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More Details On Armenia-Turkey Secret Contacts Revealed

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  • More Details On Armenia-Turkey Secret Contacts Revealed


    AZG Armenian Daily


    On July 18 "Hurriet" newspaper stated without any details that
    Armenia-Turkey secrtet talks have started in Bern, Switrzerland. Later
    the fact was confirmed.

    Nevertheless is most interesting are neither the responses nor the
    confirmation. The most interesting are the details of the meeting.

    Some details were provided by the Turkish New York website
    ( This is what they write, "the friendly gestures of
    Serge Sarkisian encouraged Turkey, which has had unofficial contacts
    with Armenia for almost 10 years. It turns out that Foreign Ministry
    Councilor Rtugrul Apakan and his assistant on Caucasus and Central Asia
    Unal Zevikoz had two series of meetings with the Armenian delegates
    in May and July.

    Although Ali Babacan confessed time to time contacts between
    Armenia and Turkey, he refused to provide any details. According to
    information received, Ankara is aware of Azerbaijan's opposition in
    case Armenia-Turkey contacts become public.

    As far as Turkish Daily News came to know, Apakan's and Zevikoz's
    meetings with the Armenians in Bern were successful in sense of
    coming to agreement on the strategy and methods of resolving the
    present problems.

    It also came out that instead of discussing the establishment of one
    commission, the Armenian and Turkish sides discussed the opportunity
    of founding four joint commissions, one for the borders, the Genocide,
    reparations and Karabakh respectively.

    Previous President of Armenia Robert Kocharian denied Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan's proposal to establish a commission of Armenian and Turkish
    historians to study the 1915 events. Kocharian insisted that an
    intergovernmental, not scientific commission must be established. This
    time, according to diplomatic sources, measures are taken to meet
    the requirements of both the sides.

    Most attention during Apakan's and Zevikoz's meetings was paid to
    the question of opening the Turkish-Armenian border. It is a long
    time since the EU and the USA have started persuading Ankara that
    opeing the border with Armenia is the best way to weaken Armenia's
    positions on the Genocide".

    In the end mentions Serge Sarkisian's invitation of
    Abdullah Gul to Armenia on September 6 and says about the possibility
    of having the third round of talks this year before the possible
    meeting in Yerevann