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ANKARA: Gul's Historical Opportunity At Han

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  • ANKARA: Gul's Historical Opportunity At Han

    Gokhan Bacik

    Today's Zaman
    July 29 2008

    President Abdullah Gul should go and watch the soccer game in
    Yerevan-Armenia. This visit will serve as a historical threshold in
    Turkish-Armenian relations thanks to the symbolic meanings that it
    will inherently have and generate in later stages.

    What needs to be remembered is this: If the countries are unable to
    get together even for a soccer game, it means that the meaning of
    not only politics but also life itself has been eroded.

    The Armenian administration's invitation extended to President Abdullah
    Gul to watch a soccer game between Armenia and Turkey to be played in
    Yerevan is an important opportunity in all respects. The invitation
    may initiate a process that will provide important opportunities
    for Turkey. President Gul will assume a historical responsibility by
    making a decision on whether to accept or reject the invitation. Gul's
    acceptance of the invitation to watch a soccer game in Yerevan will
    undoubtedly cause a historical breakthrough in relations between
    Turkey and Armenia.

    First of all, heading to Yerevan to watch a soccer game is not
    something that can be criticized or at the very least attracts little
    criticism. Sports is the most innocent and uncontroversial issue
    when compared to other matters in bilateral relations. President
    Gul will not go to Yerevan to sign a strategic agreement or to
    pursue cooperation in the energy field. President Gul's visit has one
    specific, simple and functional goal: to watch a soccer game. Besides,
    is there anything more natural than for a president to watch a game
    being played by the national team? The president is the highest-level
    representative of the nation. It does not seem possible to think that a
    Turkish president should go to Yerevan for a reason that is as nearly
    as natural and undisputable as watching a soccer game. Therefore,
    the national soccer game has become a very important opportunity. The
    game offers the opportunity of getting together in a political platform
    to both parties.

    Secondly, with this visit, Turkey will take the initiative on the
    global platform in regards to Turkish-Armenian relations. Turkey used
    to look as if it was an actor that took only the second steps and
    was unable to determine the process in a number of issues, including
    the Cyprus issue, a territorial conflict between the Republic of
    Cyprus and Turkey over the island. However, Turkish foreign policy
    has become a determinative actor recently in those issues. Turkey has
    become a country that is able to offer new alternatives and proposals
    which shake the status quo and fulfill these alternatives. This
    transformation has changed Turkey's policies towards Greece, Syria and
    the EU, making the country a truly regional power. This also applies
    to relations with Armenia. Turkey has gotten rid of its longstanding
    ineptness by which it used to defend itself all the time. President
    Gul's acceptance of the invitation to watch the soccer game in Yerevan
    will be a strong contribution to this process. In this way, Turkey will
    reinforce its image as a country that is eager to resolve its problems
    rather than generate problems. Turkey will be perceived in the world
    as an actor that is ready to confront with and resolve the problems.

    Integration with international system imperative

    Thirdly, Turkey's democratization is closely related to its
    integration with the international system. One of the tools which
    the circles uneasy with Turkey's democratization rely on is to keep
    the country isolated from the system. For the masses, which hold
    a rigid view inclusive of an anti-EU stance, opposition to foreign
    capital, strong emphasis on preservation of status quo in Cyprus,
    this isolation provides a fertile political environment. To create
    a Turkey disintegrated with the world is the biggest desire of the
    circles opposed to democracy. This will further generate an environment
    for that country where the mafia, gangs and crime organizations such
    as Ergenekon will be influential. Causing serious troubles through
    issues like Cyprus and Armenia and subsequently exploiting these
    issues to ensure Turkish people's disintegration with the world is
    the political goal of these circles. For this reason, the political
    elites seeking democratization have to deal with issues such as
    the Armenian question and Cyprus, issues which have turned Turkey
    into an insular nation. From this perspective, Turkey's attempt to
    normalize its relations with Armenia is vital for Turkey's internal
    transformation. The logic behind the murder of renowned Armenian
    intellectual by gangs that have different considerations in Turkey
    should be read well. From this perspective, President Gul's visit
    to Yerevan to watch a game will have a huge psychological impact on
    such groups.

    Another important issue is the importance of this issue for the
    Armenians living in Turkey. There is a small Armenian population
    in Turkey, yet this small group is important in terms of our
    historical inheritance. No matter what, Armenians are part of our
    history. However, Armenians remained silent because they were
    intimidated by growing nationalism and sometimes had to leave
    Turkey, their home for centuries. In a country where a leader of
    a terror organization that kills even the babies is labeled as the
    "offspring of Armenians" in an attempt to insult him, they had to live
    as Armenians. Now, Turkey and its rulers have to remember this. The
    system called Turkey has to belong to Armenians on equal terms along
    with everybody else, including the president. If President Gul goes
    to Yerevan to watch the soccer game, he will make contribution to
    the lives of Armenians in Turkey who suffered a great deal in their
    daily lives. From this perspective, President Gul has to consider
    the daily concerns and expectations of the Armenians living in Turkey
    in addition to the big notions like international politics, strategy
    and national interest when making his decision.

    President Gul has to go to Yerevan to watch the soccer game. This
    visit will be a historical turning point in Turkish-Armenian
    relations because of the symbolic meanings it inherently has and will
    subsequently generate.

    *Assistant Professor Dr. Gökhan Bacık is an instructor at Fatih

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