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Summer Fashion Show in Montreal Raises $10K for Nor Jraberd Project

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  • Summer Fashion Show in Montreal Raises $10K for Nor Jraberd Project

    AGBU Press Office
    55 East 59th Street
    New York, NY 10022-1112
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    Tuesday, July 29, 2008

    Summer Fashion Show in Montreal Raises $10,000 for Nor Jraberd
    Repopulation Project

    On June 8, 2008, the pan-Canadian AGBU committee for the Nor Jraberd
    Repopulation Project (NJRP) hosted a fashion show fundraiser in Montreal
    for over 200 guests.

    Nor Jraberd, a village in Karabakh, is in need of reconstruction and
    economic rebirth even twelve years after the devastating war that
    ravaged the region. Mego Malkhassian has taken the lead in forming a
    qualified team of AGBU volunteers from across Canada to raise funds for
    this special village project.

    Called "Then and Now," the June 8 program for the NJRP kicked off with
    entertainment from Bulgarian, Hungarian and Armenian dance groups. A
    fashion show followed, featuring styles by various Montreal wholesalers
    and stores, including Donna Bella, Urban Rags, Miss Mak, the Accessory
    Store and Aquaskye. Other individuals and companies also provided
    complimentary services to ensure the success of the evening, including
    hair stylist Anny Kamajian, makeup artist Mary-Ann Keverian and Hera
    Bell Photo Studio.

    Photos of the devastated southeast region of Karabakh, where Nor Jraberd
    is located, were displayed at the event to show guests the potential
    difference donations can make. Over $10,000 was raised for the Nor
    Jraberd Repopulation Project.

    "Everyone was cooperating, everybody was motivated, and everybody put
    their hearts into this occasion," said Arda Kouyoumjian, the event
    coordinator. "It was a miraculous afternoon enjoyed by everyone."

    NJRP's regional director, Mego Malkhassian, agrees that the event was
    overwhelmingly successful: "The most heartwarming part of the afternoon
    was the fact that the youth from our community indicated their interest
    and readiness to participate in our difficult task of reconstruction.
    The unity, the modesty, and the motivation has inspired and encouraged
    us all to give our best to make this miracle happen."

    AGBU's Montreal and Toronto chapters, along with other Armenian
    communities across Canada, are joining forces through the Nor Jraberd
    Repopulation Project (NJRP) to rebuild homes and other facilities in the
    Nor Jraberd village. For more information, please visit

    Established in 1906, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) is the
    world's largest non-profit Armenian organization. Headquartered in New
    York City, AGBU( preserves and promotes the Armenian
    identity and heritage through educational, cultural and humanitarian
    programs, annually serving some 400,000 Armenians around the world.