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Serge Sargsian: We Must Unify All Forces Of Society

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  • Serge Sargsian: We Must Unify All Forces Of Society


    Noyan Tapan
    Ju ne 9, 2008

    YEREVAN, JUNE 9, NOYAN TAPAN. The Armenian president Serge Sargsian
    on June 9 invited a number of famous intellectuals and public figures
    to consult on the process of forming the Public Council.

    In his speech S. Sargsian in particular said: "I have repeatedly said
    and now I am also of the opinion that we must unify all forces of the
    society in order to aim their efforts at solving the problems of our
    country, and I think no one doubts that these problems are numerous. I
    sincerely believe that that we can unite, I sincerely believe that this
    problem exists in all countries because no party, no person receives
    a 100% vote at an election, and naturally some forces and individuals
    remain in society who, first, are displeased, and secondly, they do
    not attach importance to solving the problems in cooperation with
    others. In this connection I consider as incorrect the claim that
    a Public Council is unnecessary if we have a parliament. I think we
    should act in such a way that the public, people, individuals will be
    able to participate, in a formal or informal format, in discussion
    of problems that worry them, to participate in processes necessary
    to advance our country. I must say frankly that I was somewhat - not
    very much inspired, as after instructions, my aids reported that there
    have been numerous responses, even some draft regulations, proposals,
    some people even proposed their candidates, but I think we should not
    hurry and you should use your authority so that the formation of the
    Council will not be a bureaucratic process. This is most important. I
    ask you to use your authority and knowledge and prompt us how to form
    the Public Council so that it will not become a next in turn measure,
    a structure resembling a state body, so that sincere discussion will
    be held and idies will be born at the Council and it will be an extra
    channel for perceiving the situation and taking respective steps. This
    is my current goal and the reason why I have invited you".

    In order to form a correct idea about the process, the president
    gave some explanations, saying: "I do not consider those invited as
    a working group, I view you as experienced people who have authority
    among the public and I just want their experience and authority to
    be used for correct organization of the process".

    During the discussion, the meeting participants presented their
    considerations and views about activities and organization of work of
    the social body to be created. They welcomed the president's initiative
    and considered the Public Council as a mechanism for establising
    an open and constructive dialog and bringing problems of the public
    to attention of the highest bodies of power. They were unanimous in
    their opinion that the Public Council should involve various strata
    of the society and be a place for generation of proposals and ideas
    and a rostrum that will allow to voice opinions, discuss problems
    worrying the society and make proposals.

    According to a press release of the RA president's press service, S.

    Sargsian explained that creation of the Public Council is not dictated
    by the current situation and he has spoken about its necessity for
    a long time.

    He regarded the discussion as useful to himself and an agreement was
    reached to continue the process.