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BAKU: Arif Mammadov: "There Is No Obstacle For Free And Democratic E

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  • BAKU: Arif Mammadov: "There Is No Obstacle For Free And Democratic E


    Azeri Press Agency
    July 18 2008

    Baku. Turan Huseynova -APA. Head of the Azerbaijan's permanent mission
    to Council of Europe Ambassador Arif Mammadov gives an interview
    to APA.

    -Venice Commission is dissatisfied with some points of Azerbaijan's
    Electoral Code. How will negotiations between Venice Commission and
    Azerbaijan develop?

    -There is no dissatisfaction. Simply some proposals were not accepted
    because might create confusion. It is normal. Venice Commission
    gives recommendations to other countries too. Current electoral
    legislation in Azerbaijan was prepared together with the Venice
    Commission. Azerbaijan took many proposals into consideration and
    included them into legislation. Modernization and development are
    durable processes. Pre-election situation, composition of election
    commissions and freedom of assembly were discussed during the Venice
    Commission Secretary Gianni Buqicchio's visit to Baku. Mr. Buquicchio
    said despite that they were dissatisfied with some issues generally
    laws give an opportunity to hold free and democratic elections.

    -Can Azerbaijan's voting right be frozen if the elections don't meet
    demands of the Council of Europe?

    -There is no obstacle for free and democratic elections in
    Azerbaijan. Missions of the Council of Europe have also noted
    it. I state once more that legislation is suitable for democratic
    elections. There may be some certain problems related to the
    education work among the people. Some persons want to vote on behalf
    of their family members and they express dissatisfaction when
    they are not allowed to do that. Such cases take place mostly in
    the regions. Democratic development and education of society take
    time. Europe spent hundreds of years for this process. Besides it
    there is some interference by the executive authorities into the
    voting process and during last elections several people were punished
    for these cases.

    -In its resolution on Azerbaijan adopted at the summer session, PACE
    demands to release three arrested journalists until September. Can
    the Council of Europe impose sanctions against Azerbaijan if this
    demand is not met? How the land lies with appointment of rapporteur
    on political prisoners?

    -This is non-binding resolution and there is no question of
    sanctions. Political power and government can not interfere into the
    court decisions. This is one of the main principles of democracy. The
    courts decisions can be appealed. Recently many journalists have been
    released in appeal order and by the presidential pardoning decree. The
    issue of rapporteur on political prisoners was on agenda. This issue
    remains open yet and it was discussed during the PACE President's
    visit to Baku. Special rapporteur on political prisoners for South
    Caucasus Region is proposed to be appointed. Armenian NGOS appealed
    to PACE and asked appointment of new rapporteur to Armenia. As
    Azerbaijan, Eugenia Zhivkova and Andres Herkel , members of Monitoring
    Committee are following the situation in the country. Samad Seyidov
    noted during discussions at PACE that there is monitoring and
    co-rapporteurs consider cases of political prisoners. Appointment of
    new rapporteur can establish additional bureaucracy. There is no need
    for it. Methinks, PACE Bureau will not support it during session.

    -Will CE Fact Finding Mission on cultural monuments in South Caucasus
    visit the region?

    -Visit of Mission has been postponed. It is impossible to carry out
    visit of Mission in current situation. There are several reasons of
    it and one of them is linked with tensity in the region and violation
    of cease-fire every day. We aim to cover visit of mission each three
    states in the same time, because of closeness of historical-cultural
    values of South Caucasus. Second purpose is mission should visit
    Nagorno Karabakh through Azerbaijan and there are several technical
    problems on it. Azerbaijani side ensures security in the contact
    frontline for its side, but Armenia not. They want mission to visit
    Nagorno Karabakh via Armenia and it contradicts our territorial
    integrity and sovereignty and we should impede it. There will be such
    terms before further visits.

    -Will activity of former CE rapporteur on missing people be continued
    and by whom?

    -It will be continued. Azerbaijan has already submitted all lists. The
    issue was set up before Armenian delegation and final lists have not
    been prepared by them. The Council of Europe expects Armenia to make
    correct list at present.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress