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Turkey, Armenia In Secret Talks To Normalize Ties

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  • Turkey, Armenia In Secret Talks To Normalize Ties


    Agence France Presse
    July 18 2008

    ANKARA - Diplomats from Turkey and Armenia, neighbours without
    diplomatic relations, met secretly in Switzerland this month in a bid
    to normalize ties, the mass circulation daily Hurriyet reported Friday.

    The delegations met in Bern on July 8 and held talks for several days,
    Huerriyet said.

    Foreign Minister Ali Babacan did not deny the report, saying the two
    countries have contacts "from time to time" and stressing that Ankara
    favours dialogue with its northeastern neighbour.

    Ali Babacan, foreign minister of Turkey, did not deny Friday Turkish
    media reports that his country had had dialogues with neighbour and
    historical enemy Armenia from time to time.

    Adem Altan/AFP/Getty Images

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    Printer friendly Font:****The meeting reflects a softer attitude
    towards Turkey by Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian, elected in
    February, Hurriyet commented, and reported that the United States
    and some European Union countries were informed of the talks.

    Ankara has refused to establish diplomatic ties with Yerevan since
    the former Soviet republic gained independence in 1991 because of
    Armenian efforts to secure international recognition of Armenian
    massacres under the Ottoman Empire as genocide.

    In 1993, Turkey shut its border with Armenia in a show of solidarity
    with its close ally Azerbaijan, then at war with Armenia, dealing a
    heavy economic blow to the impoverished nation.

    "We have contacts with Armenian colleagues from time to time," Babacan
    told reporters Friday. "It is important to discuss how relations
    between the two countries can be normalized through dialogue."

    Turkish and Armenian leaders have met on the sidelines of international
    gatherings, including a Black Sea regional summit in Istanbul last

    In 2006, Ankara disclosed that Turkish and Armenian diplomats had
    held three rounds of talks "to determine whether there is common
    ground on which to make progress in bilateral ties."

    More recently, Sarkisian invited Turkish President Abdullah Gul to
    watch a football World Cup qualifying match between Turkey and Armenia
    in Yerevan in September. Gul is yet to reply.

    Armenians claim up to 1.5 million of their kin were killed in
    orchestrated massacres during the First World War as the Turkish
    Ottoman Empire was falling apart.

    They have pursued an extensive campaign for an international
    recognition of the killings as genocide, securing the support of an
    array of countries, including France.

    Turkey categorically rejects the genocide label and argues that
    300,000 Armenians and at least as many Turks died in civil strife
    when the Armenians took up arms for independence in eastern Anatolia
    and sided with invading Russian troops.