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Barack Obama Has Captivated The World

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  • Barack Obama Has Captivated The World

    By Borzou Daragahi, [email protected]

    Los Angeles Times
    June 5 2008

    Newspaper front pages and TV newscasts feature photos and footage of
    'the political giant slayer,' who is intensely popular across the
    globe. But not everyone is pleased with all his positions.

    BEIRUT -- No one's tossing confetti or releasing balloons, but
    U.S. Sen. Barack Obama's ascent to likely Democratic Party presidential
    nominee has captivated many of those watching the American political
    contest abroad.

    Newspaper front pages and television newscasts throughout the world
    Wednesday featured photographs and footage of the smiling Illinois
    lawmaker, who a day earlier clinched the Democratic nomination by
    winning enough delegates to edge out Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    The conservative French daily Le Figaro described him as "the man
    in a hurry who dethroned Hillary." The left-leaning London-based
    Guardian called him "a political giant slayer" who defeated his own
    party's entrenched interest. And in Mexico, an editorial cartoon
    in the daily Reforma depicted him as a Christ-like figure atop the
    Democratic donkey on Palm Sunday.

    "Obama's America on the doorstep of history," said a headline on the
    front page of As Safir here in Lebanon.

    Obama remains intensely popular throughout the world. According to
    a poll released this week by the pan-Arab Qatar-based Al Jazeera
    news channel, more than half of those interviewed in 22 countries
    preferred Obama over Clinton or Republican John McCain, who was the
    least recognized and least preferred presidential candidate.

    Even in stridently anti-American Iran, state-controlled television
    showed video of Obama making a speech behind a lectern bearing a
    placard reading "Change."

    "It's a matter of the heart. It's a matter of affiliation," said Radwan
    Abdullah, a professor of international relations at the University
    of Jordan in Amman. "He's a minority African American from the Third
    World. He was the underdog. People identify with his type."

    Still, some analysts expressed concern about Obama's foreign policy
    positions. In Turkey, some worried about his support for Armenians,
    who are locked in a dispute with Turks over the Armenian genocide of
    the early 20th century. There has been some nervousness in Tokyo about
    whether Obama's criticism of the North American Free Trade Agreement
    hints at possible trade disputes for Japan's export-dependent
    economy. Many Israelis worry that Obama has been too willing to
    negotiate with the Jewish state's enemies, especially Iran.

    Some Israelis were heartened by remarks he made Wednesday at a
    conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, where
    he declared his willingness to confront Iran and support a unified
    Jerusalem as capital of Israel, a position that appeared to go beyond
    even the Bush administration's position on Jerusalem.

    "He said all options for dealing with Iran are on the table, which
    means he would negotiate but there would still be a credible military
    threat," said Michael Oren, a senior fellow at the Shalem Center,
    an independent Israeli think tank.

    Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas rejected Obama's support
    of a unified Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

    "The whole world knows that East Jerusalem, holy Jerusalem, was
    occupied in 1967, and we will not accept a Palestinian state without
    having Jerusalem as the capital," Abbas told reporters in the West
    Bank city of Ramallah.

    Obama's newcomer status has also caused doubt among some trying to
    gauge his positions on various issues.

    "Obama is not a well-established politician," said Abul-Fazel Amoee,
    a Tehran political scientist close to Iran's conservatives. "He
    comes out of the blue sky. Obama's slogans are ambiguous and may
    change. Obama is not coming from a family like the Kennedys. He seems
    open to pressures."

    Despite such concerns, people marveled at Obama's rise and considered
    it a U.S. milestone. Al Jazeera devoted an hour Wednesday night to
    a discussion about his prospects.

    "The fact that he become the candidate of the Democratic Party
    proves that there is a change in the public opinion in the U.S.,"
    said Ghassan Ezzi, professor of political sciences at the Lebanese
    University in Beirut. "He said that he was ready to talk to [Iranian
    President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad. This shows a lot of courage. It's
    like saying I am ready to talk to the devil."

    For many, Obama's rise is a global event, regardless of the outcome
    in November.

    "I'm hugely aware of what his achievements mean for the wider world,
    way beyond America," said David Lammy, a British lawmaker who, like
    Obama, is of African descent. "It's a huge achievement to come from
    a place where very few people believed he would be on the ticket."

    Even if he loses the presidential election to McCain, he's already
    won, said an editorial in the English-language Khaleej Times, a daily
    based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    "If McCain is America's past," it said, "Obama is its future."