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Modest Kolerov: Russia'S Foreign Policy Strategy Outlines New Highli

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  • Modest Kolerov: Russia'S Foreign Policy Strategy Outlines New Highli

    Modest Kolerov: Russia's Foreign Policy Strategy outlines new highlights regarding former USSR republics

    July 21 2008

    Russia's foreign policy strategy approved by President Dmitry Medvedev
    contains a few of new public highlights regarding Russia's policy in
    the post-Soviet territory.

    Firstly, it is announced clearly and unambiguously that the creeping
    "historic" rehabilitation of Nazism and aggressive nationalism in the
    post-Soviet territory has nothing to do with interests of science,
    but is rather a part of a deliberate policy of the West aimed at
    "Russia's containment": "The response to the prospect of the West
    losing its monopoly for globalization processes is taking shape in
    particular in the inertia of the political and psychological aim at
    "containment of Russia," including attempts to use for this purpose a
    selective approach to history, first of all to the history of World
    War Two and the post-war period. (...) It is necessary to provide
    conditions for researchers to conduct professional work aimed at
    establishing the historical truth, to prevent from making a historical
    issue into a tool of practical politics, (...) to show firm resistance
    to manifestations of neo-fascism, any forms of racial discrimination,
    aggressive nationalism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia, attempts to
    revise history and use it for purposes of exacerbating the tension and
    revanchism in global politics, revise the outcomes of World War Two."

    Secondly, it is noteworthy that the relations with the Baltic and
    "new European" countries are not fully limited by the frameworks of
    the relations with the European Union. Noting the bilateral relations
    with Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Finland, and other "old European"
    countries parallel to the EU, the strategy also addresses directly
    to Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, but (apart from the detailed
    rejection of rehabilitation of Nazism mentioned above) claims that
    they only observe the rights of the Russian-speaking population and
    Kaliningrad Region.

    Thirdly, the strategy finally transforms the philosophy of the CIS
    as a non-political organization, as a "forum for a political dialog"
    only, and, which is most important, "a mechanism of cooperation with
    priorities in economy, humanitarian interaction and so on." The
    strategy brings the relations with CIS member-countries to market
    foundations: "Russia regards the trade and economic relations with
    the CIS member-states, ... while observing the market principles as
    a significant pre-condition for development of truly equal relations
    ..." At the same time, Russia, now as a concept, treats the CIS as a
    kind of a niche for new, selective integration with those "showing
    their readiness for strategic partnership and allied relations,"
    namely with Belarus and Kazakhstan within frameworks of the EurAsEC
    and other states in the CSTO.

    Here a special attention should be drawn to the fact the tasks
    of establishing the Union State with Belarus are being switched
    to the market basis, although they sound with less confidence: "to
    continue a coordinated policy towards forming conditions for effective
    establishment of the Union State"- "through a gradual transition of the
    relations between Russia and Belarus to the market principles in the
    process of forming a shared economic zone." Meanwhile, the prospect
    remains unclear of such repeatedly declared goal of the EurAsEC as
    "a means of promoting major water and energy and infrastructure
    projects." While there are no questions regarding infrastructure
    projects in the context of Russia's active energy policy in Eurasia,
    there are rather more questions as far as "water engineering" projects
    is concerned, which is a complex of problems around the energy balance
    and water consumption between Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and
    Kyrgyzstan, and, which is most important, about commercial sense of
    Russia's participation in them.

    Another thing is important too: regarding the CSTO, the strategy
    focuses upon integration function of the organization, and, which is
    most important, its priority in Eurasia facing the NATO expansion,
    the task of "the CSTO turning into the core institution of providing
    security" in the region. Concern over such way of restoring the CSTO
    authority is directly stipulated by an extremely unambiguous formula:
    "Russia remains negative about the NATO extension, particularly about
    the plans to grant membership to the alliance to Ukraine and Georgia,
    as well as about moving NATO military facilities to Russian borders in
    general" (although, there is no response to the evident contradiction
    between NATO membership prospects of Georgia and Azerbaijan - and
    membership of Armenia to the CSTO).

    Russia's attitude towards unmentioned GUAM and other Baltic-Black-Sea
    schemes in the territory of the former USSR is also clear: these
    "sub-regional organizations and other institutions without Russia's
    participation in the CIS territory" will be treated in Moscow not
    by their declarations, but by "their real contribution to providing
    good neighborhood and stability, their readiness to take into account
    Russia's interests and respect mechanisms of cooperation that already
    exist, such as the CIS, the CSTO, the EurAsEC, as well as the Shanghai
    Cooperation Organization (SCO)." Taking into account that not only
    the practices, but the off-scaling rhetoric of those GUAMs are tersely
    anti-Russian and that they were established with a single purpose of
    leaving less traces of the CIS and the SCO on Earth, it is easy to
    predict there will be no love and respect for them in Moscow either.

    A wish meant in the strategy looks like a true condemnation in this
    connection: "This will be the way Russia's approaches to cooperation
    in the Black-Sea and the Caspian region will be built on the basis of
    preserving individuality of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)
    and strengthening the mechanism of Caspian states' cooperation." To cut
    it short, the more they are involved in a kind of "non-individual,"
    same-type struggle for "values" of transit and anti-Russian
    "alternative routes," the less they will be listened to in Moscow.

    Fourthly, threats for Russia coming from the former USSR, namely
    from its south, are more than clearly specified in the strategy:
    "Priority tasks are to combat terror threat and drug trafficking threat
    from the territory of Afghanistan, to prevent from destabilization
    of the situation in Central Asia and Transcaucasus." It is worth
    mentioning, REGNUM wrote about it in a recent report "Prospects of
    war in Transcaucasia and Central Asia". The strategy resorts twice
    to establishing the source of the threat: "The deepening crisis in
    Afghanistan bears a threat to security of CIS southern borders. Russia
    in cooperation with other interested parties, the United Nations,
    the CSTO, the SCO and other multilateral institutions will make
    subsistent effort in order to prevent from export of terrorism and
    drugs from Afghanistan..."

    Fifthly, in my opinion, the strategy is not very substantiated in
    terms of positioning "the multimillion-people Russian Diaspora, the
    Russian world, as a partner" of Russia's foreign policy, "particularly,
    in extending and strengthening the space of the Russian language and
    culture." The matter is that despite the success of the "Russian
    world" concept, there is no separate and consolidated Russian
    diaspora, especially with those Russian organizations that pretend
    to be representing interests of diaspora's interests, there are no
    special opportunities, different from powers of a national government,
    for humanitarian and even more economic and political outcomes. The
    most effective in this case not the mythical (and risky) Russia's
    diasporal policy, but Russia itself with whom it will be profitable
    to cooperate both to those feeling too narrow within frameworks of an
    "ethnographic diaspora" and those who do not consider themselves to
    be a part of the "Russian world," but rather prefer to be an admirer
    of Dostoyevsky, Stravinsky, Korolyov, Putin and Russia's multinational
    capital. That is why not the support fro the "diaspora" but of all and
    any compatriots in the CIS regarding protection of their "education,
    language, social, labor, humanitarian and other rights and freedoms"
    looks more realistic and important in the strategy. Here, as diplomats
    say, there is a "potential" meaning a burden of unsettled issues,
    which is almost unbearable, but still concerns millions instead of
    single "professional Russians" who nothing behind them apart from
    their career.

    Finally, the fact needs attention that Russia's leadership is
    adequate in assessing attempts of political dictate from the West in
    economic relations, which is more and more often is directed towards
    defending the "economic egoism" of the transiting neighbors and global
    consumers of Russian energy resources that contradicts market economy
    principles. From now on, Russia will not only succumb to those willing
    to dictate politically one-sided rules of the game to it, but is fully
    ready to provide for its political sovereignty by economic measures,
    "in accordance with the international law using all economic levers
    and resources at hand as well as competitive advantages to protect
    its national interests."

    To cut it short, as for the post-Soviet territory, the Russian Foreign
    Policy Strategy, taking into account the needed compromise nature and
    natural inertia of preparation of such documents, as a rule, gives
    quite clear responses to current events around Russia. Conflict
    potential of the events is too far from being exhausted and the
    conflict logic will increase, but Russia is quite able to provide
    its response to the Western theory of "Russia's containment", which
    is still a test for the Euro-Atlantic loyalty to young post-Soviet
    leaders, by its (Russia's) own national practice of "self-restrained