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Gul to send conciliatory message to Armenia

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  • Gul to send conciliatory message to Armenia

    HYE-TERT, Turkey
    July 20 2008


    Yer: Armenia
    Tarih: 19.7.2008

    Turkey's President Abdullah Gul will send neighboring Armenia a
    conciliatory message wrapped in a warning over regional isolation when
    he visits the Turkish-Armenian border next week. Gul will visit Ani,
    an uninhabited medieval Armenian city in the province of Kars on the
    Armenia border, on July 23, during a visit to the region to attend a
    ceremony to inaugurate the construction of the Turkish part of a
    regional railway passing through Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan; the
    line excludes Armenia. The presidents of Azerbaijan and Georgia will
    also attend the inauguration ceremony, scheduled for July 24, Today's
    Zaman reports. `Despite Turkish efforts to deepen cooperation with
    other regional countries at the expense of landlocked Armenia, Gul's
    visit to Ani is a sign of readiness to improve ties with
    Yerevan. Armenia wants Turkey to restore medieval churches in Ani and
    Turkish authorities began renovation works in the city early this
    year,' the newspaper says. Foreign Minister Ali Babacan yesterday
    appeared to confirm a report in the Turkish media that Turkish and
    Armenian officials had secret talks in Switzerland earlier this
    month. The report in the Hurriyet daily said the officials met for a
    few days starting on July 8 and that a senior Foreign Ministry
    official headed the Turkish delegation. `Such talks are held from time
    to time,' Babacan told reporters. Turkey imposed blockage on Armenia
    as a token of support to Azerbaijan in the Nagorno Karabakh
    issue. Ankara also urges Armenia to stop the Armenian Genocide
    recognition process and says that both Armenians and Turks died during
    the World War I. `We have problems about current issues and
    disagreements about the 1915 events. It is essential that these
    problems are handled through dialogue,' Babacan said. Armenian
    President Serzh Sargsyan proposed `a fresh start' in relations with
    Turkey in an article published in The Wall Street Journal earlier this
    month. `The time has come for a fresh effort to break this deadlock, a
    situation that helps no one and hurts many. As president of Armenia, I
    take this opportunity to propose a fresh start - a new phase of
    dialogue with the government and people of Turkey, with the goal of
    normalizing relations and opening our common border,' he
    said. Sargsyan also invited Gul to a World Cup qualifying match
    between Armenian and Turkish teams in September. Officials say the
    invitation is still under consideration and that the president will
    decide according to developments. During a meeting with Iranian
    Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, Gul said that Sargsyan's
    invitation is being considered.