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Baku: Azerbaijani Security Ministry Detains 13 People Spying For Arm

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  • Baku: Azerbaijani Security Ministry Detains 13 People Spying For Arm


    Trend News Agency
    June 25 2008

    Trend News interview with Deputy Minister of National Security of
    Azerbaijan Republic, Major General Ali Shafiyev.

    The 21st century was characterized with changeability of the worldwide
    geo-strategic areals, acceleration of integration processes, as well
    as appearance of new international security challenges. Manifestations
    such as armed separatism, terrorism, religious and political extremism,
    illegal turnover of drugs, radioactive substances and arms, human
    trafficking are dangerous for Azerbaijan, as well. However, today there
    are all premises and conditions in Azerbaijan, which confidently moves
    through the way of establishing legal democratic State where steadfast
    public and political stability has been created, to protect national
    interests and take effective measures to combat above-mentioned
    threats. The public displays a permanent interest in the special
    service organizations of Azerbaijan, which play a specific role in
    ensuring national security in a reliable manner. With this respect,
    we appealed Deputy Minister of National Security of Azerbaijan
    Republic, Major General Ali Shafiyev, to get detailed responses to
    some questions.

    Question: Today, Azerbaijan is one of the rapidly developing countries
    due to its economic indicators. It is not secret that certain forces,
    including international terrorist network, try to use Azerbaijan's
    openness for political and economic and cultural relations. Could
    you speak about activities of the security organizations in combating
    terrorism while it has become into a global problem...

    Answer: Your question is very interesting and covers a wide spectrum. I
    begin, answering the first part of it. The undeniable fact is
    that today Azerbaijan is amongst the countries demonstrating high
    growth pace due to political-legal and socio-economic reforms. Under
    leadership of Ilham Aliyev, worthy continuer of the policy of the
    Nationwide Leader Heydar Aliyev, our country became a leading country
    in the region and is in process of rapid economic development improving
    welfare of population.

    Every year of Ilham Aliyev's presidency in Azerbaijan is characterized
    with considerable achievements. This period was also remembered
    with rapid integration into the world community, realization of
    reforms, regional and international projects, high economic progress
    and Azerbaijan's becoming a country with an influential opinion
    worldwide. I should note with proud that the National Security
    Ministry plays considerable role in the consolidation of statehood
    and defense of national interests of the nation, as the head of state
    has numerously stated in his speeches.

    As to the second part of your question, it not secret that Azerbaijan
    is a very attractive country with its rich history, cultural and
    spiritual and material wealth, natural resources and geostrategic
    position. The attitude towards a country rich in every respect is
    always different. This is an axiom. There are countries, which are
    eager to see Azerbaijan as a reliable partner, political and economic
    ally in their bilateral cooperation with our country and they are in
    majority. However, forces which cannot reconcile with Azerbaijan's
    successes, cannot admit them and attempt to impede the country's
    progress, are also not less in number.

    All these factors, including the possible threats, are constantly
    studied and analyzed, adequate decisions are taken for dynamic
    development of the national security system of the country, a range
    of preventive measures are carried out for more reliable protection
    of Azerbaijan's interests. In its turn, it requires battle readiness,
    vigilance and professionalism from the security organizations.

    Our key task is to offer facilities for successful implementation of
    internal and foreign policy of the country. Virtually, there is not
    any sphere in our life, where national interests do not exist. Within
    the framework of its authorities and jointly with relevant state
    bodies, the National Security Ministry carries out work to defend
    national interests in economic, public and political, social, cultural,
    ecological and other spheres. In many spheres we play a leading role,
    but in some other fields we take a close part. The Ministry regularly
    informs the public about results of its activities.

    It is possible to state confidently that national security strategy of
    modern Azerbaijan contributes in ensuring international stability and
    security. Our country's contribution in maintenance of stability and
    security in the hottest point of the planet within the anti-terror
    coalition, shoulder-by-shoulder with the world leading countries,
    is a bright example for it.

    Last year, the national security agencies, which play an important
    role in recognition of Azerbaijan as one of the most active members
    of the anti-terror coalition, obtained considerable results. As a
    result of measures being taken, there were detained three radical
    armed extremist groups, connected with the international terrorist
    organizations Al-Qaeda and Al-Jihad, which showed signs of crimes
    such as high treason, efforts of forcible seizure of power and other
    law breakings in their activities. Some 40 people, who were part of
    these groups, were arrested and one terrorist putting up resistance
    was annihilated. Of them, 16 people are members of the armed group
    calling themselves as 'Forestry brothers', which is responsible
    for several armed attacks on the territory of Russia. Furthermore,
    9 members of the religious extremist groups committing armed attacks
    in Baku, using arms and ammunitions being stolen from military unit
    N of the Defense Ministry, and planning acts of terrorism against
    the embassies of the United States and other western countries were
    detained and made criminally responsible.

