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WSP assists leaders of Asian states in meeting with US admin for fee

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  • WSP assists leaders of Asian states in meeting with US admin for fee


    WSP assists leaders of Asian states in meeting with
    U.S. administration for good fee
    25.07.2008 16:07 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Worldwide Strategic Partners consulting corporation
    founded by well-known U.S. lobbyist Stephen Payne assists leaders of
    Asian states in meeting with the U.S. administration for good fee, The
    Sunday Times reports.

    `Houston-based Worldwide Strategic Partners Inc. arranged for the
    president of Azerbaijan to visit the United States and meet with
    President Bush ... (and) arranged a private phone call between the
    vice president of the United States and the president of
    Azerbaijan. It also states that he "developed" and placed a series of
    op-ed pieces written by influential U.S. officials to boost positive
    U.S. public perception about Azerbaijan," the report says.

    WSP also `worked' with members of the Helsinki Committee to smooth the
    wording in the American press regarding the outcomes of the 2006
    presidential election in Azerbaijan and helped a media campaign to
    discredit the Azeri opposition.

    A series of editorials and comments by famous U.S. politicians was
    published to create a positive image of Azerbaijan.