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Training: "Detention Standards And Human Rights Monitoring"

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  • Training: "Detention Standards And Human Rights Monitoring"

    20:36 16/06/2008

    Detention standards and human rights monitoring are the focus of a
    two-day training course that began today in the Gegharkunik province
    of Armenia.

    Participants in the course, which was organized by the OSCE Office
    in Yerevan in co-operation with the Armenian Police, include heads,
    deputies and inspectors from Armenia's northern regional police
    departments and police detention centers, officers from the Public
    Order Department of the Armenian Police, and members of the Public
    Monitoring Group.

    "The training is designed to increase police officers' knowledge
    of standards of treatment of arrested and detained persons, and
    to enhance the monitoring capacity of members of Public Monitoring
    Group for Police Detention Centres. I hope this training will also
    facilitate a dialogue between the police and the Public Monitoring
    Group to help foster co-operation and trust," said Ambassador Sergey
    Kapinos, Head of the OSCE Office in Yerevan.

    Trainers leading the course include Avetik Ishkhanyan, Chairman of
    the Armenian Helsinki Committee; Krassimir Kanev, Chairman of the
    Bulgarian Helsinki Committee and Board Member of the Association for
    the Prevention of Torture; Karen Mehrabyan from the Public Order
    department; and Erik Svanidze, formerly on the European Committee
    for the Prevention of Torture.

    A similar two-day training course will be held on 18 and 19 June in the
    Vayots-Dzor province for police officers from regional departments and
    police detention centres from the southern part of the country. The
    newly appointed members of the Public Monitoring Group for Police
    Detention Centres will also take part in the course.