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BAKU: Zurab Todua: "Nagorno Karabakh Is Too Expensive For Armenia"

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  • BAKU: Zurab Todua: "Nagorno Karabakh Is Too Expensive For Armenia"


    July 28 2008

    Day.Az interview with famous Russian political scientist Zurab Todua.

    - How would you comment on the fact of confidential talks between
    the Armenian and Turkish diplomats?

    - I do not see a sensation in the news about the talks between
    representatives of Turkey and Armenia. Such talks have been held
    at times almost since the first day of existence of independent
    Armenia. As is known, former president of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan
    directly set the task to his subordinates to search opportunities
    and ways of settling the problems in the Armenian-Turkish relations,
    including the opening of borders, restoration of transportation
    communication and problem of "genocide" in the mid 1990s. At that time,
    he failed to do it.

    Yet the frozen relations between the two states can not be
    eternal. Nagorno Karabakh is too expensive for Armenia. The currently
    extremely low living conditions in Azerbaijan, economic problems,
    striving of Armenian and Nagorno Karabakh residents to leave the
    country is a direct result of the blackade and the abnormal life,
    it led to.

    Moreover, Azerbaijan is isolated from all regional economic
    projects. The people can bear miseries in the state of patriotic
    spirit and readiness only for a short historical period.

    People want to study, work, establish business, create families,
    bring up children and on the whole, use all opportunities, offered
    by the life, especially, when they see the intensive development of
    some other countries of the former USSR.

    Thus, I think most Armenian residents will treat the fact of
    talks, at least, with understanding, though, there will also be
    exceptions. There will be such people, who will call it a "betrayal
    of national interests" and "surrending positions", and "accommodation".

    - How will Russia, which considers Armenia, "Russia's outpost in the
    Caucasus", according to speaker of Russian State Duma Boris Gryzlov,
    react on improvement of Armenian-Turkish relations?

    - I am sure that Russia will not make a tragedy of it. Everyone is
    aware that the attempt to normalize contacts between the two states
    is made in pragmatic sense.

    Armenia will not stop being the strategic and military and political
    ally of Russia after it reconciles with Turkey. On the contrary,
    Russia, which maintains close trade and economic relations with
    Turkey, will have more opportunities for new perspective and large
    scale projects, which Armenia can join, though theoretically.

    At the same time, there are definite politicians in Armenia, who
    consider it necessary to distance from Russia and become close to the
    West for the country's favor. They are not influential so far. But the
    most important is that they do not take into account most circumstances
    which do not allow to speak seriously about future of Armenia, as
    well as many other USSR states, if not all of them, without close and
    normal relations of Russia, for Russia is a part of the so-called
    BRIC group (Brazil, Russia, India and China), which outstrip all
    other countries of the world for their development level. Today, the
    rates and scales of Russia's development in all spheres and fields
    of economy, technique and science are astonishing. By economists'
    estimates, in 10-15 years the group will take a leading place in the
    position. It is absurd to speak today of cutting relations with Russia.

    - Do you mean, you do not believe in possible separation of Armenia
    from Russia by choosing the western orientation in its further
    external policy?

    - Like in other regions of the world, to separate from a big
    neighbor, means to doom oneself to miseries and hardships, isolate
    people from various opportunities. It is only possible for political
    reasons (as in case of Cuba, Taiwan and so on), but it will always
    be artificial. Thus, for example, Baltic states have long tried to
    make everything possible to limit relations with Russia, trying to
    hurt it. They have been restricting the rights of Russians, residing
    there. Last year Estonia passed a decision on the transfer of the
    Bronze soldier.

    In the end, Russia got sick and tired of it. It ceased oil transit
    via the ports of Estonia and Latvia (65,000,000 tons of oil per year),
    rejected the services of the oil refinery in Majekae (Lithuania). Now,
    oil will be transported via the city-port, which is under construction
    40 kilometers away from the border with Estonia. The gas transit will
    be conducted by the North European gas pipeline by the floor of the
    Finnish gulf.

    The irreparable losses of the budgets of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia
    makes from $1.5 to 2 bln per year for each of these states. Now
    terminals in Latvia and Estonia are idle, the oil refinery in Majekae
    is just a peace of corroding iron. But Baltic states create fantastic
    and unreal plans of their use, though they are not interesting for
    anyone, except for themselves. Who will dare to state that this was
    the result of the wise policy of Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn?

    For which strategic purposes and tasks does Armenia need to follow the
    West and separate from Russia? This question has no logical answer. It
    means that such talks are unfounded.

    - Is Armenia ready to cease the activity, aimed at recognition of the
    "genocide of Armenians" and return of Azerbaijani occupied lands in
    exchange to the opening of the Armenian-Turkish border?

    - No, it is not ready to it and, moreover, I think this issue will
    remain extremely painful for Armenia and Armenians for long. This
    problem occupied an important place in the system of political views
    of the Armenian society. It is impossible to change it in a short
    period of time. Only within a long period of time this problem may
    become secondary and a part of the history in the perspective. It
    may occur in the case of the start of the process of normalization
    of Armenian-Turkish relations.

    As for Nagorno Karabakh, it is quite obvious that opening of borders
    and return of territories are not the same things. It is odd, that
    such formulation of a question occurs. Does someone in Azerbaijan
    really thinks that in exchange for opening of the Armenian-Turkish
    border, Armenia will agree to return Nagorno Karabakh? I suppose,
    only softening of Yerevan's positions at the talks is implied.

    - In this case, do you think Turkey may give up Nagorno Karabakh for
    its interests?

    - The problem of Nagorno Karabakh concerns primarily the Azerbaijani
    government and society. It would be strange if Ankara was concerned
    with it even more than Baku. We should realize that Nagorno Karabakh
    problem does not occupy either the first or the second and even the
    third places in the external policy of Turkey. Turkey's main problem
    is CE accession. It is necessary for the economic development of
    the country. EU's provision are stiff. It demands changes in the
    Turkey's policy towards the Turkish Republic of Northern Cypris,
    normalization of relations with Armenia and initiation of a dialogue
    with kurds. Turkey is in a very complicated state. It supports
    separatists of Northern Cyprus and at the same time fights Kurdish
    separatism. It is a hard business. Only rich and strong countries can
    conduct a policy, based on mutually exclusive principles. Turkey is
    not rich or strong and it is impossible to demand from Turkey what
    is above its abilities.

    At the same time, Azerbaijan does not seem too wilful to return its
    territories. Let's imagine the following situation: President of
    Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev declares that patience of the Azerbaijani
    people has been exhausted and it will settle the Karabakh problem
    independently. Then Azerbaijan will start hostilities. How many
    volunteers will go to the front to return the lost lands? How much
    money will your officials spend for army needs? How many of them will
    reject their villas, yatchs and limos and other luxurous things to bear
    wartime hardships and miseries alongside with ordinary citizens? How
    many victims is the Azerbaibaijani society ready to give for the sake
    of the return of the occupied lands? If you give an honest answer to
    this question, you will admit that Turkey has a right to take care of
    its national interests, which also envision normalization of relations
    with Armenia.

    - And the last question. Do you think Armenian-Azerbaijani relations
    may improve after the thaw in Armenian-Turkish relations?

    - What do you imply under "improvement" of the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    relations? If you mean prospect of "return" of Nagorno Karabakh,
    then it is unreal. On the whole, Armenian-Turkish dialogue will not
    have a serious influence on the Azerbaijani-Armenian relations, I
    think. There is no place of naivety in the politics and Turkey and
    Armenia primarily settle their own tasks at the negotiation table.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress