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ANKARA: More Detentions In Ergenekon Coup Plot Investigation

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  • ANKARA: More Detentions In Ergenekon Coup Plot Investigation


    Zaman Online
    July 24 2008

    More than a score of people were detained yesterday in raids carried
    out in five cities in connection with an investigation into a powerful
    and illegal organization suspected of plotting to overthrow the
    Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government.

    Twenty-six individuals, most of whom are editors and writers of the
    National Solution journal -- known in the past for its proximity
    to the Islamist National View movement, out of which grew political
    parties such as the Welfare Party (RP) and the Felicity Party (SP)
    -- were detained in the raids.

    Early on Wednesday police staged the simultaneous raids in five
    provinces, from Istanbul in the west to Elazıg in eastern Turkey. The
    operation was focused on the central Turkish province of Konya,
    where 12 people were held.

    The detainees include Professor Ahmet Uckun Eray, who is a member of
    the Central Decision Committee of the Workers' Party (Ä°P). The Ä°P's
    leader is also currently in jail for his links to Ergenekon. The
    Mediterranean region representative of Ulusal Kanal and the same
    network's advertising department director Nuran Gökdemir were also
    among those detained in yesterday's raids.

    The remaining detainees were also taken to Konya for questioning.

    Konya Police Chief Salih Tuzcu in a statement he made early yesterday
    evening said the police were investigating the links between the
    suspects and the Ergenekon organization. He noted that the operation
    was the culmination of a year-and-a-half-long investigation. "These
    people who were detained seem to be very different from each other
    but they had a common purpose," Tuzcu said, adding that a large number
    of documents that were seized along with other police findings point
    in that direction. He also noted that this was only the beginning of
    their operation, declining further comment.

    Eighty-six people have already been charged with involvement in a
    bid to stage a coup against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's
    government, which hard-line secularists accuse of Islamist subversion.

    The Ergenekon investigation under which yesterday's detentions were
    made began in the summer of 2007, when a house filled with arms and
    ammunition in Ä°stanbul's Umraniye district was discovered. As the
    investigation expanded, an organization was revealed that is suspected
    of responsibility for a number of politically motivated murders,
    including that of ethnic Armenian journalist Hrant Dink in January
    2007, and attacks at newspapers and judicial entities to foment chaos
    and engineer a military takeover.

    The 86 defendants named in the indictment include the head of a
    small nationalist party, journalists, drug lords and retired army
    officers. Earlier this month, two senior retired generals, leading
    businessmen and journalists were arrested, and a separate indictment
    is being prepared for them.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress