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Mass Disorders Continue In The Courtroom

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  • Mass Disorders Continue In The Courtroom

    Shoushan Matevosyan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    Published on June 04, 2008

    Interview with KORYUN PASHINYAN, Senior Prosecutor of the General
    Prosecutor's Office, defender of the lawsuit filed in connection with
    the March 1 disorders

    "The participants of the hearing very often have a critical attitude
    towards the defendants who plead guilty in the courtroom."

    "The attitude displayed in the courtroom is very aggressive, but I
    would like to speak about the attitude of some attorneys. To begin
    with, the attorney's task is to defend the accused. But there are
    attorneys who simply subordinate the individual's interest to their
    own political interests.

    Just see: the fact that the defendants have pleaded guilty to the
    crimes committed is a fact deriving from their interests, and if the
    same defendants express the truth in the courtroom as well, it will
    be possible to mitigate the burden of responsibility. But the defense
    attorney comes and does his/her best in the courtroom to prevent the
    defendant from pleading guilty and openly states that the stricter
    the punishment the better.

    In my view, what happens currently is the continuation of the disorders
    in the courtroom. Some groups of hired individuals wander about the
    courts and courtrooms, having a primary goal of interrupting the
    hearings, intimidating the prosecutors and attempting to use pressure."

    "There were press reports saying that the detainees use pressure
    against the witnesses not only in the courts but also in the
    penitentiary institutions..."

    "There has obviously been some communication, and I believe that it
    happens through the attorneys as well. If you pay attention to the
    motions proposed by the defense attorneys in the courtroom, you will
    see that the same text has been distributed to everybody. The same
    text is available to all the attorneys no matter whether it applies
    to their defendants or not.

    The atorneys come and begin reading the texts as though they had
    learnt them by heart.

    It has now become strictly fashionable to bring examples from the
    European Court and the Convention on Human Rights - things that bear
    no relationship to the case. What's more, the attorneys do not even
    know the factual circumstances of the examples they bring."

    "I wonder whether the examples you mentioned concern the prosecutions
    of the individuals who participated in the lootings of 'Roberto' and
    'Yerevan City' shops."

    "Yes they do. The absurdity is that L. Ter-Petrosyan announces the
    looters do not belong to their team. If you are not the looters,
    why do your women supporters come and organize demonstrations for
    these people?

    In any case, the numerous attempts of politicizing the case are
    never crowned with success. The cases examined so far have revealed
    substantiated facts that the given offences have been committed by
    the given people."

    "It has been emphasized many times that society is split, divided into
    two poles which are ill-disposed towards each other. Do you feel that
    during the court hearings?"

    "I definitely do. Even if I make a statement in favor of the accused,
    the people in the courtroom become aggressive again because it was
    me that made the statement. It's all the same to them what I say. If
    I say something, it's subject to attack; if the attorney stands up
    and discredits the defendant, they applaud.

    ...What happened in Armenia is an unprecedented crime which has
    produced grave consequences not only in terms of the victims but also
    in terms of the råputation of our state in general. I believe it's
    time for all the people to realize what has really happened, and give
    account first to their conscience and then - to the court of law."

    --Boundary_(ID_EFYwjMwnLMjuMKCFFuax1Q) --