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RA NA In First Reading Adopts Bill On Making Amendments And Addenda

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  • RA NA In First Reading Adopts Bill On Making Amendments And Addenda


    Noyan Tapan
    Ju ne 10, 2008

    YEREVAN, JUNE 10, NOYAN TAPAN. On June 10, the RA National Assembly
    with 72 votes "for," 1 "against," 6 "abstained" in the first
    reading adopted a bill authored by representatives of the political
    coalition, which envisages making amendments and addenda to the NA
    Regulations. The bill's goal is to raise the role of the parliamentary
    opposition and to ensure guarantees for the latter's activity. Deputy
    Hakob Hakobian elected from Gegharkunik was the only deputy to vote
    "against." During the discussion of the bill the day before the latter
    spoke for expansion of opposition's rights mentioning that the extent
    of each political force's role is determined by the results of the
    elections. The members of the Zharangutiun (Heritage) faction and
    independent deputy Viktor Dallakian were abstained.

    A bill authored by the government envisaging making addenda to
    the law On Approving Annual and Complex Programs of Restoration,
    Preservation, Reproduction, and Use of Lake Sevan's Ecosystem was
    adopted in the second reading and completely. According to the bill,
    it is envisaged in 2008 to establish the maximum annual volume of
    water outlet from Lake Sevan for the purpose of irrigation to the
    amount of 240 million cubic meters against current 170 million cubic
    meters. In the bill adopted in the first reading that volume was
    established to 285 million cubic meters, but was reconsidered on the
    basis of many deputies' proposals. The change of the volume will be
    recognized invalid on December 1 of the current year.

    Besides, the bill also stipulates that the state empowered structure of
    water systems management is to introduce an account to the government
    once every ten days on volume of water exceeding 170 million cubic
    meters let out from Lake Sevan. The Expert Commission of Lake Sevan
    Preservation of the RA National Academy of Sciences, in its turn,
    will conduct expert studies, the results of which will submit to the
    RA government and NA.

    The parliament in the third reading and completely adopted the bills On
    Alcoholic Drinks Made of Grape Raw Materials, On Fodder, On Ownership
    of Members of Apartment Cooperatives with Invalid Founding Documents,
    On the Status of Private Houses Having no Documents Confirming Rights
    in the Town of Yerevan, On Firm Names and the legislative package On
    Inventions, Useful Models, and Industrial Samples. The last two will
    come in force from January 1, 2009. The law On Firm Names adopted in
    1999 will be recognized invalid then.