    As a result of operative search measures being taken by the
    Ministry of National Security to reveal intelligence-demolition
    and subversive-terrorist activities against national interests of
    Azerbaijan, it was possible to divest and detain 15 people, who
    established a criminal union entitled 'Northern army of Imam Mehti
    - NIMA' to forcibly change the constitutional establishment and
    committed a number of heinous crimes and high treason by assisting
    other States in carrying out hostile activities against the Azerbaijan
    Republic. Facts were revealed on co-operation of several members of
    this organization with the special services of the Islamic Republic
    of Iran on the basis of material reward and military exercises in the
    training camps. And finally, one of the key goals of this organization
    was to impede Azerbaijan's integration to the West and to create a
    regime of governance in Azerbaijan on the basis of Shariah regulations.

    Furthermore, last year the Ministry neutralized twenty people
    involved in intelligence and blasting activities against Azerbaijan,
    and thirteen of them were engaged in espionage in favor of Armenia,
    which occupied the territory of our country.

    Generally, operative activities of the National Security Ministry
    in the above mentioned directions has never stopped and the
    new achievements have been made in preventing intelligence
    activities of the foreign special service organizations, as
    well as neutralizing people related to international terrorist
    infrastructure. Unfortunately, relevant information will be publicized
    a bit later as the operative investigation measures on these facts
    are still underway.

    Azerbaijan is our Motherland. Work for ensuring security of our
    Motherland is a sacred service and we urge the Azerbaijani society to
    regard seriously this issue, assist the national security organizations
    in fighting against such manifestations and demonstrate real civil


    Question: Some recent media reports urge on the aggravation of
    the religious situation in Azerbaijan and tendencies of strong
    politicization of the religious factor. How do you view the situation
    in the country in this sphere?

    Answer: The Azerbaijani people and society have always differed for
    their patience and tolerance. Fortunately, there is no ground for
    conflict between religious or other kinds of trends in Azerbaijan and
    we can be proud of this fact. At present general stability reigns in
    Azerbaijan and building of democratic state and economic reforms yield
    results. Azerbaijan is a leader in the region. As I mentioned at the
    beginning, the various interests towards our country are growing more
    and more alongside with country's development.

    The latest developments on the international scene leave traces in our
    society as well. For instance, there are various manifestations of the
    international organized crime and some foreign extremist groupings
    take attempts to pressure for changing the secular and democratic
    government of our country and even to prevent Azerbaijan from becoming
    part of the international anti-terrorism coalition. Some of these
    attempts obviously make use of the religious factor. Undoubtedly, the
    respective agencies of Azerbaijan take a set of adequate, consistent
    and effective measures to combat these threats. Unfortunately, I should
    mention that we witness attempts of some forces instigated by certain
    foreign circles to aggravate religious situation and achieve their
    goals. However, any critical situation originated from the religious
    sources is out the question.

    I think it is not expedient to go into the details of what measures
    are carried out by the Ministry of National Security to secure the
    efficient security of our country. However, at the same time I want to
    mention that we have informed the people in detail about the detention
    of especially dangerous terrorist groupings such as Group of Munir,
    Al Qaeda Caucasus and Jammat al-Muvahhidun which tried to use the
    religious factor to achieve their criminal aims.

    Furthermore, the Ministry of National Security is carrying out
    preventive measures to reverse radicalism processes. For instance,
    conversations with local people, particularly with the young who
    are subject to a certain religious radicalization, helping them from
    being misled, legal education and other measures are priorities of our
    activities with this regard and I would say, these measures yield very
    good results. The analysis of the situation in this sphere enables
    us to conclude that the majority of those who are subject to the
    religious radicalization are caught in a net of fanaticism because of
    the lack of knowledge of the core and content of religion, ignorance
    and lack of education. People without knowledge in this sphere are
    easily influenced and they become followers of alien religious trends.

    As to taking administrative and legal measures, I state once again
    that we consider them extreme measures. As a conclusion I would say
    that not only National Security Ministry, but also other responsible
    agencies including educational, public and youth organizations should
    deal with this issue. Generally, relevant work is currently realized.


    Question: The National Security Ministry realizes successful actions
    against drugs trafficking. Territories of what countries are more
    frequently used for drugs trafficking from Azerbaijan?

    Answer: The drugs trafficking is one of major forms of transnational
    organized crimes, threatening the future of mankind. Use of income
    from drugs business, which is supposed to be one of the most profitable
    types of crime, for financing other transnational crimes and terrorism
    actually increases the level of its dangerousness. Over the past
    period serious achievements have been made in combating transnational
    organized crime, including drugs trafficking.

