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NKR: An Interview With NKR President Bako Sahakyan

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  • NKR: An Interview With NKR President Bako Sahakyan


    Azat Artsakh Daily,
    14 June 08
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic de facto is the most stable of CIS
    unrecognized states, has a position of an independent side of the
    conflict and persists direct negotiations with Azerbaijan. NKR
    President Bako Sahakyan has stated about it in interview with Ã?Ã?Ã? -
    daily (Russia) - Are Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia ready to
    discuss the question of status of some liberated territories, which are
    beyond the administrative borders of post Nagorno-Karabakh
    self-government? - Armenia is an independent state. Proceeding
    from its independence and interests, it negotiates with Azerbaijan. But
    there is the main side of the conflict - Nagorno-Karabakh Republic,
    just with the same primary tasks, which Azerbaijan, Armenia and other
    independent states have. We are rather integrated with Armenia, we have
    common economical field, common moneycurrency system. But it doesn't
    impede our independence. We respect our people's opinion, who has
    declared its independence, who adopted the Constitution last year, we
    respect all attributes of our state authorities. And before expressing
    our viewpoint round this or other question, we should be endowed with
    possibility of participating in negotiating process. We can't speak
    about fatal question, as Karabakh's status is - not being a participant
    of negotiations. - Do you appear in favour of tripartite size
    of negotiations or NKR-Azerbaijan and Armenia-Azerbaijan individual
    negotiations? - We don't attach importance to the quantity of
    negotiations' participants. But yet Azerbaijan doesn't treat directly
    with us, these all other sizes won't be effective. - How do you
    treat to military preparations of Azerbaijan and statements about
    inevilability of a new war? - Militarization and warlike
    oratory don't have a psychological influence on us. The use of force
    will lead to numerous human victims from two sides, but it doesn't
    solve the Karabakh problem. First of all there is an effective balance
    of forces in the region, armed forces of our republic are able not only
    to halt Azerbaijan's aggression. In case of need military actions will
    move to the depths of its territory. And in case of aggression we shall
    treat in such way, as broadening of safety zone will be the unique way
    of securing of the peace for our people. - Statements about
    probability of territorial compromise in negotiations round Karabakh
    are sounded in Erevan - In condition of Azerbaijan's today's
    attitude, the conception `compromise' becomes impossible.We are only
    sure, that the problem shouldn't be solved by unilateral order. The
    problem is, that does Azerbaijan really respect the right of
    Nagorno-Karabakh to self-determination? So far periodic threats are
    sounded about our state by Azerbaijan, they threaten to wipe out
    Karabakh and Karabakh people. In such conditions it's not appropriate
    to use `compromise' expression. -In Azerbaijan they speak about
    probability of joit use of Lachin's corridor (which connects Karabakh
    with Armenia), on condition, that it will be inseparable part of
    Azerbaijan. Your attitude in regard towards such suggestions. -
    Azerbaijan hasn't applied to Nagorno-Karabakh Republic with such
    requests and suggestions. But I'd like to note, that without Kashatagh
    region, which is very important in strategical sense, the
    administrative centre of which is Berdzor (formerly Lachin), it will
    not be possible to secure the safety and progressive development of
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic as an independent state. - Will you
    let Azerbaijan refugees come back to Nagorno-Karabakh? -
    Authorities of our republic don't exclude return of Azerbaijan refugees
    to Karabakh. We are sure, that its not merely possible till political
    solution of the problem.We can't lead this contingent of refugees to
    new tragic events by unthinking actions. It's also necessary to
    coincide with the problem of Armenian refugees. While today it is
    discussed unilaterally. Naturally, it is not sufficient for us.
    - In Azerbaijan they state, that NKR management has settled 25 thousand
    people in Lachin and Kalbadjar, and that 30 % of migrants as if has
    left these regions.What's the demographical policy of NKR in liberated
    territories? - A great part of population of these regions are
    refugees from Shahumyan region, North Artsakh, as well as different
    settlements of former Azerbaijan SSR. They lost everything, and
    founding here they returned to normal life. The refugees and inner
    migrants are one of the most vulnerable layers of our country's
    population, and we have special attitude towards them irrespective of
    where they live. - Marks of social state are noticed in NKR,
    which are rare phenomena for post soviet region: benefits for mothers
    and young couples, privileged hypothec crediting, considerable expenses
    in the sphere of education and health service.Why has NKR decided to
    incur such expenses in political and economical not clear situation?
    - In the first point of the first clause of our Constitution it is
    noted, that Nagorno-Karabakh republic is self-independent, democratic,
    legal and social state. And one of the best indices of social state are
    socially safed citizens. And we practically realize what the supreme
    law of our republic obligates. Simultaneously such expenses only
    strengthen our statehood. - How does it have to do with market
    conditions, in which the economy of NKR and its main partners develops?
    - Quite naturally. World practice shows, that market economy
    and social state are categories filling each other. Permenant
    development and presence of social sphere have a positive effect on the
    rate of the economy's growth. As many people are socially safed, as
    much optimistically they will see future. - What do you expect
    from Russia? Does the role, which it has in OSCE Minsk Group, satisfy
    you? - The crumbly peace, which we have today, is a great merit
    of Russia, especially in the first stage - just after the contract's
    signing. Naturally, we want Russia has greater influence on the work of
    regulation of either our conflict or such other conflicts. As Russia
    simultaneously bears also the historical responsibility for which is
    going on in the region. But it's a problem of world character, and such
    countries like United States, France, England also bear responsibility
    for everything taken place in the South Caucasus. Naturally they pursue
    their own interests, which in my opinion, is also normal. - In
    your opinion, are the size and degree of responsibility of Russia, the
    USA and France comparable in the question of the region's fate?
    - Today they can be comparable, but the degree of Russia's historical
    responsibility, of course, is greater, than the degree of historical
    responsibility of the USA. Because, when we have had relations with
    Russia, the United States have not generally been here.