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Tufenkian Foundation Launches New Website

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  • Tufenkian Foundation Launches New Website

    July 21, 2008

    Contact: Rick Barry
    212.475.2475 x384
    [email protected]<mailto:rbarry@tufenki>

    Leading Venture Philanthropy Group Launches New Website

    NEW YORK-The Tufenkian Foundation, one of the leading philanthropies
    working toward a just, democratic, and vibrant Armenia, has launched a
    new website at<http://www.tufen>.

    The website offers background information on the Foundation, its
    history, and its guiding principles; it also provides the latest news
    from the Foundation and its partners, as well as up-to-date reports on
    every project it has in active development.

    "We have anywhere from 10 to 20 projects going at a time," says
    Antranig Kasbarian, the Foundation's Director of Development. "So it
    can be hard to keep our friends consistently up-to-date on everything
    we do and learn on the ground."

    The new website is designed not just as a way to track the
    Foundation's progress, but also to give people worldwide a more robust
    understanding of the challenges facing Armenia and Nagorno-Karabagh.
    By providing information on the goals of each project and a regular
    stream of news from the region, promises to
    grow into a solid resource promoting awareness and prompting action.

    The website also guides individuals and groups that want to contribute
    to building a more vibrant Armenia, matching them to projects that
    meet specific, targeted needs. The website offers information on
    upcoming projects in need of sponsorship, as well as information for
    individuals and organizations interested in forming strategic

    "We've encountered many people who want to get involved with the work
    we are doing," says Kasbarian. "With this in mind, we've created a
    'Getting Involved' section of the website, which provides an easy and
    effective way for people to dedicate their time, talents, or gifts."

    The Tufenkian Foundation was launched in 1999 by entrepreneur James
    Tufenkian, seeking to empower local citizens' initiatives, assist the
    most vulnerable strata of society, promote environmental protection
    and awareness, and advance social justice in Armenia. Since its
    inception, the Foundation has broadened its scope to embattled
    Nagorno-Karabagh, where it promotes resettlement and development
    projects in the region's vulnerable border zones. Operating with a
    relatively small staff and budget, the Foundation specializes in
    launching pilot programs and developing them until they can either be
    handed off to larger benefactors or turned over to local citizens to
    continue and manage.

    The Tufenkian Foundation is part of the Tufenkian family of
    companies-which also includes Tufenkian Artisan Carpets, Tufenkian
    Heritage Hotels and Harvest Song Preserves
    (<http://www.Tu> of which are
    dedicated to leading their fields in both quality and in social and
    environmental responsibility.

    For more information on the Tufenkian Foundation, please visit<http://www.tu>.

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