Hayots Ashkhar Daily
Published on June 21, 2008
Barrack O'bama's Advisors on Foreign Policy Issues have informed
Turkish Foreign Minister A. Babajan that Turkey should have no doubts
that the United States will recognize the Armenian Genocide.
The military and diplomatic officials and congressmen having close ties
with Mr. O'bama have expressed their concerns over Iran's increased
influence on Armenia.
`The opening of Armenia's border with Turkey will remove the
discussions on the Genocide from the agenda, as well as lay obstacles
to the extension of Iran's sphere of influence. We are thinking about
the necessity of Turkey's having a more active role in the Caucasus,'
they said.
Hayots Ashkhar Daily
Published on June 21, 2008
Barrack O'bama's Advisors on Foreign Policy Issues have informed
Turkish Foreign Minister A. Babajan that Turkey should have no doubts
that the United States will recognize the Armenian Genocide.
The military and diplomatic officials and congressmen having close ties
with Mr. O'bama have expressed their concerns over Iran's increased
influence on Armenia.
`The opening of Armenia's border with Turkey will remove the
discussions on the Genocide from the agenda, as well as lay obstacles
to the extension of Iran's sphere of influence. We are thinking about
the necessity of Turkey's having a more active role in the Caucasus,'
they said.