    With respect to combating drugs trafficking we carry out goal-directed
    work to detect cases of transportation and withdrawal of this 'white
    death' of Afghan origin, in the routes of 'Iran-Azerbaijan', 'Occupied
    Nagorno-Karabakh-Iran-Azerbaijan', 'Iran-Azerbaijan-Russia-Japan',
    'Iran-Azerbaijan-G eorgia-Europe' which are very often used
    transnational organized criminal group

    I also want to inform you about certain data on the measures being
    held with regards to drugs trafficking. Damage which criminal groups
    and persons may inflict to gene pool of Azerbaijan ought to concern all
    of us. Generally, over the past three years (2005-2008), the employees
    of the National Security Ministry revealed and withdrew more than 1.1
    tons of various kinds of drugs (heroin, hashish, opium), which were
    to be transited via the territory of Azerbaijan. During this period,
    70 criminal cases were filed and 240 people, including 25 foreign
    citizens were instituted to investigation.

    Last year the National Security Ministry had a brightest achievement
    in fighting drugs trafficking, when it succeeded to detect and withdraw
    142kg of high quality heroin from illegal turnover.

    For the first time in their history, the law-enforcement agencies of
    Azerbaijan detained such volume of heroin, and the matter is that
    the destination of these drugs was one of the countries of Western
    Europe. I would like to mention one more new fact on this theme. As
    a result of measures taken over the past few days, more than 40kg
    of heroin was withdrawn and several people were detained. Currently
    operative-search measures on the case are underway and additional
    commentary will be provided later.

    The analysis shows that Azerbaijan still remains a transit country in
    the list of narco-syndicates' routes. This is short and profitable
    route. At the same time, I would like to stress that such attempts
    are prevented more decisively year by year. I think, not only the
    law-enforcement agencies, but all citizens should take a direct part
    in preventing drugs-related threats to our society and state.

    Question: What can you say about the threats posed by the drugs
    trafficking in the Azerbaijani territory which was de-facto occupied
    by Armenia and out of control of the international institutes?

    Answer: In fact, it is not only Azerbaijan who faces these threats. The
    occupation of the Azerbaijani territory by Armenia and misuse of these
    lands for the purposes of the organized crime pose threat not only
    for the security of our country, but also for Europe in whole. The
    governmental agencies of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that there
    is a need to intensify the efforts of the international community
    to combat planting, production and transportation of drugs in the
    Armenian-occupied territory of Azerbaijan - Nagorno-Karabakh and
    seven adjacent regions, the 'grey zone' which is out of the national
    and international control. The criminal cases investigated earlier
    revealed the facts of use of the Armenian-occupied Azerbaijani lands
    for criminal purposes. This territory is used not only for transit,
    but also for the production of drugs which are later transported to
    Europe through Iran-Azerbaijan-Russia and Armenia-Georgia routes. For
    instance, the National Security Ministry neutralized a transnational
    organized criminal grouping in drugs smuggling from Iran to Azerbaijan,
    withdrawing some 4kg of heroine produced in the laboratories located
    in this territory. The Iranian citizen who was one of the members of
    this criminal grouping confirmed the above-mentioned facts. He said
    that drugs are produced in the special laboratories in the Armenian
    occupied Azerbaijani territory and they are transported to Europe
    through the neighboring countries.

    Question: Could you please mention, unless it is secret, the questions
    which you regard as priority in the activities of the National Security
    Ministry in the sphere of international cooperation?

    Answer: Quite interesting question. Today the world has become so
    global that the national security is admitted not a separate element,
    but a major constituent of regional and international security. Now
    no country irrespective whether it is developed or developing,
    small or big, cannot flatly state on its ability to ensure its
    security by itself. At present the security of any country depends
    on allied relations with partner countries. The National Security
    Ministry, giving a priority to maximal use of opportunities of
    the international cooperation to ensure national interests, tries
    to expand real and rational use of cooperation with the relevant
    organizations of partner countries. On the other hand, the similarity
    and identity of danger in their turn increase the importance of
    cooperation between the Ministry of National Security and special
    service organizations of other countries. With this respect, the
    Ministry efficiently cooperates with the security institutes and
    special service organizations of more than 50 partner countries,
    as well as international organizations in combating terrorism and
    different manifestations of transnational crime.

    The cooperation is not restricted to technical assistance, training,
    exchange of experience, but also contributes in the establishment
    of favorable conditions for the country's policy on the solution of
    strategic tasks, including the security issues, consolidation of our
    positions using the opportunities of international juridical acts
    and exchange of information.