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Tigran Sargsyan Met With PACE Chairman

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  • Tigran Sargsyan Met With PACE Chairman


    RIA Oreanda
    July 24 2008

    Yerevan. ">OREANDA-NEWS . July 24, 2008. RA Prime Minister Tigran
    Sargsyan met with PACE Chairman Luis Maria de Puig. The parties have
    referred to the implementation of those recommendations contained in
    PACE Resolution 1609 on the functioning of democratic institutions
    in Armenia and in the follow-up PACE Resolution 1620.

    At the outset of the meeting, the PACE Chairman stressed that
    no one in the Council of Europe wishes to see Armenia found in a
    difficult situation. Thereby, like the Council of Europe Human Rights
    Commissioner, he has come to encourage and prop up the country ahead
    on the way to implementing the foregoing PACE resolutions and getting
    back to normalcy.

    Luis Maria de Puig focused in particular on the need for exposing
    the whole truth about the March 1-2 events. In this context, he spoke
    of the ongoing activities of the National Assembly ad hoc commission
    and the recent proposal voiced by the Council of Europe Human Rights
    Commissioner concerning the establishment of an independent task force
    to that effect. He also touched upon a variety of issues relating to
    those oppositionists detained as a result of said events, the terms
    of reference of the National Radio and TV Regulatory Commission,
    the possibilities for ensuring full media freedom and broader powers
    for the opposition in the country.

    With reference to PACE Resolution 1609, Luis Maria de Puig said to be
    pleased at the allowance made of the benchmarks set by the Council of
    Europe in amending the RA law on holding meetings, rallies, marches
    and demonstrations.

    Regarding the problem of detained persons, the PACE Chairman noted
    that the Council of Europe cannot tolerate the availability of
    political prisoners in a member State: "This is unacceptable to the
    Council of Europe. I do not mean the ones having committed criminal
    offences. Distinction has to be made between the acts of violence and
    political activities. The authorities should set free those detained
    on political considerations rather than on criminal charges," Luis
    Maria de Puig has said.

    Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan thanked the PACE Chairman for his
    sincere desire to back Armenia and expressed conviction that the
    PACE mission will help solve many problems. He indicated that the
    authorities bear greater responsibility for these challenges and,
    well aware thereof, they have come up with a number of clear-cut
    initiatives. The Prime Minister mentioned in particular the broad-based
    cooperation framework established between the government, on the
    one hand, and civil society organizations and the opposition, on
    the other. In this context, he said to have sent open invitations to
    opposition representatives on different occasions for participation
    in the design of the new anti-corruption strategy and subsequent
    involvement in monitoring action. According to the Prime Minister,
    oppositionists are invited to attend government sessions and cabinet
    discussions held on issues of public concern. "We will not give up
    the initiative of bridging over the divide, and should the opposition
    take advantage of it, the situation will change in the country,"
    the Prime Minister said.

    Concerning those under probe, Tigran Sargsyan assured that here,
    too, the authorities are fully cognizant of the seriousness of
    the task. Every one in the government realizes that any political
    motivation whatsoever behind the trials is very dangerous to the
    country. Therefore, everything is being done to keep the process
    within the bounds of law.

    The interlocutors have also referred to the settlement of the
    Karabakh conflict. The Prime Minister availed himself of the
    opportunity to express concern over the fact that at its June
    session the Council of Europe adopted a declaration stating that
    democratic development in Azerbaijan should go hand-in-hand with
    the restoration of its territorial integrity. Such a wording was
    assessed to be too dangerous by the RA Prime Minister who said it was
    in sharp contrast with basic European values and approaches and might
    undermine the ongoing peace process. Tigran Sargsyan pointed out that
    the principles of territorial integrity and self-determination are
    given an equal footing in international law, and saying that failure
    in the reinstatement of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity would be
    an obstacle to democratic development in that country constitutes a
    backdrop from the PACE values. OREANDA-NEWS. July 24, 2008. RA Prime
    Minister Tigran Sargsyan met with PACE Chairman Luis Maria de Puig. The
    parties have referred to the implementation of those recommendations
    contained in PACE Resolution 1609 on the functioning of democratic
    institutions in Armenia and in the follow-up PACE Resolution 1620.

    At the outset of the meeting, the PACE Chairman stressed that
    no one in the Council of Europe wishes to see Armenia found in a
    difficult situation. Thereby, like the Council of Europe Human Rights
    Commissioner, he has come to encourage and prop up the country ahead
    on the way to implementing the foregoing PACE resolutions and getting
    back to normalcy.

    Luis Maria de Puig focused in particular on the need for exposing
    the whole truth about the March 1-2 events. In this context, he spoke
    of the ongoing activities of the National Assembly ad hoc commission
    and the recent proposal voiced by the Council of Europe Human Rights
    Commissioner concerning the establishment of an independent task force
    to that effect. He also touched upon a variety of issues relating to
    those oppositionists detained as a result of said events, the terms
    of reference of the National Radio and TV Regulatory Commission,
    the possibilities for ensuring full media freedom and broader powers
    for the opposition in the country.

    With reference to PACE Resolution 1609, Luis Maria de Puig said to be
    pleased at the allowance made of the benchmarks set by the Council of
    Europe in amending the RA law on holding meetings, rallies, marches
    and demonstrations.

    Regarding the problem of detained persons, the PACE Chairman noted
    that the Council of Europe cannot tolerate the availability of
    political prisoners in a member State: "This is unacceptable to the
    Council of Europe. I do not mean the ones having committed criminal
    offences. Distinction has to be made between the acts of violence and
    political activities. The authorities should set free those detained
    on political considerations rather than on criminal charges," Luis
    Maria de Puig has said.

    Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan thanked the PACE Chairman for his
    sincere desire to back Armenia and expressed conviction that the
    PACE mission will help solve many problems. He indicated that the
    authorities bear greater responsibility for these challenges and,
    well aware thereof, they have come up with a number of clear-cut
    initiatives. The Prime Minister mentioned in particular the broad-based
    cooperation framework established between the government, on the
    one hand, and civil society organizations and the opposition, on
    the other. In this context, he said to have sent open invitations to
    opposition representatives on different occasions for participation
    in the design of the new anti-corruption strategy and subsequent
    involvement in monitoring action. According to the Prime Minister,
    oppositionists are invited to attend government sessions and cabinet
    discussions held on issues of public concern. "We will not give up
    the initiative of bridging over the divide, and should the opposition
    take advantage of it, the situation will change in the country,"
    the Prime Minister said.

    Concerning those under probe, Tigran Sargsyan assured that here,
    too, the authorities are fully cognizant of the seriousness of
    the task. Every one in the government realizes that any political
    motivation whatsoever behind the trials is very dangerous to the
    country. Therefore, everything is being done to keep the process
    within the bounds of law.

    The interlocutors have also referred to the settlement of the
    Karabakh conflict. The Prime Minister availed himself of the
    opportunity to express concern over the fact that at its June
    session the Council of Europe adopted a declaration stating that
    democratic development in Azerbaijan should go hand-in-hand with
    the restoration of its territorial integrity. Such a wording was
    assessed to be too dangerous by the RA Prime Minister who said it was
    in sharp contrast with basic European values and approaches and might
    undermine the ongoing peace process. Tigran Sargsyan pointed out that
    the principles of territorial integrity and self-determination are
    given an equal footing in international law, and saying that failure
    in the reinstatement of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity would be
    an obstacle to democratic development in that country constitutes a
    backdrop from the PACE values.