocated By Armenia, Says Babacan

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  • ANKARA: Turkey'S Steps Reciprocated By Armenia, Says Babacan


    Turkish Daily News
    July 17 2008

    Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said yesterday that Turkey has taken
    unilateral steps to normalize bilateral ties with neighboring Armenia
    and the recent offer by Yerevan to the Turkish president to watch a
    football match was a result of Ankara's efforts.

    In an interview with the private NTV television, Babacan said Turkey
    always favored dialogue with Yerevan as communicated to Armenian
    officials in letters sent to them. President Abdullah Gul Enhanced
    Coverage LinkingAbdullah Gul -Search using: Biographies Plus News
    News, Most Recent 60 Days sent a letter to Armenian President-elect
    Serzh Sarksyan after the elections, expressing the wish for the
    normalization of relations.

    Sarksyan recently invited Gul to visit Yerevan for a football
    match in September. Turkey and Armenia will play each other in a
    qualifying match for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, scheduled to be held
    in South Africa.

    Babacan said the Turkish side is still evaluating the offer. He
    emphasized that Turkey adopted the policy of "zero problems" with its
    neighbors, and that because Armenia is a landlocked country it needs
    Turkey to open up to the world. Although the borders are closed with
    Yerevan, trade is ongoing through indirect routes, he noted.

    "Turkey is a door of life for Armenia," said Babacan.

    He emphasized that the Armenian government should do its part for
    better ties.

    "Armenia should decide: Should the problems continue or should we
    open a new chapter in relations," said Babacan.

    Asked how a possible passage of a genocide resolution in the
    U.S. Congress will affect ties with Washington, Babacan said such a
    development would seriously harm relations.

    He highlighted that the past is the job of historians while politicians
    should look to the future.

    In a recent visit to the United States last month, Babacan held talks
    with the political advisors of the two U.S. presidential hopefuls,
    John McCain and Barack Obama. Babacan said he explained to both of
    them the Turkish stance on the 1915 killings and told them Ankara's
    proposal to set up a joint commission of independent academics to
    study the allegations was still on the table.

    Babacan also said the closure case opened against the ruling party
    weakened Turkey's hand abroad, citing Izmir's defeat to Milan to host
    the EXPO 2015 fair. Meanwhile, Babacan stood behind his recent remarks
    in a speech at the European parliament that the Muslim majority
    in Turkey, not the non-Muslims, were having problems in observing
    their religion.

    "I am behind what I said. There are problems regarding freedoms in
    Turkey. The categorical rejection of these problems means ignoring
    the facts about Turkey," he added.

    Babacan attended a dinner Monday, the first day when Turkey's
    ambassadors from all over the world started detailed foreign policy
    talks in Ankara. Foreign Ministry spokesman Burak Ozugergin said
    relations with the EU, United States, Latin American countries,
    Russia and Africa were discussed on the first day.