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Convenience of justice for psychopaths

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  • Convenience of justice for psychopaths

    Sunday Herald, UK
    July 26 2008

    Convenience of justice for psychopaths

    by Ian Bell on international law

    IN THE area called New Belgrade, they say, children knew the man with
    the flamboyant white beard as Santa Claus. That was not one of the
    names used by the fatherless and children of Srebrenica 13 years
    ago. Nor, in ruined Sarajevo, did they celebrate the gifts that came
    raining down from a jolly impostor and his host of grinning helpers.

    You get the idea. Only crazed Serb nationalists could fail to welcome
    the capture of Radovan Karadzic, "poet", psychiatrist, tin-pot
    demagogue, ethnic cleanser, alternative medicine practitioner,
    genocidal chauvinist - and keen football fan. "Dragan Dabic" and his
    comedy beard have had a date to keep with justice ever since an
    indictment was handed down by The Hague tribunal in 1995. It's about
    time. It's long past time.

    The hope, probably forlorn, is that the judges of the International
    Criminal Court (ICC) will not be waylaid, this time, by
    punctiliousness and a wily defendant, as they were when Slobodan
    Milosevic stood before them in 2002. On that occasion there was a
    sense almost of relief when Milosevic did the decent thing, for once,
    and died. This time, so everyone says, justice must be swift. Fat
    chance. Karadzic knows this game. His sort always do.

    advertisement Still, there is general satisfaction. One of the truly
    bad guys has been tracked down, finally. Decency and the rule of
    international law are, thus far, vindicated. The ICC is half way to
    fulfilling its remit. That is, first, to demonstrate that there is no
    such thing as impunity for heads of government or state: a crime is a
    crime, no matter its author. Secondly, the court exists to deter all
    such potential criminals. They must know that they will always be
    found, and always punished. Who could argue with that?

    The people who set up the ICC, among others. Though the court does not
    defer formally to the United Nations, it owes its charter, in part, to
    the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, and one article
    of the charter in particular. This gives the Security Council power to
    suspend any investigation or prosecution for a year. The catch being
    that the suspension can be renewed indefinitely if the council
    believes that the needs of justice are outweighed by other

    How outrageous is that? Imagine you are Karadzic's lawyer. Tell me,
    you say to the court, are you seriously judging my client when the UN
    Security Council could make the entire case go away if they so chose?
    Is it because they don't like beards?

    They certainly don't like the idea of a court that might adhere to
    legal principle pure and simple, not when there might be larger
    principles at stake or, if you prefer, favours to be traded. Zimbabwe
    might be a case in point.

    Robert Mugabe and the Movement for Democratic Change are edging
    towards a deal. The old thug wants out from under a flattened economy,
    among other things. But would he co-operate if he believed that
    stepping down meant an instant indictment from The Hague? It seems
    unlikely. So what would be the pragmatic choice? Thousands more
    Zimbabweans suffering because Luis Moreno-Ocampo, chief ICC
    prosecutor, wanted to do his job, or effective immunity for Mugabe?

    So much has already occurred in the case of Sudan and its president,
    Omar al-Bashir, chief villain of the Darfur catastrophe. Three years
    ago a security council resolution ordered him to co-operate with the
    ICC. Two of his henchmen, including his "minister for humanitarian
    affairs", were then indicted. Al-Bashir has refused to hand them over
    to The Hague. Now Mr Moreno-Ocampo aims to indict the Sudanese
    president himself, on the charge (there could be no other) of
    genocide. That should teach him.

    But teach him what? Only what he already knows: international
    institutions are susceptible to threats and menaces. Indict me, says
    al-Bashir, and you can forget my co-operation with UN peace-makers. In
    other words, the murders, burnings, rapes and tortures in Darfur will
    go on. Given this individual's record, the mayhem might well be
    intensified, just to prove a point. And the ICC, in attempting to
    prove a point of its own, might well be accused of complicity in the
    deaths of thousands.

    It is, on a benign reading, one pressing reason for the suspension
    clause in the ICC's charter. It means that in some circumstances the
    guilty can go free so that the innocent may be spared. But it also
    surely means that other presidential thugs and b******s-for-life will
    be encouraged to follow the example of al-Bashir. They will call the
    court's bluff. In other words, they will take hostages, but their
    hostages will be entire nations. And international law will be back
    where it started.

    It started, in effect, at Nuremburg, of course. Certain hazy concepts
    were brought into focus. The idea that crimes could be committed
    against humanity itself began to gain ground. Yet read any of the
    Nuremburg transcripts and you will find nothing resembling a fair
    trial. That was never the purpose of the exercise, not with Stalin's
    prosecutors weighing in, with no sense of irony.

    No one cared, or cares: the accused were Nazis. They got better, in
    terms of a hearing, than they deserved. Should we then conclude that
    the Allies committed not a single war crime? Dresden might have made
    for an interesting trial. Do we then decide that the Soviets were
    spotless? The raped and tortured women of Berlin, in their tens of
    thousands, might have stood as witnesses.

    None of this is meant to excuse the Nazis, or Karadzic, or al-Bashir,
    or any of the rest of a sick company. Of course not. No- one ever
    stood trial, anywhere, for the 1915 Armenian genocide, and to this day
    the Turks refuse to say an honest word about their nation's killing of
    1.5 million people. But victors' justice and victors' guilt are often
    not so very different. Many Serbs believe the ICC is a plot against
    their nation. Many Africans believe their continent is picked on. They
    would, wouldn't they?

    Even when guilt is not denied, discrepancies are noted. Saddam Hussein
    was an ideal candidate for an ICC trial, but the basic principles of
    international law do not exempt George Bush, Tony Blair and the manner
    in which they waged their Iraq war. Then again, who won? And whose
    security council inserted that get-out clause in the ICC's charter,
    just in case? It is one thing to scoff at the idea of a British prime
    minister being indicted, another to explain just why, legally, he
    should escape investigation.

    KARADZIC's lawyer will waste his time if he attempts any of this sort
    of stuff, of course. Men such as his client understand political
    realities. Besides, they rarely have useful alibis. It is simplistic,
    nevertheless, just to celebrate the bringing of a known, shameless
    killer to justice. Karadzic, like Saddam before him, probably
    concludes that his only real mistake was to lose. Had he been smart or
    lucky, like an al-Bashir or a Mugabe, he could have told international
    jurists where to stick their international justice.

    Some argue for other roads to justice. South Africa's truth and
    reconciliation process is one admired example. But that method, too,
    has its problems and its contradictions. In any case, the chances of
    its success in the Balkans are slim indeed. The reality is that some
    mass-murdering thugs are made to answer for their crimes and some,
    conspicuously, are not. The real trick might be to find a way to
    prevent the crimes before they are committed.

    Defenders of the ICC say that is precisely why the court exists. The
    hope is that when everyone, everywhere, realises that no one is above
    the law, psychopaths will think twice. The evidence, as lawyers might
    say, is open to question. Psychopaths don't think that way, if they
    think at all. play.var.2410394.0.convenience_of_justice_for_psyc hopaths.php