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Azerbaijani Mass Media: Technologies Of Information Activity

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  • Azerbaijani Mass Media: Technologies Of Information Activity

    Suren Movsisyan cs&nid=1293
    17 July 2008

    In the article is spoken about information activity carried out in
    the Azerbaijani mass media classified by their main directions and the
    names given to them conventionally. It is especially accentuated the
    fact that a seriously prepared, far reaching information warfare is
    being waged against Armenia not yielding to open military operations
    and even posing serious dangers.

    1. Â"Factor of priority.Â" The forefather of this principle may be
    considered one of the outstanding leaders of Nazi Germany - Doctor
    Gebels. Â"A person who will say the world the first word is always
    right,Â" he says1. A big number of scientists, including K. Hovland,
    N. Janis, L Doube, have also come to such a conclusion. They are sure
    that a propagandist is sure to succeed if the public is aware of his
    information earlier than the one of his opponent. It is motivated
    by the fact that people prefer believing the first information they
    get, and it is quite difficult for them to change the already shaped
    opinion on something2.

    According to Hitler the society is inclined believing even 90%
    not proved accusation than its disproof, even if it is 100%
    grounded3. Applying this principle, the Azerbaijani press tries to
    change public opinion (its own, Armenian and international). It is
    noteworthy the an nouncements in the Azerbaijani press about the
    cases of violating ceasefire.

    Should one follow these reports, an opinion will be created that last
    year the Armenian party was almost every day violating cease-fire in
    one or two directions. Since the end of the last year frequency of
    violations has increased and today the Armenian party already violates
    the cease-fire in 4-5 directions every day. The world community
    perceives these false reports to be reality: it has come to be proved
    by the concerns of the European Council, OCSE, European Union and the
    US leaders on the occasion of frequent violations of cease-fire. In
    other words, false propaganda is sure to be in favor of the neighbor
    country certifying its Â"peaceful essenceÂ" and devotion to observing
    cease-fire. Whereas, only once every three months, the Armenian party
    reports about ceasefire violations by the Â"neighborsÂ". Only from
    time to time responding its neighbors' false reports on cease-fire
    violations, it acquires the status of Â"cease-fire violator,Â" which,
    in its turn, has negative impact on international rating of Armenia
    and Karabakh issue. If we add to it the activity of the Azerbaijani
    party in international organizations which resulted the adoption of
    A/62/L.424 resolution by the UN General Assembly, where the states
    (37 - for, 7 - against and 150 - abstentions) demonstrated their
    attitude to the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, it will become clear what
    this kind of propaganda will bring to.

    2. Â"System of cross and anonymous references.Â" It is accepted
    that the reference to any authoritative person concerning to any
    information has big influence upon the society. This authoritative
    person may be a clergyman, a politician, scientist or a specialist
    of any sphere. At the same time to carry more convenience may also be
    used commentaries to the documents, estimations of specialists or other
    suchlike reports. For example, on March 28, 2008 informational
    agency informed that a group of Armenians, not identified, made
    a brigandage assault on the office of the Azerbaijani congress of
    Benelux, located in Rotterdam. The police and witnesses confirmed
    that the assault was made by the Armenians. The above mentioned
    agency took for granted the report of another Azerbaijani agency
    (ANS) where the event was represented without any references. What
    have the police, witnesses and the group of Armenians to do here? At
    the same time the source of information was not revealed, and the
    journalists did not account for spreading the false information. It
    is worth mentioning that such kind of information has been proved to
    be generally false. And the references to not existing authors make
    it more grounded and convincing for people. So, on January 28, 2008 agency announced that the Armenian community of the Ukrainian
    city Lvov had suggested renaming it Â"AryucÂ"=2 0in honor of its
    Armenian founders5. The agency based on the statement of another
    Azerbaijani agency (APA) which did not ground that information at all.

    3. Â"MediatorsÂ" or Â"well known specialists.Â" It is known that
    effective information influence is possible to exert by means of
    authoritative and well known people in the society. Non-official
    information (news, estimation of specialists of different spheres,
    opinions of spiritual leaders) are more ponderable than official
    information of any of the state structures. In that way, any state
    position may be brought to the public's notice with the objective
    to reach the desirable goal. Having several suchlike specialists
    and leaders, the Azerbaijani press is making use of this factor
    successfully. Let's bring a few examples. The Azerbaijani mass media
    and, in particular, the agency takes interview from the well
    known specialists. This principle plays an important role in shaping
    public opinion. Thus, on March 14, 2006 a well known Azerbaijani
    Â"political scientist,Â" Vugar Seidov, appeared in the press with
    his Â"historical and political analyticalÂ" article6. A few months
    later the same person was presented as a Â"famous political scientist
    from Hungry7.Â" Among the specialists is also famous Vafa Guluzade,
    who from time to time appears in the press with some important
    commentaries. The list of Â"famousÂ" Azerbaijani specialists may
    be continu ed ad infinity, as the above mentioned factor is not of
    little importance in waging informational warfare.

    4. Â"Distortion and classification of concepts.Â" According to the
    psychologist G. Olport, the essence of any language is in classifying
    and distributing the endless information flow we come across every
    second. While describing any subject we single out its distinctive
    peculiarities paying no attention to other factors of not small
    importance (the way it is described and classified, how it is
    presented) which lead our ideas and perception8.

    As a result of such classification the subjects or events presented
    are shaped in a way that a person perceives the ideas imposed to him
    about them.

    Such a classification furnished to provide information includes
    specially chosen words and word-combinations aiming at representing
    their own, Â"positiveÂ" and constructive positions. They are also
    differentiating words to present the enemy in the negative light. Let's
    consider it in the context of the Azerbaijani mass media. The
    Azerbaijani agencies, ANS, Trend and Â"Ð-еÑ~@Ð&#xBA ;аÐ"оÂ&quot ;,
    aspiring to raise the spirit of their armed forces, represent Armenia's
    armed forces as Â"Armenian armed forcesÂ" or even Â"Armenian armed
    subdivisions,Â" calling their own subdivisions Â"National army of
    Azerbaijan9.Â" The incidents happening on the contingency line of
    Armenian-Azerbaijani frontier are presented in20 such a way that its
    propagandistic character is clear even for a child10.

    One more example, illustrating Â"adherenceÂ" of the neighbor country
    to peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict: Â"non-constructive
    position of Armenia hinders peaceful settlement of the conflict11.Â"
    Numerous comparisons are made of Â"unprecedented economic growthÂ" or
    other successes (economic, political, sports) with the ones of Armenia,
    and here every opportunity is seized to show its Â"privilege.Â"

    5. Â"Statement of facts.Â" Most of the people think with
    stereotypes. It is the matter of proverbs Â"there is no smoke without
    fireÂ" or Â"If it is spoken about, than there is what.Â" As a result,
    the persona thinking unlike the others has a false impression that
    he is among the minority. Such propaganda is mainly spread under the
    umbrella of authoritative people or by means of social researches,
    which reduces criticism of perception as people can hardly catch
    falsehood in information about the events happening in their country
    and out of its boarders. For example, on March 25 2006 agency
    spread information about public opinion pall according to which 72.2%
    of electors support the president in power. It is noteworthy that in
    the information it is mentioned the name of the social center which
    had conducted the research and are brought some figures without any
    references or methodological explanations12. On Ju ly 17, 2007 one
    could see the research results of another organization. The information
    represented in the same style doesn't differ much from the one of
    the previous year. It is noteworthy that within a year no changes
    were noticeable even between percentage ratio of the figures and the
    whole sense of the represented information is praising and glorify the
    president on the eve of presidential elections13. As for anti-Armenian
    subject-matter of this factor, than the striking example of it is the
    information uploaded in site on November 3, 2005 about the
    social research conducted by so called Â"Organization of liberated
    Karabakh14.Â" The orientation of this organization isa obvious. It
    is only to be mentioned that this Â"researchÂ" aims at presenting the
    society its own desirable format of the Karabakh conflict settlement.

    6. Â"Feedback.Â" The peculiarities of measures concerning to this
    factor are heart-to-heart talks of high ranking officials in the
    streets, visits to districts, direct communication with people
    and mass media. Quite often such relations look like beforehand
    prepared theatrical actions. For example, it is known that the
    French president De Gaulle was never asked questions to which he
    wasn't ready. In general, the machinery of any leader gets him
    ready for all the possible questions. And what about the situation
    in Azerbaijan? The Azerbaijani press elucidates numerous visits of
    its lead er to districts, where the main questions and answers are
    concentrated on military successes and Â"liberatingÂ" the territories
    by military forces.

    The representatives of Parliament adhere to the same style of work
    carrying out anti-Armenian campaign abroad. In that way it is raffled
    the factor of information warfare, are demonstrated concern of the
    president and other high ranking officials to the problems of society
    and, in particular, to the inhabitants of remote districts, and their
    readiness to win back the territories at any cost. The striking example
    of it is the recent visit of the state's leader to the south-western
    districts. According to information provided by ANS agency, the AR
    president visited this region to be present at the opening ceremony
    of the medical center and thermoelectric power station. However,
    the presented material was completely relating to Â"territories
    occupied by Armenia,Â" the priority of liberating them as well as
    the issue of thousands of refugees as sufferers of the Karabakh
    conflict15. The announcements referring to the visits of Azerbaijani
    representatives as well as the state officials of other countries in
    international organizations and their elucidation don't differ much
    of the work carried out inside the country. Trend News agency took
    an interview from the Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan E. Mamedyarov
    during his visit to Latvia. However, instead of telling the details of
    this visit the journalist speaks about the possible meeting with the
    Armenian Foreign Minister and his expectation from it. As a result in
    the article is as usual spoken about Â"non-constructiveÂ" approaches
    of Armenia, the position of international community and intolerance
    of Azerbaijan to the Karabakh issue. So, one can come to a conclusion
    that the visits of high ranking officials to the neighbor countries
    and their feedback are on the whole pursuing one objective - to keep
    the society watchful and remind it about military operation by Â"the
    Armenian partyÂ" aspiring to ensure the necessary number of votes at
    the coming elections for his Â"patriotic work.Â"

    7. Â"Transcription of History.Â" This factor is used with the
    objective of shaping the future generation and introducing the
    desirable ideology.

    Artificially modeled historical realities are spread through books
    and lectures, on the radio and TV, by means of the mass media,
    theatrical plays and feature films. Making use of all these resources
    is created a virtual world perceived to be a reality. As a result,
    a person may consider his real life as an unpleasant dream, and
    everything propagandized - as reality. The English film director
    said, Â"It is important for the history to be written by us, as those
    writing it are lead by the present16.Â" By distorting history it is
    possible to influence on the memory of broad masses. In this sense,
    the20Azerbaijani propaganda is succeeding as ever: falsifications of
    historical facts is unprecedented and are voiced absurd announcements.

    Historical-cultural researches are conducted all over the territory of
    the country and the discoveries are ascribed to Azerbaijan's Â"ancient
    history.Â" Encroachments don't circle not only the reach Armenian
    culture and history, but also Persian and Georgian cultures. All this
    work is carried out under the umbrella of the state and by direct
    participation of Azerbaijani scientists.

    Thus, the existence of the above mentioned factors of information
    warfare in the Azerbaijani press have come to prove the fact that
    a serious wide scale and long lasting war against Armenia is waged
    in Azerbaijan. Our country's mass media pays almost no attention to
    this problem - doesn't suppress it and doesn't counterattack. From
    time to time appear refutation of this or that information in the
    Azerbaijani mass media.

    At that, taking into consideration the scope and intensity of spreading
    information, Armenia is once again defeated. It also influences on
    its international rating, which may cause serious after-effects. The
    difference between Azerbaijani and Turkish anti-Armenian information
    activities is that Azerbaijan's strategy is directed to the
    Azerbaijani community and disposes it to Armenia, and the information
    warfare waged by Turkey is addressed to Armenian and Azerbaijani
    communities20disposing them to the very Armenia. However, Turkey's
    strategy and the factors used by it is the subject of another research.

    9The Armenian armed forces violated cease-fire in Tavuzk, Fizulinsk
    and Agdamsk regions Armenia's armed forces fired over the positions
    of Azerbaijan's national army
