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BAKU: Mollazade: Normalizing Of Relations Between Turkey And Armenia

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  • BAKU: Mollazade: Normalizing Of Relations Between Turkey And Armenia


    Today.Az s/politics/45825.html
    June 20 2008

    Day.Az interview with chairman of Democratic Reforms Party, MP Asim

    - Assistant US Secretary of State Daniel Fried said Turkey needs
    to reconcile with a dark chapter in its history: mass killings and
    forced deportation of up to 1,500,000 Armenians in the end of the
    Osman Empire. Doesn't it imply possible recognition of the so-called
    "Armenians genocide" by the United States?

    - I do not think there is a possibility for recognition of the
    "genocide of Armenians" by the United States. On the whole, I consider
    that history should involve historical scientists not politicians. In
    this connection, it should be noted that the Azerbaijan-Turkey Fund
    of Historical Researches, engaged in studying all political facts
    including 1915 events in Osman Turkey, has already been created. We
    are ready to cooperation with the historical scientists of the world
    in this issue, as our purpose is to restore historical justice.

    - How would you comment on Fried's announcement that the US are for
    normalizing relations between Armenia and Turkey?

    - I think normalizing of relations between Turkey and Armenia is quite
    possible but only after Armenia releases the occupied Azerbaijani
    territories. If not, improvement of relations between Turkey and
    Armenia is out of the question. I think it would be more correct and
    expedient for the United States to use its influence for boosting
    peace and good neighbor relations in our region.

    - Doesn't the tone of Fried's announcement imply that the US intend
    to put pressure on Turkey for normalizing relations with Armenia?

    - I do not think any country in the world will manage to impose
    pressure on Turkey and Azerbaijan in the issue of normalizing
    relations with Armenia if the occupied territories of our country
    are not liberated. There is a great potential for restoring peace
    and tranquility in our region by means of pressure on Armenia, which
    must disavow the territorial claims to the countries of our region
    and liberate the occupied lands of Azerbaijan.

    - But how Turkey benefits from closing borders with Armenia?

    - This is a way of non-forced pressure on Armenia, aiming to show
    the leadership of this country the erroneousness of the expansionist
    policy. Moreover, the position of Turkey, which is a brother to
    Azerbaijan, is strong, as the whole world has already realized the rude
    violation of all international rules and norms by Armenia. Turkey
    simply supports international law. And I do hope that all world
    countries, stating need for normalizing of Azerbaijani-Armenian and
    Turkish-Armenian relations should also be loyal to these principles.

    Moreover, in this case not the usefulness of the quo status for Turkey
    but its consequences for Armenia should be spoken of. Here everything
    is clear: Armenia has turned into Russia's outpost in the Caucasus,
    isolating itself from all regional projects, involving Azerbaijan,
    Turkey and Georgia and attractive for European countries. Armenia's
    lagging behind all other regional countries is growing each year.

    The most pragmatic and wisest part of the Armenian society also
    realizes the situation. They voiced their distrust to the incumbent
    Armenian authorities during the recent presidential elections in
    this country. As you remember, the Karabakh clan representatives
    committed bloodshed and held repressions against their own citizens,
    protesting against the results of elections. People were killed in
    the Yerevan streets during the upheaval, censorship was applied,
    repressions against opposition members are still conducted in Armenia
    and strict restrictions were imposed on freedom of speech.

    It all proves disappointment with the Armenian powers, understanding of
    the deadlocked situation, to which the country has led itself by its
    policy of territorial claims to neighbor countries of the region. I
    want to believe that world society will help this country get rid of
    the "war party" by means of democratic reforms.