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President's Message in Connection With his 100 Days Term of Office

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  • President's Message in Connection With his 100 Days Term of Office


    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    Published on July 19, 2008

    Dear Compatriots,

    Today is the 100th -day of my activity in the position of the President
    of the Republic of Armenia. Hundred days, which is a symbolic chance to
    sum up the works done, and to highlight over again the agenda of the
    priorities for the development of our country. The previous 100 days
    were aimed at touching upon the expectations, hopes and demands of
    thousands of our citizens. To create grounds for the continuation of
    those changes, which are the direct imperatives of the country's future

    The conversation is about all the spheres of activity: internal and
    foreign policy, the perfection of the security and armed forces, the
    police and the judicial system, productive economic policy, including
    tax and customs service. There are spheres, where, in a short period of
    time, we managed to record success. In all the other spheres the
    results will very soon be visible.

    I have started to put into operation my program which most of you have
    approved, which includes settlement of many concrete and important
    issues. The previous 100 days showed that we will manage to solve most
    of them much earlier than we expected and we will need a long period of
    time to settle some of them, a long period, but not more than we have20

    Believe me I'm not saying that you must wait, because even I can't
    wait. I want to see all the problems solved as soon as possible. I want
    to see the positive results of the struggle against injustice,
    indifference and poverty.

    At the end of the 100 days of my term of office I would like to appeal
    to you to answer to one question: `What changes have you noticed during
    this period of time?'

    Unfortunately some people are very pessimistic about the changes made
    in the country. With my consistence I'm trying to change their
    pessimism. Our work won't be limited to 100 days. This working style
    will turn into a norm.

    Dear compatriots,

    I have always been in touch with you, openly and sincerely. And today
    I'm as sincere as usual. But we need to be optimistic to realize our

    Even when you do a small job you must be well disposed. As a society we
    must try to realize big programs, make big changes, and appreciate our
    country's development process.

    You must remember that you are the citizens of independent Armenia and
    today we are writing the new page of our history. And the history
    doesn't depend on the President only. Our children and grandchildren
    will also participate in it.

    My desire and goal is to see them living in free, democratic, and
    developed Armenia.

    We will create that Armenia together.'