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ANC-SF: Rep. Berman Reiterates Support for Armenian Issues

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  • ANC-SF: Rep. Berman Reiterates Support for Armenian Issues

    Armenian National Committee
    San Francisco - Bay Area
    51 Commonwealth Avenue
    San Francisco, CA 94118
    Tel: (415) 387-3433
    Fax: (415) 751-0617


    Tiburon, CA, July 20, 2008 - Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA), Chairman of the
    House Foreign Affairs Committee, told an audience at a fundraiser for
    Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) that the United States should press Turkey for
    accountability regarding the Armenian Genocide. Berman said he wanted
    the U.S. to have good relationship with Turkey, but that the U.S. should
    lead Turkey in recognizing the history of the Armenian Genocide. "It's
    part of what friends do," Berman said.

    In an earlier discussion with Bay Area ANC representatives, Berman said,
    "I'm from a background where you don't brush things under the rug. You
    deal with them and move on."

    Berman, who recently met with Armenia's Foreign Minister, said the U.S.
    also should do more to help end the Turkish blockade of Armenia, which
    cuts off a major avenue for manufactured goods to reach Armenia through
    Turkey. The result is not good for the U.S., he said. "We're pushing a
    friend into the hands of Russia and Iran."

    Berman is a member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues and a
    co-sponsor of the Armenian Genocide Resolution. As Chair of the House
    Foreign Affairs Committee, he recently held a hearing questioning
    administration officials about U.S. policies towards the Caucasus
    region, including Turkey's blockade of Armenia.

    Rep. Woolsey and Rep. Berman spoke about their work on the House Foreign
    Affairs Committee, seeking to broaden U.S. assistance programs to
    Africa, as well as improve US policy towards Iraq, Iran, and the rest of
    the Middle East.

    "Our committee will have an effective, balanced, progressive, coherent
    approach," Berman said, who said he believed the U.S. cannot be
    effective around the world when its policies produce world-wide hatred
    and violate international law.

    This month, President Bush signed into law a measure by Rep. Berman
    eliminating a government-imposed stigma against association with the
    African National Congress of South Africa. As a result, the United
    States will remove from its databases any notation characterizing the
    ANC and its leaders -- including Nobel Laureate and former South African
    President Nelson Mandela -- as terrorists.

    Berman has also recently introduced legislation devoting more high-level
    attention and funding to the plight of Iraqi refugees, as well as a bill
    calling on the government `to strengthen its leadership role' in
    response to the genocide in Darfur and urging the departments of State
    and Homeland Security to facilitate the resettlement in the U.S. of
    Darfuri refugees.

    Berman was a member of the California State Assembly from 1973 to 1982,
    when he was elected to Congress representing parts of the San Fernando
    Valley in the Los Angeles area.


    Picture Captions:
    - (left to right) Bay Area ANC member Ara Makasdjian, Rep. Howard
    Berman, Rep. Lynn Woolsey, and Bay Area ANC Chairperson, Roxanne Makasdjian
    - Rep. Howard Berman