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    for Justice and Democracy

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    Friday, 6 June 2008 - please note the delayed delivery due to some
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    - 27+6 EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly to be launched as of mid 2009

    - Free trade and visa free propositions by a Polish-Swedish initiative

    - Reluctance from the European Commission

    Brussels, 6 May - Two recent events, one after the other, encourage a
    new stage in the relations between the European Union and its eastern
    neighbours, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and,
    to a lower extent, Belarus.

    On May 26, during a meeting of the Council of the European Union,
    the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, M. Sikorski, announced a joint
    initiative between Poland and Sweden for an "ideological" improvement
    of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). M. Sikorski then stated
    that "in the East, we have European neighbours whereas in the South,
    we just have neighbours of Europe". The joint initiative was welcomed
    by many Member States, especially among the newcomers. The Czech
    Republic which will chair the EU after France said it is pro.

    A working document from the Council, that remained confidential, was
    unveiled on the 5th of June, during one of the sessions during the
    conference held in the European Parliament about this ENP-East. The
    document records the new prerogatives that would bring this "deepened
    bilateral cooperation", of which the most striking measures are the
    progressive establishment of visa free and free trade area as well as
    the gradual alignment with the "EU legislation, standards and norms".

    The conference which gathered Members of the European Parliament and
    MPs from the involved countries, enshrined the idea of a reinforced
    cooperation at a parliamentary level. The works of the conference
    led to a consensual final statement, which underscores that "the
    Enlargement Policy and the ENP should be used in an interrelated
    and flexible way, in order to respect the expectations of the East
    European Neighbours" and that the progress of these countries "should
    serve as a basis for the closer integration with the EU, including
    the possibility of EU membership perspective".

    The statement calls to the settlement of a EURONEST Parliamentary
    Assembly, on the model of already existing EUROMED and EUROLAT,
    respectively for Mediterranean countries and Latin American
    countries. This assembly should group 60 MEPs and 10 MP for each of
    the 6 involved countries. According to Mr Siwiec, vice president of
    the European Parliament, EURONEST could be enacted at the beginning
    of the next legislature term (June 2009).

    "We commend this closer integration of Armenia and other involved
    states to the European structures" stated Laurent Leylekian, the
    executive director of the European Armenian Federation. "The accession
    prospect remains distant, differentiated according to the progresses of
    the States but it has never been affirmed so explicitly beforehand. It
    is a plus for Europe which is well-perceived in the region but which
    is reputed to ask much and to offer few" he continued.

    Yet, the initiative gave rise to the reluctance of the European

    Mrs Ferrero-Waldner, the Commissioner for External Relations expressed
    her preference for the classical approach of both Southern and Eastern
    ENP, with an individualized treatment country by country, saying that
    she sees "no added value" to the new approach.

    Though supported by some MEPs, the Commissi on's position led to
    criticism by some others. Mrs Isler-Beguin, co-chairperson of the
    Interparliamentary delegation with the South Caucasus stated that
    she cannot imagine "how those countries could integrate more and more
    and to comply with the criteria by the EU without a clear accession

    "The initiative is still fruitful: this meeting was for instance
    the first one in which Georgia and Azerbaijan overcame the frozen
    conflicts issue to address European issues" concluded Leylekian.

    You receive this Press Release from : European Armenian Federation
    for Justice & Democracy Avenue de la Renaissance 10 Brussels, 1000

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    Armenian grassroots organisation in Europe To unsubscribe
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