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Turkish Society On TrialTwo Major Court Cases In Turkey This Week Ho

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  • Turkish Society On TrialTwo Major Court Cases In Turkey This Week Ho


    Stephen Kinzer,
    Tuesday July 29 2008

    As my plane landed in Istanbul on Sunday, two bombs were exploding
    on a busy shopping street, killing 17 people and injuring more
    than 100. It was just as shocking an event as it would have been
    anywhere. Even this tragedy, though, was able to grab Turks' attention
    only momentarily. They are deeply fixated on two epic court cases
    that will shape the future of their country.

    Rarely do judges hold the fate of a nation so fully in their hands. In
    these two cases, they can either decisively consolidate Turkish
    democracy or fundamentally weaken it. Their verdicts will also shape
    Turkey's role in the world for years to come, and thus reverberate
    far beyond Turkey's borders.

    The first of the two cases, which the constitutional court began
    hearing on Monday, seeks something unprecedented in the modern history
    of democracies: the closure of the ruling party and the banning from
    politics of dozens of its leaders, including Prime Minister Recep
    Tayyip Erdogan and President Abdullah Gul. Prosecutors allege that
    the party and its leaders are treasonously leading Turkey away from
    its secular principles and toward Islamic rule.

    Behind this case is a historic clash between the old ruling elite,
    which is supported and often guided by military commanders, and a
    rising Turkish middle class from the Anatolian heartland. This class
    takes religious belief more seriously than the generals would like,
    and Erdogan has catered to it, in part by seeking to lift the ban on
    headscarves at public universities.

    The old elite evidently harbours the fantasy that by banning the
    Justice and Development party, it can wipe away the social reality
    that brought it to power. Doing so, however, would be a profound
    setback for Turkish democracy.

    Newspapers are full of anguished columns listing its likely

    Banning the ruling party and its leaders would radicalise many devout
    Turks, frighten away foreign investors who are attracted to Turkey
    because of its political stability, undermine the country's growing
    and highly positive role in the Middle East, wipe away whatever chance
    it has of moving toward membership in the European Union, cripple
    promising efforts to resolve longstanding disputes with Cyprus and
    Armenia and send Muslims around the world the inflammatory message
    that democracy is Islam's enemy.

    The constitutional court is heavily influenced by the military and
    has an abysmally anti-democratic record. Nonetheless, as the chorus
    of warnings has grown steadily louder, pundits who believed a few
    months ago that the ruling party's closure was inevitable now say
    the odds are closer to 50-50. Reason may yet prevail.

    The other court case that has riveted Turkey's attention is based
    on a blood-curdling 2,455-page indictment that was made public last
    week. It names 86 prominent Turks, including journalists, political
    activists and retired military officers, as members of a clandestine
    terror gang that has carried out murders and a host of other violent
    acts, including recent ones that were evidently aimed at overthrowing
    Erdogan. The gang is said to have been responsible for the most
    stunning assassinations in modern Turkish history, among them the
    killings of the secular journalist Ugur Mumcu in 1993, the business
    tycoon Ozdemir Sabanci in 1996 and a senior judge in 2006. All of
    these attacks were staged to look as if they were carried out by
    Islamic or far-left fanatics.

    The terror gang called itself Ergenekon, after a mythic valley from
    which Turkic peoples are said to have emerged in ancient times. Turks
    know it by another name: "deep state". It is a shadowy web of powerful
    people, closely tied to security forces, whose political tool is
    horrific violence.

    The authorities vowed to crush deep state in 1996 after a spectacular
    car crash led to the discovery that senior police commanders were
    collaborating with gangsters. They did so again in 2005, when witnesses
    managed to capture a bomber in the town of Semdinli and he turned
    out to be closely tied to the army. Both times, deep state fended
    off investigations for which the public clamoured. Never until now,
    however, have the actions of this network been so minutely detailed
    in a legal indictment. That has led some Turks to hope that this time,
    the killer gang will finally be dealt a serious blow.

    A court decision allowing the Justice and Development party to remain
    legal would be a welcome signal that in Turkey, as in any democracy,
    voters hold ultimate power. Convictions in the Ergenekon case could
    wipe away the most serious threat to the country's stability. Together,
    these two verdicts would do nearly as much to strengthen Turkish
    democracy as deep state has done to subvert it.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress