2008-06-24 12:53:00
'Shifting its own blame on the Karabakh party, Baku not only tries to
escape responsibility for the crimes it committed but also to besmirch
us disorienting the world community>, Karabakh analyst David Karabekyan
told ArmInfo. He said that Azerbaijan tries to groundlessly blame
Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh for all the incidents in the conflict zone
- from fires in the fields to the death of peoples on the front line,
"while Karabakh party has multiply put forward initiatives on holding
joint events with participation of international organizations and
representatives of the conflict parties to investigate the reasons
of incidents, develop and apply a complex of preventive measures ,
hold monitoring, etc.", D. Karabekyan said. He also said that the
"international and regional organizations either view such steps as
actions aimed at escalation of the tension in the conflict zone and
decrease the level of trust or consider the campaign on blackmail and
discredit of Armenia and NKR as acceptable measures of the Azerbaijani
authorities' propagandistic fight, especially against the forthcoming
October 2008 presidential election in Azerbaijan".
2008-06-24 12:53:00
'Shifting its own blame on the Karabakh party, Baku not only tries to
escape responsibility for the crimes it committed but also to besmirch
us disorienting the world community>, Karabakh analyst David Karabekyan
told ArmInfo. He said that Azerbaijan tries to groundlessly blame
Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh for all the incidents in the conflict zone
- from fires in the fields to the death of peoples on the front line,
"while Karabakh party has multiply put forward initiatives on holding
joint events with participation of international organizations and
representatives of the conflict parties to investigate the reasons
of incidents, develop and apply a complex of preventive measures ,
hold monitoring, etc.", D. Karabekyan said. He also said that the
"international and regional organizations either view such steps as
actions aimed at escalation of the tension in the conflict zone and
decrease the level of trust or consider the campaign on blackmail and
discredit of Armenia and NKR as acceptable measures of the Azerbaijani
authorities' propagandistic fight, especially against the forthcoming
October 2008 presidential election in Azerbaijan".