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BAKU: Turkish FM: Turkey Wants To Normalize Relations With Armenia

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  • BAKU: Turkish FM: Turkey Wants To Normalize Relations With Armenia


    Trend News Agency
    July 25 2008

    Turkey's foreign minister expressed on Thursday Turkey's willingness
    to normalize relations with Armenia, reported World Buleltin.

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said that Turkey also wanted to
    create an atmosphere of dialogue with Armenia.

    "Turkish president, prime minister and foreign minister sent letters
    to their Armenian counterparts after recent elections in Armenia,
    and these letters aimed to open a new door of dialogue with the
    new (Armenian) administration," Babacan told a press conference in
    New York.

    Babacan is actually in New York City to lobby for Turkey's candidacy
    for a non-permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council.

    Turkey's foreign minister said that Turkey's aim was to have zero
    problems with its neighbors.

    "Naturally, we are also expecting some concrete steps from the other
    party," Babacan said.

    Babacan expressed his belief that Turkey's problems could be solved
    through dialogue, and underlined importance of setting up a joint
    committee of historians to deal with the incidents of 1915.

    On appointment of Alexander Downer, Australia's former foreign minister
    as the new UN special representative for Cyprus, Babacan said that
    he saw the appointment as an important signal that the organization
    would more closely and seriously deal with the Cyprus problem.

    "The UN should intervene in settlement of Cyprus problem," he also

    Babacan expressed Turkey's wish that comprehensive talks would be
    launched in Cyprus soon.

    Also, Babacan expressed pleasure with the dialogue and cooperation
    of Turkey and the United States.

    Babacan said Turkey would work hard till the last minute to secure
    a non-permanent seat at the United Nations (UN) Security Council.

    Speaking at a press conference, Babacan said that there was a lot of
    hope for Turkey to attain a non-permanent seat at the Security Council.

    "However, it is important to work hard till the last minute to secure
    a non-permanent seat," Babacan said.

    "It is likely that the election for the non-permanent seat at the UN
    Security Council would take place in October 2008. We would attend
    the UN General Assembly meetings in September with Turkish President
    Abdullah Gul. Both President Gul and I would have many bilateral
    talks. We would continue lobbying for Turkey's non-permanent membership
    in the UN Security Council," Babacan said.

    Turkey would need the votes of 128 countries out of a total of 192
    countries in order to be elected as a non-permanent member of the UN
    Security Council.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress