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Members Of United Javakhk Union Persecuted In Javakhk, Armen Aghayan

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  • Members Of United Javakhk Union Persecuted In Javakhk, Armen Aghayan


    JU LY 23

    Provocations have been organized to Armenians in Javakhk over the
    past weeks. One of their occasions was the explosion near the house
    of Akhalkalak Police Head on July 17, in consequence of which neither
    the house was damaged nor someone suffered. Armen Aghayan, a member
    of the Javakhk Council, stated at the July 22 press conference.

    In his words, provocations and persecutions are aimed against activists
    of the United Javakhk union. A. Aghayan reminded to those present
    that as far back as in 2006 the Armenian authorities groundlessly
    arrested, then brought to court and banished from the country union
    activist Vahagn Chakhalian. "I am convinced that by doing so our
    authorities were carrying out the request of the Georgian authorities,"
    A. Aghayan said.

    In his words, Georgia sees a danger in the union, as it enjoys much
    authority in Akhalkalak: many years ago the union organized rallies
    with the participation of 10-12 thousand people, made Georgian
    officials not dismiss Armenians from job groundlessly, spoke against
    any anti-Armenian initiative.

    All that, as A. Aghayan mentioned, could not please Georgian

    A few days ago, according to him, an armed attack was made on
    the house of another member of the United Javakhk union, Gurgen
    Shirinian. Then almost all union activists were arrested. "From
    the moment the Armenian authorities banished V. Chakhalian from the
    homeland, Georgians have no obstacle and now they do what they want
    to our guys," A. Aghayan said. He added that he does not see any way
    out of the formed situation, but considers that Armenia should defend
    its compatriots in Javakhk by all means.

    It should be mentioned that the Supreme Council of the Armenian Aryan
    Union expressed concern with the regular provocation in Javakhk in
    its open letter addressed to the Armenian and Georgian authorities,
    responsible persons of all countries' Embassies in RA on July 21.

    "Today Armenian Javakhk is on the way of remaining without Armenians
    like Nakhichevan. The Georgian authorities with their puppet "Armenian"
    servants periodically hatch plots to Armenians in Javakhk to achieve
    their primary goal, to make Armenians leave Javakhk. Especially
    Javakhk's patriotic forces are persecuted. In some cases the RA
    authorities also contributed to these provocations, by willingly
    carrying out Georgian authorities' request-orders in a number of
    cases," the letter read.

    The Supreme Council of the Armenian Aryan Union demands that the
    Georgian authorities stop purposeful persecutions to Javakhk Armenian
    patriotic forces and the Armenian authorities immediately interfere
    to protect the rights of Armenian population in Javakhk at the higher
    diplomatic level.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress