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What's The Use Of Uniting?

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  • What's The Use Of Uniting?


    29 July, 2008

    A number of parties, which consider themselves patriotic
    pro-opposition, have united against Levon Ter-Petrossian and his
    co-thinkers, and hold consultations on the country's political
    problems. The parties include: Constitutional Right Union (CRU),
    National Self-Determination Union, Armenian Liberal Progressive Party,
    Armenian Christian Democratic Party, National Democratic Union and
    United Communist Party.

    Today Chairman of CRU Hayk Babukhanian and Ara Sahakian from Levon
    Ter-Petrossian's team were hosted at the "Hayeli" Club for a debate
    on the above-mentioned issue.

    Hayk Babukhanian was trying to convince the journalists that the
    newly-formed union enjoys the sympathy of 60% of people. According
    to him these are the people who voted neither for the authority, nor
    for Levon Ter-Petrossian. However, Ara Sahakian found this statement
    illogical, as it means that presently the country is ruled by a party
    that enjoys the sympathy of only 40% of people. "Our party does not
    aim at making a turnover," Babukhanian answered.

    Ara Sahakyan was not inclined to criticize the initiative of Hayk
    Babukhanian and his friends and found it normal for a new political
    partnership to consider itself opposition. Sahakyan believes
    that parties can hold consultations and can even call themselves
    "patriotic", as name is not important in political matters. After all,
    Sahakyan notes, fifty years ago about 100.000 babies in the Soviet
    Union were named Vladimir with the hope that they would grow up and
    rule the world, but only one of them became Putin. Thus, a lot of
    names can be given but names do not change the essence; the latter
    is reflected in actions.

    In reply Hayk Babukhanian said he had concluded from the actions
    of Levon Ter-Petrosyan's team that they are "traitors". "Various
    labels of treason have been attached to Levon Ter-Petrossian but
    there none of them has been proved. Great gossips travel about great
    people. Ter-Petrossian is a great person, who is doing great work,"
    concluded Sahakian.