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PACE President: Promises Should Be Followed By Concrete Measures

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  • PACE President: Promises Should Be Followed By Concrete Measures


    29 July, 2008

    The release of people detained following the events of 1 and 2 March
    is important to start the badly needed process of reconciliation in
    Armenian society. "It should be clear that the detention of people
    in relation to those events, other than those who committed grave
    violent crimes, is unacceptable to the Assembly. I therefore urge
    the authorities to use every means available to them to release
    these people as soon as possible. Only in this way can the process
    of reconciliation and dialogue be assured." said Mr de Puig. The
    President of PACE also expressed his concern about the continued
    pre-trial detention of a number of opposition leaders, contrary
    to the request of the Assembly. "This is an issue that should be
    urgently resolved in the coming weeks" he declared. In relation to
    the independent inquiry, it is clear that without the participation of
    the opposition that supports Mr. Ter-Petrossian in the Commission set
    up by the National Assembly, its work and findings will not meet the
    standards of impartiality and credibility demanded by the Assembly. The
    President of the Assembly therefore fully supported the proposals of
    Human Rights Commissioner Thomas Hammerberg to constitute a separate
    commission, based on parity and consensus and with the involvement of
    international experts, to establish the facts with regard to the events
    of 1 and 2 March. The President of PACE noted with satisfaction that
    these proposals are in principle acceptable to both authorities and
    opposition. The PACE President stressed that the Armenian authorities
    should not wait until January to achieve tangible results on these
    two issues. It is important that the authorities send a clear signal
    to the Assembly of marked and irreversible progress before the next
    meeting of the Monitoring Committee in September; otherwise there
    is a serious risk of repercussions during the autumn session of
    the Assembly. Mr de Puig made an official visit to Armenia from 23
    to 24 July to deepen co-operation between Armenia and the Assembly
    and to encourage the implementation of Assembly Resolutions 1609 and
    1620. During his visit he met with the President of the Republic, the
    Speaker of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister and Minister of
    Foreign Affairs, as well as members of different political factions
    in the Parliament. In addition, Mr. de Puig met the Human Rights
    Defender, the Catholicos of All Armenians and former RA President Levon
    Ter-Petrossian. Besides the implementation of Assembly Resolutions
    1609 and 1620, the President of the Assembly also discussed the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and relations between Armenia and Turkey. The
    President stressed that the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh can only be
    resolved through peaceful means and that any attempts to resolve the
    conflict by military means would be unacceptable to the Assembly. The
    President, therefore, expressed his full support for the efforts
    of the Minsk Group to resolve the conflict based on the principles
    of territorial integrity and self-determination in accordance with
    international norms and principles. "The Assembly stands ready
    to assist the parliaments of Azerbaijan and Armenia to help find a
    lasting solution to this conflict, if they so wish." declared Mr de
    Puig. The President listened with great interest about the initiatives
    taken by the President of Armenia to normalise relations with Turkey,
    and offered the full support and assistance of the Assembly to improve
    the relations between these two member states of the Council of Europe.