21.07.2008 14:55
Millennium Challenge Account - Armenia SNCO has announced the award of
a contract to the Institute of Water Problems and Hydraulic Engineering
n/a V.
Yeghiazarov CJSC (Armenia), in partnership with WYG International Ltd
(UK) and JEN Financial, Engineering and Management Consulting Limited
(Armenia), for the design and construction supervision of up to 523
km of irrigation tertiary canals, 20 tube wells and 55 km of power
transmission lines under the MCA-Armenia Irrigated Agriculture project.
The contract was signed at MCA-Armenia SNCO office by MCA-Armenia CEO
Ara Hovsepyan and the Director of to the Institute of Water Problems
and Hydraulic Engineering CJSC Martin Hovsepyan.
The contract value is USD 870,000 for a period of 3 years. The work
will cover all 10 marzes of Armenia. The currently existing 52
Water Users Associations will have a crucial role to play in the
implementation of the project, in particular, helping to identify
the rural communities that need repair of their tertiary irrigation
network. The beneficiary communities will have to contribute 15%
of the overall design and construction costs.
21.07.2008 14:55
Millennium Challenge Account - Armenia SNCO has announced the award of
a contract to the Institute of Water Problems and Hydraulic Engineering
n/a V.
Yeghiazarov CJSC (Armenia), in partnership with WYG International Ltd
(UK) and JEN Financial, Engineering and Management Consulting Limited
(Armenia), for the design and construction supervision of up to 523
km of irrigation tertiary canals, 20 tube wells and 55 km of power
transmission lines under the MCA-Armenia Irrigated Agriculture project.
The contract was signed at MCA-Armenia SNCO office by MCA-Armenia CEO
Ara Hovsepyan and the Director of to the Institute of Water Problems
and Hydraulic Engineering CJSC Martin Hovsepyan.
The contract value is USD 870,000 for a period of 3 years. The work
will cover all 10 marzes of Armenia. The currently existing 52
Water Users Associations will have a crucial role to play in the
implementation of the project, in particular, helping to identify
the rural communities that need repair of their tertiary irrigation
network. The beneficiary communities will have to contribute 15%
of the overall design and construction costs.