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State Department Report And Democracy In Armenia

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  • State Department Report And Democracy In Armenia

    Gevorg Harutyunyan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    Published on June 03, 2008

    Interview with RPA vice Chair, MP Razmik Zohrabyan.

    "Recently the US State Department and international human rights
    organization "Amnesty International" released a report in which they
    strictly criticized Armenia. Which part of the report is fair and
    which formulations are conditioned by political factors?"

    "Actually these reports are made yearly and they include standard
    estimations regarding those countries the authorities of which are not
    under the influence of the USA. The assessments included in the recent
    reports are also not worthy of any serious response, because in this
    case as well both the US State Department and "Amnesty International"
    were over again guided by double standards. When they dislike the
    ruling power of this or that country they introduce the situation in
    that country in very dark colors.

    Anyhow I would like to touch upon the issue of human rights protection,
    which is the inseparable part of the US foreign policy. I'm one of
    the fighters for Armenia's independence during the soviet times and
    as a political prisoner I have been expelled and detained for around
    ten years.

    Beginning from the seventies of the past century, the US authorities
    started a huge campaign of human rights protection, especially during
    Jimmy Carters presidency. This circumstance really contributed to
    the victory of some nations' struggle for freedom. This policy was
    justified towards super-powers such as Soviet Union, because most of
    the soviet republics really wanted to become independent.

    But today Armenia is an independent and sovereign state. We are
    building our statehood, forming a healthy civil society. There is
    lots of work to be done on this path. But they represented March 1
    events and the developments following it, as if it was a national
    struggle for freedom.

    In soviet countries political dissidents were either detained or being
    sent to the psychiatric hospitals to be "healed". But after March 1
    our authorities proposed dialogue to all the political powers and did
    their best to restore social solidarity. As a response our opposition
    put impracticable conditions, which was definitely aimed at avoiding
    dialogue. Moreover after July 20 they are planning to intensify the
    situation over again. And similar reports will only challenge them
    to plan new provocations because they feel the backing of the USA
    and certain intentional organizations.

    They inject this doping to increase the number of Levon Ter-Petrosyan's
    supporters, which is evidently becoming lesser and lesser, because
    his supporters have become skeptical towards their "leader" and it
    is visible that he fulfills the orders of the foreign powers."

    "Mr. Zohrabyan why does the USA pursue double standard policy?"

    "The USA possesses enormous financial means and they don't lack special
    agents in our country to provide information regarding our internal
    policy. By these tools they guide the leaders of the newly emerged
    "opposition", and unfortunately some part of our people follow them.

    Can we call this democracy?

    The USA managed to stage colored revolutions in Georgia, Ukraine
    and Kirgizistan. If on March 1 our "revolutionaries" ruined only the
    center of Yerevan, in Kiev and Tbilisy they ruined many other parts
    of the cities. As for Kirgizistan they ruined not only the capital
    city but also the whole country. But it turns out that democracy is
    in a better condition in Kirgizistan, than in Armenia, because their
    leader is the henchman of the USA and our President is not.

    The formulation: "the people don't have the possibility to overthrow
    power" is a direct appeal for revolution. The central goal of the
    neo-conservatives headed by Bush is "to make changes" in the world.

    I'm sure, no matter how they will try to stage colored revolutions in
    our country, they will fail. Besides the USA many other states in the
    world follow the process of democracy and post election developments
    in our country.

    It is evident that our law enforcers are doing their best to avert all
    the possible political speculations. Those who were participants of
    the political struggle but committed crimes were put on probation. But
    in the same USA they would have never given this chance to criminals."