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ANKARA: Solution To Kurdish Problem: A Kurdistan For Iraq, Democracy

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  • ANKARA: Solution To Kurdish Problem: A Kurdistan For Iraq, Democracy


    Today's Zaman
    July 22 2008

    With the exception of a small number of intellectuals, the vast
    majority of Kurds in Turkey promote coexistence in a just and
    democratic republic instead of the founding of an independent Kurdish

    How the Kurdish question needs to be resolved has been discussed for
    many years. In addition to the fact that no agreement has emerged on
    the definition of this problem, no reconciliation has been reached,

    In Turkey, a substantial segment still wants the continuation of the
    current policies of denial, repression and assimilation. Those who
    see the Kurdish problem as a "separatist" terrorism issue alone are
    reluctant to rely on an approach based on military measures only. Any
    demands in regards to Kurdish identity are labeled as separatism. The
    paranoia that even the smallest democratic progress will be followed by
    other demands and that the individual cultural rights will transform
    into group rights, a federation and ultimately an independent Kurdish
    state makes these circles lose sleep over this. Fear is constantly
    generated by those who favor the status quo and are alienated from
    the people, the culture and the history of the Middle East as well
    as the media which supports them.

    It is possible to categorize the views of those intellectuals,
    parties and organizations who support the resolution of the Kurdish
    issue but hold different ideologies and worldviews on the resolution
    of the problem as follows:

    These categories are:

    * Kurdish nationalists (Those who promote the idea of an independent
    Kurdish state)

    * Supporters of an ethnic federation

    * Those who promote the project of coexistence

    Kurdish nationalists

    Kurdish nationalism emerged in the early 20th century. The idea of
    a nation state arrived as an ideology of the bourgeoisie after the
    French Revolution and influenced some Kurdish intellectuals.

    Nationalist thoughts non-Muslim peoples of the Ottoman state --
    Serbs, Greeks, Romanians, Bulgarians and Armenians -- had embraced
    also impressed the Muslim groups as well. Following the Albanians
    and the Arabs, some Kurdish intellectuals joined this movement.

    The above-mentioned peoples other than the Kurds revolted against
    the Ottoman state and gained independence, whereas only the Armenian
    uprising failed. A political uprising contrary to the interests of the
    Armenian people who suffered a lot resulted in a disaster. As opposed
    to the Muslim Albanians and Arabs, the Kurds did not part ways with
    the Ottoman state. The Kurds dealt with the pains and turmoil of World
    War I together with the Turks. The Kurdish people and leaders viewed
    their fates connected to the fates of the Turks because of the idea
    of Islamic brotherhood and unity. Currently, with the exception of a
    small number of intellectuals, the vast majority of Kurds in Turkey
    promote coexistence in a just and democratic republic instead of
    founding an independent Kurdish state.

    There are two reasons why a Kurdish state was not created in the
    Middle East in the 20th century:

    1- The Western imperialists did not see an independent Kurdish state
    as compatible with their interests. There are several reasons for this.

    2- The Kurds did not want to part ways with the Turks, with whom they
    have lived together for centuries.

    The vast majority of Kurds still object to the idea of a nation-state
    and a separate Kurdish state from Turkey. These objections may be
    divided into two parts:

    1- The idea of a nation-state and the nation-state model was
    fashionable in the 19th century. The nation-state became outdated
    in the 21st century. A wave of globalization has swept through the
    world. Information and culture recognize no boundaries, and the
    movement of goods cannot be prevented. All values generated in the
    fields of sports, fashion, cinema and music are disseminated instantly;
    likewise, information and technology transcend boundaries. A commodity
    produced in China is marketed in another part of the world in a few
    days. The Internet has almost become the common memory of all of
    humanity. Marriages between people of different religions, languages
    and ethnicities are on the rise; local languages are disappearing
    and being replaced by English, which is increasingly becoming the
    official language of the world. In such a world, national boundaries
    become insignificant in economic and cultural terms; the bourgeoisie,
    which promoted nationalism and national boundaries in the 19th and
    20th centuries for the sake of its interests, now seeks to lift the
    boundaries, considering that they are contrary to its interests.

    Instead of nation-states, regional unions and political and economic
    organizations like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and
    the European Union gain importance. In the current form of the world,
    it is commonly held that a delayed Kurdish nationalism would bring
    harm to Kurds rather than benefits. The Kurds desire to remain within
    a political organization consistent with the new global tendencies
    rather than trying a non-functional and outdated model.

    2. The nation-state model does not fit the Middle East. The
    nation-state brought irresolution rather than solution to Middle
    Eastern communities because of the following reasons:

    a. The Middle East does not have a social structure similar
    to that of Europe; the two have undergone different historical
    processes. The Middle East did not experience historical turning
    points that made Europe the current Europe, including the Reformation,
    the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution and
    democratic revolutions. There have been no bourgeoisie and labor
    classes in the Middle East in the Western sense. The feudality of
    Europe and feudality of the Middle East do not overlap. To this
    end, the lord of Europe is not equal to the aga of the Middle East;
    likewise, the church and priest of Christianity are not the proper
    matches of mosque and imam of the Islamic world.

    b. Ethnic, religious and sectarian differences are not
    separated via visible lines in the Middle East; instead, they
    are intertwined. Kurd-Turk-Arab, Muslim-Christian, Sunni-Shiite
    mostly live in the same city, in the same neighborhood. Likewise,
    the Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, Assyrians, Armenians and
    Greeks have lived together in this land. The social structure has
    been based on conciliation and coexistence rather than conflict and
    separation. This is the case in ancient Islamic cities like Ä°stanbul,
    Cairo, Baghdad and Damascus.

    c. These ethnic, religious and sectarian differences have existed
    under the rule of big states instead of small ones that clashed with
    each other. From this perspective, the history of the Middle East
    is the history of empires. The Roman, Medes, Persian, Byzantine,
    Umayyad, Abbasid, Seljuk and Ottoman eras may be cited as examples of
    this. During some periods of interruptions and disorder, small states
    emerged; but this did not last long and a big political organization
    established its rule. The period following the Mongolian invasion is
    an example of this.

    d. The dominant factor in the Middle East is religion and sect
    rather than ethnicity. This is the case in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria,
    Lebanon and Egypt. The Kirkuk Turkmen and the Shiite Kurds in Iraq
    act together with the Arab Shiites.

    e. Marriages take place between those who share the same religion and
    sect without considering the lingual and racial difference. Integration
    between families is almost intact. It is estimated that the number
    of marriages between Turks and Kurds is over 1 million in Turkey alone.

    f. There have been almost no ethnic wars between communities in
    the Middle East. The most important wars in the history were fought
    between Turks. These are the wars fought between Sultan Mehmet the
    Conqueror and the Akkoyunlu ruler Uzun Hasan, Yıldırım Bayezit and
    Uzbek Timurlane, Sultan Selim I and Safavid Shah Ismail. All these
    rulers were Turks. In addition, with the exception of Shah Ismail,
    all others were Sunni as well. The reason of the wars was the pursuit
    of power and influence.

    g. The idea of nationalism is relatively new to the Middle East. First,
    military states were founded to create a nation through the efforts
    of the state. Agaoglu Ahmet, Ziya Gökalp and Moiz Kohen in Turkey
    and Michel Aflaq and Jamal Abdel Nasser in the Arab world served as
    the leading names in support of this ideology. Kurdish nationalism is
    a delayed nationalism. Arab nationalism is still behind religion and
    sect. It is not possible to talk about national awareness and unity
    in the modern sense.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress