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ANKARA: Gul Calls On Armenia To Respect Territorial In

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  • ANKARA: Gul Calls On Armenia To Respect Territorial In


    Zaman Online
    July 24 2008

    President Abdullah Gul stated yesterday that Turkey wants good
    relations with its neighbors and stability in its region but sent
    a veiled message to Armenia that it should respect the territorial
    rights of neighboring Azerbaijan if it wants to be part of regional
    integration projects.

    "Countries in the region should support projects that will further
    develop neighborhood relations and establish peace," Gul told an
    Armenian journalist during a visit to the far eastern province of
    Kars, on the border with Armenia. "If countries want to take part
    in these projects, they should respect the territorial integrity of
    other countries," he added.

    Turkey severed its ties and closed its border with Armenia in 1993
    in protest of Armenian occupation of the Azerbaijani territory of
    Nagorno-Karabakh. Gul's emphasis on respect for territorial integrity
    is a sign that Turkey is not planning to reverse its policy on ties
    with Armenia any time soon unless Yerevan agrees to take a step back
    in the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute, despite a recent thaw in relations.

    Ankara also says the normalization of ties depends on Armenia's formal
    recognition of the current borders with Turkey and changing its policy
    of calling for worldwide recognition for Armenian claims of genocide
    at the hands of the Ottoman Empire.

    Armenian President Serzh Sarksyan has invited Gul to a World Cup
    qualifying match between the national soccer teams of the two countries
    in September and has called for dialogue to help the normalization of
    ties, saying this will be mutually beneficial. Foreign Minister Ali
    Babacan said last week that Turkish Foreign Ministry officials had
    talks with Armenian officials in Switzerland earlier this month. But
    the Foreign Ministry insisted that the talks did not mean a change
    in Turkey's policy.

    Gul said yesterday he has not yet decided whether to attend the soccer
    match between Turkish and Armenian national teams.

    Gul yesterday visited Ani, an uninhabited medieval Armenian
    city in Kars on the Armenian border, in a sign of reconciliation
    with Armenia. Today, he will attend a ceremony to inaugurate the
    construction of the Turkish part of a regional railway passing through
    Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan. The route excludes Armenia. The
    presidents of Azerbaijan and Georgia are also attending the
    inauguration ceremony.

    With Turkish-Armenian ties severed over disputes, Turkey has taken
    steps to deepen regional cooperation on energy, transportation and
    trade with Azerbaijan and Georgia. The planned Baku-Tbilisi-Kars
    railway will link the three countries and revive the historical Silk
    Road by connecting Central Asia and the Far East to Europe via Turkey.

    Construction of the Georgian section of the railway, expected to
    begin service in 2011, began in November of last year. Gul had joined
    Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and Azerbaijani President Ilham
    Aliyev at the inauguration ceremony. Some 1.5 million people and 6.5
    million tons of cargo are expected to be transported via the railway
    in the first year following its launch. The project is estimated to
    cost $450 million.