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General Assembly Over

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  • General Assembly Over


    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    Published on July 22, 2008

    14th General Assembly of ARDF Armenian organization took place in
    Vanadsor on July 18-20.

    The Assembly discussed the activity of the graduated General Body,
    confirmed the forthcoming programs to be implemented in political,
    advocacy and organizational spheres.

    Touching upon the political issues the Assembly justified the decision
    on joining the newly formed coalition.

    Meanwhile it recorded that this participation is conditioned by
    political reforms in the country, the future development of democracy,
    anti-corruption struggle, annihilation of economic monopoly, as well
    as concrete results expected in the settlement of social democratic

    Discussing the activity of NA Temporary Committee investigating
    March 1-2 developments the General Assembly underscored that the
    committee must completely reveal those tragic events and try to meet
    the expectations of the society.

    Touching upon the foreign political problems it was over again
    enshrined that Turkey's pre-conditions for the establishment of
    Armenian-Turkish relations are really unacceptable and that the fact of
    the Genocide shouldn't become a matter of discussions and bargaining.

    In the framework of the organizational agenda the Assembly declared
    the coming years as a period of the consolidation of the organization
    and involvement of new forces.

    At the end of the Assembly the new General Body has been elected by
    the following staff.

    Armen Rustamyan, Artyush Shahbazyan, Gagik Gevorgyan, Tatul
    Harutyunyan, Igor Sargsyan, Hayrapet Babayan, Hrach Tadevosyan,
    Hrayr Karapetyan, Michael Manukyan, Mushegh Manasyan, Romik Manukyan,
    Ruben Margaryan, Simon Simonyan, Vartges Atoyan, Vlad Kochunts.

    During its first session the newly elected General Body elected Armen
    Rustamyan as the representative of the General Body.