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USA Can Make Gul Arrive In Yerevan And Have Aliyev Sign A Treaty Of

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  • USA Can Make Gul Arrive In Yerevan And Have Aliyev Sign A Treaty Of


    19.07.2008 GMT+04:00

    If Turkey agrees to negotiations, which will lead to normalization
    of Armenian-Turkish relations and result in opening of the border,
    Baku will lose its sole ally.

    To all appearances American diplomacy in the South Caucasus produced
    the first results: negotiations on the probable normalization of
    Armenian-Turkish relations launched, secretly though. As usual,
    information leak is traced to the Turkish press, which once more
    convinces countries of the region of the fact that, in spite of all
    her statements on her right to implement her own policy, Ankara obeys
    the USA.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ However, USA's controlling the Turkish policy
    is temporary. On August 12 the Constitutional Court of Turkey will
    announce the verdict of the Prosecutor's General claim against the
    ruling Party for Justice and Development (AKP). This means that on
    September 6 the President of Turkey will be either in jail or in
    Yerevan. And Washington, even if it cannot interfere in the affairs
    of the Constitutional Court of Turkey, will at least influence the
    General Staff, which has been directing the Turkish policy for more
    than 70 years.

    But secret negotiations are not a novelty. Still at the beginning
    of the current year Armenian and Turkish diplomats secretly
    met in Vienna, but neither of the Foreign Ministries elucidated
    the meeting. And according to diplomats, it is now time to work
    more openly. As Turkish Daily News reports, during the past three
    months Armenian and Turkish officials have conducted two rounds of
    negotiations in Bern, Switzerland, which is considered an impartial
    country. Undersecretary of Turkey's Foreign Minister Ertugrul Apakan
    headed the Turkish delegation during the first round (held in May) and
    his deputy Unal Cevikoz was the delegation leader at the second round
    (held in July). According to Turkey's Foreign Minister Ali Babacan,
    such contacts are important for normalization of relations. "We still
    have disagreements over the events of 1915, but we favor a constructive
    approach and are eager to have a dialogue on solving the problems,"
    he said.

    The information on Abdullah Gul's arrival in Yerevan set Azerbaijan
    on panic. However, it is quite explicable - if Turkey agrees to
    negotiations, which will lead to normalization of Armenian-Turkish
    relations and result in opening of the border, Baku will lose its sole
    ally. Though, it should be admitted, that Ankara is not so reliable
    an ally. Ankara is eager to be a transit of Azerbaijani oil and gas,
    and cherishes the idea of establishing the Great Turan state, which
    is not at all favourable to Baku. Still, the Azerbaijani Mass Media
    are discussing the possible consequences of Abdullah Gul's arrival
    in Yerevan. According to analyst Rasim Aghayev a question arises
    whether Turkey will agree to "exchange" Nagorno Karabakh for Armenia's
    rejection to conduct a campaign for the recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide across the world. "I think Turkish leadership may undertake
    this step. But this will be Turkey's mistake, as concessions in
    Nagorno Karabakh conflict will be immediately followed by concessions
    of Armenia in the issue of 1915 Genocide, which implies concessions
    in the issues of compensations to the genocide victims and in the
    issues of territorial claims by Armenia to Turkey," Aghayev believes.

    Chief of Department of Armenian Studies of the Turkish Institute
    of History Kemal Cicek, commenting to APA Turkish bureau on the
    secret meetings between Armenian and Turkish officials, stated:
    "Within various initiatives we've been meeting with Armenians in
    different European cities - in Oslo, in Salzburg. We proposed to
    establish joint commission for investigation of historic events,
    but have not received positive response yet. We cannot achieve the
    opening of Dashnak archives in Boston. No results have been achieved
    at these meetings so far. Let our Azerbaijani brothers not worry. Any
    step against our brothers is out of the question at the meetings held
    by the Foreign Ministry and our institute as well. There is no room
    for concern. The meetings may be even assessed as exerting pressure
    on Armenians through our demands". We get the impression that instead
    of the Turkish scientist it was an Azerbaijani analyst who answered
    the question of APA Turkish bureau. By the way it is not the first
    time that the Azerbaijani Mass Media have distorted the information
    to their own benefit.

    >>From all the Azeri analysts Zardusht Alizade turned out to be the
    most sober. He declared that Azerbaijan should not panic in case the
    Armenian-Turkish border is opened. "The rumours that Azerbaijan might
    cede Nagorno Karabakh to Armenia are obviously untrue. The Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict can be settled only through Azerbaijan's effective
    policy. Only we can solve this problem. The situation is changing in
    the region and in the whole world, but our authorities are reluctant
    to notice the change. Oil dollars do not decide everything in the
    world. Sometimes we must look around and weigh the situation. The
    West made Turkey establish relations with Armenia and it will make
    Azerbaijan too. Soon the day will arrive when Azerbaijan will open
    its borders to Armenia. But in order to achieve it, Armenians have
    to give up their misleading policy and stop living in the world of
    myths," Alizade noted, reports. It is quite reasonable -
    Alizade represents the opposition, and unlike other Azeri "political
    analysts" can afford the truth or at least, the half-truth.

    Meanwhile Editor-in-Chief of the Californian Courier Harut Sasunyan
    is sure that even if the parties are able to overcome the main
    disagreements, no doubt, there will be no end to controversies between
    them. They will have arguments on selecting the staff and participants
    of the perspective Armenian-Turkish commission, on deciding the scope
    of investigation, on gaining access to the archives, and even on the
    size of the table round which they are going to sit. "And, of course,
    the side that will be quicker in smoothing away the controversies
    will win the PR-war and will blame the other side for collapsing the
    commission," Sasunyan said, reminding that the RA President had agreed
    on forming a commission only after the Armenian-Turkish border would
    be opened.

    "In case the President of Turkey or any other authority leader arrives
    in Yerevan on September 6, the Armenian authorities should follow the
    protocol of visiting the memorial to the Genocide victims and lay
    flowers to perpetuate their memory. But the problem is if Turkish
    officials will agree to it. On April 21, 1993 former President of
    Armenia Levon Ter-Petrossian left for Ankara and obeyed the protocol by
    visiting the mausoleum of Ataturk. Unfortunately the highly emotional
    and sentimental issue of the Armenian Genocide is transformed into
    political football. No one has the right to make political deals at
    the expense of recognition of this atrocious crime! The Armenian
    issue must not be subject to manipulations neither by the Turks,
    nor by the Armenians," Sasunyan stated.