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Preventing Nuclear Smuggling

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  • Preventing Nuclear Smuggling


    Voice of America
    July 28 2008

    In the post-Cold War era, the global black market for nuclear
    technology has proliferated at alarming rates, and the international
    community is taking action. According to the International Atomic
    Energy Agency, there were more than one thousand confirmed cases of
    illicit nuclear trafficking or incidents of such materials outside
    legitimate control between 1993 and 2006.

    Armenia has become the latest country to help fight nuclear
    proliferation. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Armenian
    Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian finalized an anti-nuclear
    smuggling agreement in Washington on July 14. The plan -- outlined in
    twenty-eight steps -- presents a detailed approach for the Armenian
    government to prevent, detect and respond to the illegal trading
    of nuclear materials. Ten of the twenty-eight steps involve ongoing
    efforts that need completion, while the remaining eighteen represent
    new initiatives.

    This marks the fifth joint action plan carried out by the Nuclear
    Smuggling Outreach Initiative, the NSOI. The NSOI is a U.S. program
    that assists countries with a high smuggling threat to counter
    underground nuclear trafficking. It has previously partnered with
    Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia, and the Kyrgyz Republic. And it seeks
    to conduct similar bilateral agreements with twenty additional at-risk
    countries. More information on the NSOI is available at

    Detecting the smuggling of nuclear materials is a complicated
    task. According to a 2002 study by Harvard University, for example,
    about four kilograms of plutonium - roughly the size of a soda can
    - can potentially be enough material for a bomb. With millions of
    trucks, trains, ships, and planes crossing international borders
    daily, discovering pirated nuclear materials requires extensive and
    cooperative efforts. Due to the vast scope of nuclear proliferation,
    the NSOI is just one of many programs launched by the U.S. and other
    countries to combat the problem.

    In 2003, authorities in Georgia -- Armenia's neighbor to the north
    -- arrested an individual attempting to smuggle six ounces of highly
    enriched uranium into Armenia. The new anti-nuclear smuggling agreement
    will help the U.S. and Armenia prevent nuclear materials from falling
    in the hands of those who would use them for harm.