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ANKARA: Turkey Has Been Involved In Iran Nuclear Talks, Babacan Says

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  • ANKARA: Turkey Has Been Involved In Iran Nuclear Talks, Babacan Says


    Zaman Online
    July 18 2008

    US National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley says the US and Turkey
    have a strong partnership that Washington is committed to strengthening

    Turkey is ready to contribute to efforts to find a peaceful settlement
    to an international conflict over neighboring Iran's nuclear program
    and has been in talks with the relevant parties for about a month,
    Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said after talks with a senior US
    official yesterday.

    Speaking after meeting with US National Security Advisor Stephen
    Hadley, Babacan said Turkey was pressing for a solution through
    dialogue and ready to assist efforts in that direction. "Turkey is
    ready to do whatever the parties expect it to do. Indeed, we have
    been in intense contacts over the past month," Babacan said, adding,
    "We want this issue to be handled through dialogue."

    Hadley's visit to Ankara came just a day ahead of Iranian Foreign
    Minister Manouchehr Mottaki today. On Saturday Iran's nuclear
    negotiator, Saeed Jalili, will meet with European Union foreign policy
    chief Javier Solana and envoys from China, Russia, France, Britain
    and Germany in Geneva to discuss Iran's response to an offer made
    by world powers last month to encourage it to give up its sensitive
    nuclear work, which the West believes is aimed at building a nuclear
    bomb and Tehran says is for peaceful power-generation purposes.

    In a major policy shift, the United States said it was also sending a
    representative, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs William
    Burns, to the talks.

    Babacan said he had met with colleagues from the six nations attending
    Saturday's talks as well as Solana over the past few weeks. "We have
    talking with both sides on all aspects of the package," he said,
    stressing that Turkey had good relations with both the six nations
    and Iran.

    Turkey has also been mediating between Syria and Israel, a role praised
    by the United States and regional countries. Prospects emerged for a
    similar role in regard to the international row over Iran's nuclear
    program when Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said last week that
    Turkey could be asked to mediate between the West and Iran.

    Iran's nuclear program will be one of the issues that Turkish officials
    will discuss with Mottaki today, Babacan said. Turkish and Iranian
    officials said the talks will focus on current regional issues.

    Babacan is expected to visit Tehran to attend a ministerial meeting
    of the Non-Aligned Movement on July 28-31. But he said in televised
    remarks on Wednesday night that there had not yet been a final decision
    on the visit.

    The US and Israel have not ruled out a military strike on Iran if
    it does not give up uranium enrichment and heed UN Security Council
    demands aimed at dispelling fears that Tehran wants to make nuclear

    Turkey is against nuclear weapons in the region but says countries
    have the right to develop nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

    Hadley, who did not make any comments about Iran, expressed condolences
    for the three Turkish policemen who were killed during a terrorist
    attack on the US Consulate General in Ä°stanbul last week after a
    meeting with Prime Minister Erdogan. He also met President Abdullah
    Gul before wrapping up his visit.

    Hadley said Turkey and the US were united in fighting terrorism,
    including the struggle against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party
    (PKK), which he described as a "common enemy" of the United States
    and Turkey. Babacan said Middle East issues, Iraq, Israel-Syria peace
    efforts, the Cyprus process and relations with Armenia were all on
    the agenda in his talks with Hadley.

    Praise for reforms

    Hadley, meanwhile, praised political and economic reforms by Turkey
    to strengthen its bid for membership in the European Union. "Turkey
    has made some important democratic political reforms and free market
    economic reforms in the last several years and the United States
    believes strongly that this reform effort should continue," Hadley
    said. "This reform effort is supported by the people of Turkey and it
    will also bring Turkey closer to the European Union," he added. "The
    United States strongly supports membership for Turkey in the EU."

    The comments came as Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development Party
    (AK Party) faces closure by the Constitutional Court on charges
    of anti-secular activity. The court may deliver a verdict as soon
    as August and some say a decision to disband the party could throw
    the country into turmoil. The party has long denied that it has an
    Islamic agenda.

    Hinting at US opposition to a possible decision to close down the AK
    Party, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said last month that
    Washington's relations with the AK Party government was "excellent"
    and praised the Turkish ruling party for the reforms it has carried
    out and reaching out to Turkey's Kurds and religious people.

    Hadley also said the United States and Turkey have a strong
    strategic partnership, which Washington is committed to further
    strengthening. Turkish-US relations, strained in past years over
    the PKK presence in northern Iraq, began to improve last year after
    President George W. Bush declared the PKK a "common enemy." The United
    States has been sharing intelligence on the PKK to assist the Turkish
    military's anti-PKK operations in northern Iraq since last December.

    --Boundary_(ID_Up8qNK84xGp2pV0nGLzsTw)- -